The 1750s German Colonial house is now a museum, said to be haunted by original owners Joseph and Elias Brunner (or Bruner, by some reports). Witnesses have heard unexplained voices, speaking in the Brunners’ native German, as well as footsteps walking throughout the house.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1110 Rosemont Ave
Frederick, MD 21701
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.423638577455144, -77.42698109146659
- County:
- Frederick County, Maryland
- Nearest Towns:
- Frederick, MD (1.1 mi.)
Clover Hill, MD (2.3 mi.)
Ballenger Creek, MD (3.6 mi.)
Braddock Heights, MD (4.1 mi.)
Bartonsville, MD (4.3 mi.)
Spring Ridge, MD (4.3 mi.)
Walkersville, MD (5.9 mi.)
Buckeystown, MD (6.1 mi.)
Middletown, MD (6.4 mi.)
Jefferson, MD (7.0 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Used to live by this place and whenever my dad or mom and I would walk by I’d always have to look in the windows. Well this one time when I was 14 my friends and I went passed and with tradition I looked in saw nothing and went back with my friends. My friend James asked me what I did that for I said “just to see” he said well did you see anything? I said “no” he said well mind if I go? I said why not and he went down, looked in, froze ,and sprinted back. I asked if he was ok, he looked at me and said. “there, there was this chick dude! she turned and smiled at me and vanished!” after this and knowing he would never lie to me like that. I went down looked in and saw nothing (as usual) but I felt something in there, staring at me like an unwelcome guest. we ran back to my house faster than we thought we could. I don’t look in the windows anymore