Some of the many oddities at St. Joseph’s College include a spirit in the chapel, a rumored exorcism at Aquinas Hall and reports of witnesses hearing voices in their heads inside Drexel Hall. Also, Dwenger Hall is rumored to be possessed, and the ghost of a baby is said to haunt Hallas Hall. In the theater building, legend has it that several campus priests hanged themselves after a botched exorcism.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1498 S College Ave
Rensselaer, IN 47978
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.91978836863102, -87.15636849381553
- County:
- Jasper County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Collegeville, IN (0.6 mi.)
Rensselaer, IN (1.2 mi.)
Mount Ayr, IN (7.8 mi.)
Remington, IN (11.0 mi.)
Brook, IN (11.4 mi.)
Wolcott, IN (12.7 mi.)
Goodland, IN (13.0 mi.)
Monon, IN (14.9 mi.)
Francesville, IN (15.1 mi.)
Morocco, IN (15.6 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
The theatre used to be the library, the current library was used as a medical ward for some flu epidemic that hit campus in the early days. Many of the pupils died, and the main priest in charge, struck with grief, committed suicide in the old library/current theater. Those who perform and work in the theatre and music depts call the ghost ‘Randy’.
Allie did you go to st joe?? If so what year??
In June 2016 I had went to the old college and there was loud shouting from the left side of the building. I have video footage with clear audio.
Will we get in trouble going there on a weekday during class hours?
It’s closed down right now actually because of all the mysterious things happening there. They were 1 million dollars in debt and didn’t have enough time to get it before they closed!
I attended SJC from 2007 to 2010. I was theatre minor, who took voice lessons. I remember multiple times going behind the stage to the practice music rooms to play the piano and practice for my voice lessons. I used to go there after dinner, maybe around 8 or 9. I believe in angels, but I had never believed that spirits could do anything physical. I remember multiple times during my first year going alone to the practice rooms, and hearing footsteps creak long the floorboards, male voices humming, and the sounds of piano playing. I knew that I was physically alone in there. I could never find ayone there to explain the sounds, but I knew what I heard. I had an old verizon slide phone that I had used to record the sounds. Unfortunately, when I recently transitioned to an galaxy smart phone (last month) none of my recordings transferred over.
I am looking for anyone who would be interested in sharing their information that they know on this place. I am currently researching this place and the hauntings and exorcisms that happened here. If you have any information please email me and I will shortly post about everything that I know here very soon.