Locals tell a harrowing story of something that may happen near here: A strange fog gathers quickly, and from out of the mysterious fog comes a ghostly battle.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Waterworks Rd
Near Gettysburg, PA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.7973581, -77.27623899999998
- County:
- Adams County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Gettysburg, PA (3.3 mi.)
Fairfield, PA (5.0 mi.)
Lake Heritage, PA (5.0 mi.)
Orrtanna, PA (5.6 mi.)
McKnightstown, PA (5.7 mi.)
Carroll Valley, PA (6.6 mi.)
Emmitsburg, MD (7.0 mi.)
Bonneauville, PA (7.4 mi.)
Cashtown, PA (7.5 mi.)
Hunterstown, PA (8.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
We visited this location late one night and we are sure we saw the ghosts of the 4 soldiers that were hanged there in the field nearby going into the woods. Beautiful and spooky!
been here before. we got a video of a soldier smoking a cigarette with us
Was there last night got pictures of an orb by the trees right where you park and my one friend got sick and was also touched on the back of his neck.
Live nearby here and visit frequently. I’ve experienced many paranormal and “demonic” presences but never here at the bridge. Late one night I visited with a group of friends and we heard a low growl in the woods and got an erie feeling but it sounded more like an animals growl. I’ve never seen any shadows or orbs in the past 18 years of visiting.
The scariest thing that has probably ever happened to me happened at this location. I.was there one night standing near the middle of the bridge when out of no where I Felt like something was squeezing my neck. At this moment I also couldn’t breathe and it Felt like I couldn’t move. Then as soon as I stepped out of the bridge I felt perfectly normal. when i got in the car to leave my girlfriend At the time told me that I had a red mark going around my neck . Was a really Scarey night for sure.
not much of a story really. me and my girlfriend were walking on Sachs bridge during the daytime and goofing around I turned on the recorder to do an EVP. we got two distinct different voices that are Class A EVPs. as I turn the recorder on I asked if anybody was here with us and a mans voice said “yes I’m watching you”. the second voice was recorded shortly after I said do you know this bridge was torn down. the response was “then get off”. at the time of the recording we did not hear any voices.on the way home we decided to listen to the tape recorder. it was then that we realize that we capture two different ghost at two different times.
A few years ago my husband and I took our 2 year old. Not thinking much of it because she was asleep in the back of our car. She woke up screaming “leave daddy, leave the dark man is watching me”. We of course left and she would not stop screaming until we were on our way home. We never have been back. Do not take children!!
We have seen soliders smoking even turning the cigarette around on the railing. We have also had something hit people while walking across the bridge. My friends hair was pulled. When leaving this place a street over, my stepson seen demonic horses with red eyes chasing the van. Just 2 weeks later, my van had electronic problems.
Was there 4 yrs ago in 2012. I was using a voice box and a flashlight. Something kept turning the flashlight on and off. I asked for a name and the voice box said “aaron”. The flashlight turned on again. I also got someone who said “emma” on the voice box. You must investigate those 2 names if you visit. They communicate more then any other and are extremely active/intelligent . They also responded “12” when i asked how many soldiers then said “3 dead”
i met a couple on the bridge 2 days ago who had a voice box with them. The woman had said she asked, “is thre anyone here” and someone responded with, “Emma”. She played the voice box for me and my husband and i can confirm hat we heard it clear as day. been doing more research and have not found anything else
Went here back in 2015, we used the spirit box twice and we asked “Who is here with us” something respond with “The Devil” and probably not even 5 minutes after it came through my buddy grabs his back and starts yelling that he felt like his back was on fire we had him lift his shirt up and he had two long marks on his back. Just be careful when investigating here
I visited the bridge one time… I want to say like 6 months ago and although I did not experience anything I do have a picture of a solider who has passed… I outlined it so you can see it better. This was taken at the start of the woods very close to the bridge
I took the enclosed picture a few years ago (2009)…it was at night, and I had just crossed the bridge and came out on the side closest to the woods…I was taking pictures at random, not really sure what I was going to get. Got home and loaded the photos in my computer and, although most were dark and indistinguishable, this one made me shudder, the more I look at it…The photo was originally dark (can’t recall if I used the flash), but I used my laptop’s photo software to enhance it and got this. I remember aiming my camera towards the woods and I know there wasn’t anyone in front of me when I took this, but, I think this photo resembles someone walking toward me with his arms raised…sure looks like two legs at the bottom…What does anyone else think?
Went on the Tour at night and visited there, the tour guide was speaking about a woman who was on the tour, had a fright stating she saw a horse and a soldier coming toward here and through her! She was so scared that she went back on the bus and stayed there until tour was over! While he was telling the story, I proceeded to go to the end of the bridge away from the tour and people with my EMF detector, camera and recorder! I felt a swoosh of air, and put recorder on and actually got a very loud sound of horses hooves, although I did not hear it with my ears! You could hear the hooves coming in, then fading out!!! Totally cool, had paranormal teams hear it and they told me it was a class A+ EVP!!!
I have no photo but one time while I was there it was broad daylight on a nice summer afternoon. I was walking from the bridge back to my car and passed a small “tornado” of mist/fog next to the door of a parked car. It was probably 3-4 ft high and just stayed in one place swirling. Then it was gone. We also took a friend from out of town after dark. We were parked facing the bridge with our car up against the field across from it. We were standing outside the car when we would hear walking in the field. It was very dark but when cars would pass by we could see there lights unobstructed from where we were. No animal silhouettes, no people. I even got in my car and waited for the sound so I could hit my brake lights and illuminate the area behind us. Every time we heard it and lit up the area nothing was there, just a straight view to the road in the distance. It freaked us out so bad we just left, never even made it a few steps from the car.