Savannah Memorial Park Pioneer Cemetery

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During the daylight hours, apparitions have been caught on photo. During the night, the sounds of people conversing can be heard. Children can be heard playing at night. This place is filled with the bodies of orphaned children. Their graves state “baby” or the child’s first name only.

A woman told me that a female spirit once flowed beside her cackling through the fence as she walked past the cemetery on Valley Blvd. She could hear talking and banging on the walls through the backside of the shed which is also on Valley blvd.

I have caught many EVPs and paranormal photos here.

I believe this place to be haunted. Everything within a few blocks is built on top of unmarked graves. The bodies are still there. These were Pioneers of the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles.

(Submitted by Michelle H.)

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Geographic Information

9251 Valley Blvd
Rosemead, CA
United States

Get Directions »
34.081809153734596, -118.067438666626
Los Angeles County, California
Nearest Towns:
Rosemead, CA (0.3 mi.)
East San Gabriel, CA (1.5 mi.)
Temple City, CA (1.8 mi.)
South San Gabriel, CA (1.9 mi.)
South El Monte, CA (2.4 mi.)
San Gabriel, CA (2.4 mi.)
El Monte, CA (2.5 mi.)
North El Monte, CA (2.9 mi.)
Monterey Park, CA (3.4 mi.)
San Marino, CA (3.5 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I live one block away from here…Ever since i was kid i remember playing in and around this cemetery i never seen nor heard anything spooky! Till this day im around the cemetery alot because of a friend of mine that happens to live right beside it…his back yard ends where the cemetery starts and we never hear anything or do we see anything! As a matter of fact im going there tonight im gonna do some investigating take sone pics for you folks and we will see what happens. I will keep you posted bye bye!

  2. I have seen photographs of this cemetary with ghost children in the background. Also adults in old time clothing. The firemen of the fire station right next door have seen and heard the ghost.

  3. I lived on Claudia Avenue approximately 100 yards from the Cemetery from 1947 until 2005. My house I would say was haunted and have had many experiences there. Full body apparition in my house with blankets and sheets being pulled off the bed while were still in bed. Doors opening and closing, things moving from one spot to another, the feeling someone is watching you, cold spots, and many other things. My wife and I purchased the house after my parents passed-a-way and we moved back in for a period of time. She had her own experiences not knowing what I felt about the house. We eventually named the ghost The Shoe Tier because my wife would find one her sports shoes tied occasionally in the morning after a run the night before. I told her the stories of the house and It freaked her out so much that she would take her shoes off, toss them in the closet and close the closet right afterwards. Once she got up to put her shoes on in the morning and after opening the closet she grabbed her shoes one was upside down, it had been tied. This is the truth as strange as it may sound. We had vertical blinds in the front room ceiling to floor and as I was sitting there watching TV something caught my eye. I looked to the right and watched the blind as if someone was running their hand along the blind walking by, gave me the chills. My cats would look at areas in the house as if they were looking at something also creepy. I understand from the history of the Cemetery that when they worked on the roads (Valley & Mission) in the early years they would come across unmarked graves. So do I think that Savannah Cemetery and the surrounding area has ghostly things happening, I do.

    • Hello George my name is Matt Leon. Would it be ok if my partner and I come to interview you? I have a big YouTube channel and broadcast. I had family around this area however would love to know more.

  4. Oh, yes, I’m definitely going here probably in the next couple of weeks. I’m sure you cannot enter the cemetery proper, but I’ll find something to do. I’ll send pics if I see anything interesting. Hey, w. Osegueda, did you see anything?

    • Investigated this place and caught a shadow of what appears to be a child. Also caught an evp asking the name of one of the caretakers and the response was her name. Definitely has inteligente spirits.

  5. There is a witch that is buried here the unmarked graves of children in the cemetery are so called victims of hers. If look it up there are even old accounts she might have been tried and hung for her crimes.

