The Slater Mill was a 1793 textile factory, and is now a museum of the machines of the Industrial Revolution. The haunts here are believed to be those killed while using some of the dangerous machines that caused dismemberment and death. Back then, small children were often employed as workers. Because of their smaller size and ability to get away if the machine started working suddenly, it was they who sometimes cleaned out the machines when they jammed. Dark figures and the sound of children screaming have been detected over the years.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 67 Roosevelt Ave
Pawtucket, RI 02860
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.87763, -71.38243899999998
- County:
- Providence County, Rhode Island
- Nearest Towns:
- Pawtucket, RI (0.1 mi.)
Central Falls, RI (1.0 mi.)
Valley Falls, RI (2.1 mi.)
North Seekonk, MA (2.8 mi.)
Providence, RI (4.0 mi.)
East Providence, RI (4.5 mi.)
North Providence, RI (4.7 mi.)
Seekonk, MA (5.3 mi.)
Cumberland, RI (6.7 mi.)
Attleboro, MA (6.8 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Last year a catering company I worked for did a christmas party on the second floor. I have never seem so many spilled beverages in a function before. It was like every guests drink spilled at the same time!
I remember going there when I was In the sixth grade. I’m not really claustraphobic but I remember how I was in the water wheel room under the building, and I had to go to ground level again because I had almost fainted. I don’t know if this could be necessarily classified as supernatural, but I think it was.
Went here for a feild trip in 5th grade. Saw what I thought was another kid lagging behind, kept going. Turned around again, nobody there. He was just a dark figure, my heart almost stopped. Some other kid almost fainted in another class in that same room. Absolutely haunted in my opinion.
i went to this place in forth grade i did not see any dark figures or head children screaming or anything but the place seemed eerie in a way the machines were rusty in places and the entire place was dusty and moldy the floor boards were creaky and the whole place was old it wasn’t scary or anything just an eerie place
I remember going here as a kid on a field trip and telling my teacher “this place feels funny”. That was the first time in my life that i felt a presence or something abnormal in the paranormal sense.
I’ve been there several times for the ghost walks and I’ve never felt anything malevolent there. It’s a very old textile mill, and very old textile mills are creaky, make all sorts of noises that some might think is paranormal. The wheel house in the Wilkinson Mill was very interesting and, again, I never felt anything malevolent there. Sure I’ve felt someone walking behind me when there’s no one there, but I never felt scared or negativity about it. Overall, Slater Mill and Wilkinson Mill were dark spooky, but never negative. Always enjoyed going there.