There have been several suicides committed by jumping from this 11-story hotel, and a few drug overdose deaths. Perhaps this is the reason guests have seen apparitions in their rooms and have experienced very odd things. One guest came out of the shower to find her clothes strewn about the room. One ghost, wearing a suit, is said to peer over the top floor balcony on the hotel’s east side. He is said to have jumped from there in 2001. Strange noises such as voices and typing have been heard with no logical source.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 6501 Mannheim Rd
Rosemont, IL 60018
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.997276, -87.88364790000003
- County:
- Cook County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Rosemont, IL (0.1 mi.)
Park Ridge, IL (2.4 mi.)
Des Plaines, IL (2.5 mi.)
Schiller Park, IL (2.9 mi.)
Norridge, IL (3.7 mi.)
Bensenville, IL (4.1 mi.)
Franklin Park, IL (4.4 mi.)
Niles, IL (4.4 mi.)
Harwood Heights, IL (4.4 mi.)
Elk Grove Village, IL (4.5 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I attended a baby shower here and the entire time walking through I felt like someone was watching me… it was a creepy feeling since no one was around
I just stayed here over the last week. on 3 distinct times, I saw a sullen little boy in a yellow tank top standing off at the edge of my view watching me. It was a little unsettling, but more sad than anything honestly.
Was working there recently and was on my way to the roof. I opened the door off the hallway to head up two short stairwells and heard four footsteps at the top landing. When I turned up the first
landing I saw the roof access door swinging
shut and just thought
it was one of the
engineers looking for
me. I opened the
door to find absolutely
no one on the roof
anywhere-only one
way on/off the roof. Creepy!
Friends and I stayed there last year (we are from New Zealand) Nov 2014 for a week, we kept getting knocks on the door in the early hours, no-one there!? also felt like there was always someone walking behind you, like a mischievous child as could sometimes hear faint footsteps and whistling – by the 5th day all three of us stayed together lol the hotel was creepy, were told by staff about the deaths though they said another place was much more haunted than the sheraton..
I witnessed the man commit suicide in 2001. Can anyone provide any further information on who the man was?
i worked at this hotel before and one night i decided to cover the overnight shift. i would take a shortcut to get to the kitchen and i would walk through a meeting room which use to be a bar. A man jumped off the 11th floor years ago and he landed in front of the bar. As i was returning from the kitchen i walked through the meeting room again ( old bar) and the doors swung open right where the man landed when he jumped off the 11th floor. I walked up to the door and closed it. I locked the door and when i started to walk away from the bar the door swung open again.
It was 2009 my Husband thought it would be fun to go spend the night at haunted hotel with my twin boys while my oldest was in georgia wih my parents. So it was 1:00-2:00 in the morning and my one kid woke up crying saying “Answer the black phone” and I looked over and there was no phone. So i calmed him down and he fell asleep. About a half an hour later I heard knocking from the otherside of the wall. I thought it was our neighbor messing with us so I ignored it. Them the knocking made it way over to the window and banged three times. Thats when I started to freak out because we were on the ninth floor of the hotel. I didn’t move until it made its way over to the bed and thats when i got our family up and left.
Which room # was that?
I was in room 309 two nights ago. At one point I heard a man breathing heavily in my room, as if it was right next to me. I convinced myself it was just the noise the fan made. Fell asleep but woke up and heard the fan and realized that heavy male breathing was def NOT the sound the fan really made. Later I saw an apparition of a woman by my bed. I jumped out of the bed, looked back, and watched her vanish. I asked to switch rooms. The woman at the desk acted like I was just some pain in the ass. I did get a security guard to come up to the room with me while I packed up my stuff.