  6. Mariah Ann Guzman  |  

    I went here last night with my friend around 12 o clock at night n tonight was a full bright moon out. The first hour of being there we didn’t here or see anything at all . We drove around the entire cemetery and even parked next to it multiple times starring into the cemetery n listening closely for any signs of spirits , still nothing, so we decided to park n maybe go in because after nothing happened we felt a little more comfortable with our surroundings…. so…. as were walking we see gravestones as old as the early 1800s . We passed Children and young kids gravestones, at this point we decided to try something else. Me and my friend are kinda usto ghosts n paranormal activity . We have explored abandoned insane asylum , abandoned hospitals made in the 1800s, nazi camps, even nike missle base center as well n we know just how haunted these places can be …. We started doing what always gives us some kinda activity… talking out to the ghosts, we started asking if they can see us, we told them that we understand what they are and that we wanted them to show us a sign that they were there. I then started calling out hello? Anyone here? As we decided to leave because the place started getting a little boring. We both started to hear the faint sounds of someone yelling out HELLO! A very sad sounding hello, so we both grabbed eachother with chills running down our arms n said again… hello? … We hear a woman clearly yelling HELLO?! HELLOO?! HELLO?! THEN BLOOD CURDLING SCREAMS SAYING HELP!!!! HELP HELLO?! HELP ME HELP ME .!!!! She sounded like her head was being severed or like she was being burned alive , i have never heard any ghost or spirit sound more clear in my life .but the sound of the woman didn’t even sound like it was in the park , even though we could here it like it was right next to us it almost sounded muffled almost like hearing it on a staticy old radio or may be it was just not in this realm. My friend and I began screaming and running away holding eachother saying Oh NO! Oh hell No! As we run to our car, her screams continue on louder than ever like she knows we are running from her, help!! She screams !! HELP me, her voice breaking as It sounds like she’s literally being murdered right there in the cemetery . We drove away as fast as we could but also wanted to drive around the entire park once more just to see if maybe it was a crack head or something stupid, n it was all in our heads, as we drove by there was nothing AT ALL. Not even a peep . It was around witching hour at that point about 2 in the morning . Not a single living being would be out there other than our crazy asses. Lol we both almost started crying because we then confirmed everything we heard was indeed, not anything human, or at least not alive. We plan on going back with more people and recording equipment . I will soon be starting a YouTube with all of our adventures n experiences! I want to get am actual evp meter and night cameras n other things to help me find the best evidence I can . Until then my channel will be on stand still:) I hope this helps you guys. By the way before we left me and my friend felt concerned that maybe the ghost lady we heard really indeed believed she needed our help as if she thought she was still alive. So we walked up to where we thought we heard the noises best n we told her and everyone in the cemetery that they needed to accept their deaths n now be at peace n cross over n etc,

  7. We recently found that our still-born brother who died in 1958 was buried here in an unmarked grave. We knew of his passing from our parents, but they apparently never knew his final resting place. They themselves have passed on.
    Even more amazing is that I’ve lived less than two miles from this cemetery for over 25 years.
    After locating his grave through FindAGrave(dot)com and with the help of the cemetery staff, we had a marker placed for him. A few days after it was put in, I went over to smooth out the sand used for leveling the stone. (Sept. 14, 2019) I parked in front of the west gate and was getting my trowel and bucket out of the car’s passenger side door, when I heard a man’s voice say “Hello.” This caught me by surprise as there was no one on the sidewalk. I was going to reply “Yes?” figuring it was then someone inside the cemetery behind the fence, concerned with me blocking the gate. No one was there. It was a clear “old” voice. Not an elderly person, but a voice from another time. If you watch old movies from the 30’s you’ll know what I mean. I didn’t feel it was threatening. The characters on the street around there are more concerning.
    I spent about 30-45 minutes doing what I came to do, including cleaning the marker of his “neighbors” who’d died in the 40’s. I left the cemetery, returning to my car. Again with my back to the cemetery, I was going to open the car’s door to put in the items I’d brought with me. A woman’s voice behind me said “Yes?”. I guess she has a sense of humor, repeating what my reply to the man would have been. She also had that “old voice”, and wasn’t visible to me.
    When you come here, please be respectful. The residents deserve not to be disturbed in their final resting place.
    If you’re making “scary” videos and posting stuff to the internet for views, please make a donation to the Cemetery Association through the website: PayPal and credit cards welcome. Or mail a check to the address at the website. There are no Federal, State nor local funds supporting the cemetery. It’s all donations and volunteers, so contribute!

      • Pinky The Wildcat. He was a feral that turned civilized after I started feeding him. I originally called him The Panther when he used to stalk around the backyard hiding in the bushes. As he became more tame I called him the Pink Panther. but since that name was taken, he became Pinky the Wildcat. Because In his younger days he was an epic fighter. Neighbor across the street who worked for a veterinarian trapped him and had him spayed. she was actually afraid of him and couldn’t believe I could pick him up. He stayed with me for 16 years. Estimated age was 18. R.I.P Pinky, 11/29/21

  8. I just was there last week and caught over 20 EVPs on an afternoon. I am still in shock in how haunted the cemetery is. Get a voice recorder and walk the cemetery and ask questions to the buried I guarantee you will get responses when you play them back on your computer with headphones. I want to go there at night but I would like to get permission somehow before I go back.

  9. I live down this street on Encinita, and parked my car one night with a friend having a conversation by the corner of Rosemead park and the memorial site. I had felt something behind us in my car and turned around and saw two pioneer looking apparitions of a man and woman sitting in the back seat! I quickly stepped on my gas and went home! I then looked up the history of the cemetery to find out it was a pioneer cemetery!!

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