Reports say this hotel is no longer open, but it used to be a bed-and-breakfast where a Blue Lady walked, and maybe still walks. She is said to have been a prostitute in the days when the location was a speakeasy, and was killed by her new boyfriend, who flew into a jealous rage when he found her busy with a customer.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 47.70938, -121.360719
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 47.70946209168358, -121.36047613625124
- County:
- King County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- Skykomish, WA (0.0 mi.)
Baring, WA (7.3 mi.)
Index, WA (11.9 mi.)
May Creek, WA (17.4 mi.)
Gold Bar, WA (18.6 mi.)
Startup, WA (20.8 mi.)
Snoqualmie Pass, WA (22.0 mi.)
Sultan, WA (23.7 mi.)
North Sultan, WA (23.9 mi.)
Tanner, WA (24.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I have pictures of a little boy in window. I also have a possible man in window and a few others.
I am considering buying it would you be willing to share your pictures with me? I would appreciate it.
Thank you
John did you ever buy it? Did you get the pictures? I am writing a book on Haunted Leavenworth and would like to include this location in my book! Deb Cuyle
I am writing a book on Haunted Leavenworth and would like to include these photos in my book! Is it possible? I hope!
Deb Cuyle
Deb, did you write the book? I have a few places in Wenatchee I could tell you about.
PLEASE DO! I am working on Haunted Eastern Washington as we speak and would LOVE any stories to share! Thank! Deb
. i lived there for a season working up at Stevens pass from 98-99. i have been sat next too, shower knob turns from hot to cold in front of my eyes, and the last day i was there, my door was locked, lights off, bags packed. when i woke up, lights on, alarm clock flashing, bags unpacked and i was passed out. now power outages did happen a lot but that place was crazy. i was in room 17 and the woman’s bathroom was across the hallway and i didn’t hear anyone go in (it always woke me up). the toilet sets were flipping up and down every half a second, i did go in and try to mimic, yeah no way anyone would be able.
So I was just there I saw the blue lady she was peeling the curtain back in the hotel I saw her finger and her blue dress… than I felt very depressed and I am really set on her sadness
I lived in a bed & breakfast across the tracks from the hotel from March to August of 2017. I liked to look out of my bedroom window from the 2nd floor, every clear night towards the sky with binoculars. I did witness some strange sky phenomenon.
But one particular night I noticed, what appeared to be flashes of light coming from one of the upper windows of the then vacant hotel. As I trained my binoculars onto the upper floor, western side window where I saw the flashing, that’s when I noticed movement inside the room. Looking even closer, it appeared to me that a shadowy figure of a person was moving back and forth in the room, visible through the window. Not a jerky movement, but very steady and uniform, back & forth in front of the window. I held my binoculars as still as I could and glued them in towards that upper window. It was probably no longer than a minute of watching the shadow moving to and fro, along with the sporadic, reflective flashing lights still appearing every few seconds..when suddenly that shadowy figure came to an abrupt stop directly in front of the window, and did what felt to me like, looked directly at me, right through my binoculars, through my eyes, directly into my soul. I felt my entire body shiver with goosebumps, almost as if I was hit with an electrical charge. I was so startled that I looked away and tried to begin to process what I just saw and felt. After a couple minutes, I got enough courage to lift my binoculars again and look towards that window and……nothing. No flashing lights, no shadows, just the darkness of the empty room. Needles to say, I was freaked.
First thing next morning, I told the owner of the house that I was staying in, about the strangeness that I witnessed in the hotel last night. She said non-chalantly, without flinching that what I saw was the female ghost that lives there. I freaked out again, because I had never heard of the ghost in the abandoned Skykomish Hotel, before that moment. But from that moment on, I was a believer.
Also, this is listed under “Kent, WA” but it should be corrected to “Skykomish, WA”..thanks!