Shilo Inn

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The areas said to be haunted here are the upstairs sports den and the Canyon Room. Folks have reported hearing disembodied footsteps and a conversation between a man and women. In addition, things such as cups and furniture have been known to move around on their own.

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Geographic Information

9900 SW Canyon Road
Beaverton, OR 97225
United States

Get Directions »
45.49362199999999, -122.77810210000001
Washington County, Oregon
Nearest Towns:
West Slope, OR (0.7 mi.)
Raleigh Hills, OR (1.2 mi.)
Cedar Hills, OR (1.3 mi.)
Beaverton, OR (1.3 mi.)
West Haven-Sylvan, OR (1.6 mi.)
West Haven, OR (1.7 mi.)
Garden Home-Whitford, OR (2.2 mi.)
Cedar Mill, OR (2.7 mi.)
Metzger, OR (3.4 mi.)
Aloha, OR (4.3 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (11)

  1. The lights flickered constantly even when we got the bulb replaced and the pool feels like it trys to drown you it pulls you down untill you cant tell up from down

  2. The light came on in our room when all of us were asleep, after turning off the lights, my daughter, 19 years old, who NEVER has nightmares, had a horrible dream of an aberration/light that transfixed her gaze, she friend woke her whilst she was whimpering in her sleep. When talking about it in the morning, as soon as we said the word demon, and one of our phones rang with a recorded message sermon from some preacher out of South Carolina…It was very weird. Plus two sweater I brought into the room were gone, and part of the broken hanger they were on I found in my pillow case…….I can’t logically explain this one away.

  3. This place was “haunted” by some thugs in a loud, dark boom car on July 26, 2017, parked in an apt. complex to the west, at the cyclone fence. I was woken up around 9:30 PM after finally getting to sleep and it really spooked me, rather angered me.

    • The noise ordinance isn’t until 10:30 first of all so they were in their legal right and secondly, why are they thugs just because they were playing loud music? A thug is someone who robbed somebody. A criminal a stick up kid Etc. You didn’t even meet them so you know nothing about them

    • Strange noises, womans voice coming through the radio when i have all the radios with me, footsteps of piter pater upstairs near the cigar bar. I’ll keep everyone posted cause I’m the night guy here.

  4. I stayed there last night and as i was getting out of the shower, I felt something touch my back and i thought maybe the door knob touched me but when I backed up to the door, the knob was much lower than where I was touched. I felt really weird telling my husband about it.

  5. Miranda Smith  |  

    My family and I stayed there two days in room 283. On the last night, around 2am, I woke up scared to death and yelling “stop it, get out ” I normally yell in my sleep if I’m having a nightmare but I did not recall any kind of dreams and as I was walking up I saw movement in the center of the room, not belonging to any of us sleeping in the beds. It suddenly disappeared and my family was super freaked out. The next morning my sister said she had felt someone pushing her head into the pillow just as I started yelling and once I did it stopped. She was sleeping closest to the middle of the room where I saw whatever it was, dark shadowy movement. I woke up completely terrified without fully understanding what was happening. It was super strange and scary. 🙁

  6. I intentionally left lights on in my room because I knew it would be dark when I got back. They were all off when I returned.
    While sleeping I awoke when it felt like someone sat on the bed next to me. I was paralyzed with fear.

  7. I was a housekeeper there for awhile and worked in the part that’s haunted, and yes it’s haunted. Allegedly a bride on her wedding night flung herself from a balcony to the pavement when she caught her husband with another women. I had to quit, because I had to keep looking behind me cause it felt like someone was right behind me….. Always, the door would close when propped open with my cart, and sometimes the radio would come on by itself. No elevators so when you went up the stairs…. You ran cause you had to.

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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.