Shilo Inn Suites Hotels

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If you spend time near the indoor pool, you may hear disembodied and echoing laughter. The pinball machine on an upper level has been known to play by itself. It is said that the hauntings may stem from an incident in which a mother and daughter threw the rest of the siblings off of the balcony and then jumped off themselves while, at the same time, the father was in a nearby canyon committing suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning with a hose attached to a car tailpipe.

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Geographic Information

206 SW Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
United States

Get Directions »
40.76447145914348, -111.89458966244274
Salt Lake County, Utah
Nearest Towns:
Salt Lake City, UT (0.3 mi.)
South Salt Lake, UT (3.2 mi.)
Willard, UT (5.0 mi.)
Centerfield, UT (5.1 mi.)
Millcreek, UT (5.5 mi.)
Canyon Rim, UT (5.5 mi.)
North Salt Lake, UT (5.8 mi.)
East Millcreek, UT (6.3 mi.)
Murray, UT (6.8 mi.)
Taylorsville, UT (7.1 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (4)

  1. I just wanted to let you know, the oldest daughters name is rachael. She lived. My mom was her nurse. She did not jump. She was pushed off by her mother who first forced her to throw her siblings off. The father made her mom believe he was god and told her to throw the children off the balcony and then jump herself. Rachael lived only because her body caught on the sixth floor balcony which tore her from her crotch to her ribs. She lived…. if you call it living. She was a very sweet girl when my mom was her nurse.

  2. A friend of mine told me about his experience at a hotel in Salt Lake City several years ago, nothing specific, he walked in & felt a demonic presence & left immediately, didn’t get his money back & drove straight thru to California, whatever the presence was scared him to death! We just figured out tonight, this is the hotel! I’ve been trying to find out if anyone else has had an experience like his, & if the demonic presence could be the reason for all of the deaths.

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