Shellsburg Cemetery

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In the cemetery stands a statue of an angel, which marks the grave of two children who died in the 1940s. Locals say the angel statue will cry real tears at night.

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Geographic Information

Shellsburg Cemetery
Canton, IA ‎
United States

Get Directions »
42.0987031, -91.8884046
Benton County, Iowa
Nearest Towns:
Shellsburg, IA (1.0 mi.)
Palo, IA (5.3 mi.)
Atkins, IA (7.2 mi.)
Newhall, IA (8.2 mi.)
Center Point, IA (8.3 mi.)
Vinton, IA (8.4 mi.)
Urbana, IA (8.7 mi.)
Hiawatha, IA (11.4 mi.)
Robins, IA (11.5 mi.)
Van Horne, IA (12.1 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (3)

  1. Locally we call this cementary “Crying Eyes” the local man buried here put his portrait on the grave & it appears to be crying at night, however the actual name is Parkers Grove Cementary. Personally I have experienced faint organ music almost every visit, chanting, unwelcome feelings, etc. Also extreme temperature changes, areas become frigid. In pictures almost every visit you can capture fog/mist in certain areas, orbs, etc. The Northern side of the cementary has a very distinct feeling. If you can make your self get past it that’s where most of the action is. I will stop here, or else I could go on all day. But this is a very active site.

  2. So …. the crying angel is in Parkers Grove Cemetery??? We walked around the Shellsburg Cemetery last night and could not find her … and that would explain why – cuz we were off by a few miles! Damn. Was looking forward to seeing her at night ….

  3. I went there with my best friends, went and saw that there were two cemeteries, one that looks fairly new, and one that looks fairly old. We figured the statue wouldn’t be in the new part so we explored the older part. Gate was locked so we climbed it. Walked around the cemetery for an hour trying to find it. It is not there!! We called it quits and went back to the car. As we were walking back, my brother (who was driving) couldn’t find his keys, he finally did find it in his pocket about two minutes later, as he was unlocking it a random car appeared, the people asked if we were alright and then started moving slowly ahead of us. We thought they were just being nice, but another truck came, and they both rolled down there windows and started talking, we couldn’t move past them. They finally moved and then a car behind us appeared, we were really creeped out. My friend said jokingly, “Whichever way this truck ahead of us goes, go the other way at the T intersection. The truck went right so we went left. The car behind us took a left, and we didn’t think anything of it. We then proceeded to take a left around a block five times, and the car behind us was following us for each block around Shellsburg. We then booked it out of there and we lost them when we hit a McDonalds. We ate then went home. Very spooky what happened afterward.

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