SABIC Innovative Plastics, formerly GE Plastics, stands on what was once the Becker farm. The old farmhouse still stands, and was for a time used for offices. According to legend, Mr. Becker caught his wife having an affair with a slave there, so he pushed the slave down the stairs, killing him. He then killed his wife by trying to decapitate her, and afterward, hanged himself in the basement. Witnesses here say their ghosts may linger on the premises. The lights in the basement will turn on and off by themselves, and motion detectors will go off in a pattern as if someone is walking through the house, when there is no one there. A phantom perfume smell appears on the second floor near where the wife was killed.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1 Noryl Ave
Selkirk, NY 12158
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.5777507, -73.86054639999998
- County:
- Albany County, New York
- Nearest Towns:
- Delmar, NY (3.4 mi.)
Voorheesville, NY (6.3 mi.)
Castleton-on-Hudson, NY (6.9 mi.)
Hampton Manor, NY (7.4 mi.)
McKownville, NY (7.4 mi.)
Albany, NY (7.4 mi.)
Rensselaer, NY (7.5 mi.)
Westmere, NY (7.8 mi.)
Ravena, NY (7.9 mi.)
Coeymans, NY (8.0 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
in mid 1980’s our boss told a story of his father in law a sober man of his times : non dramatic . I thought they lived along rt 144 in the 50’s or 60’s : the father got home usually at 11 pm off shift work cementon industrial area and took his dinner out the stove, his wife left for him, he sat ate watching news and johnny carson ..he woke 1 am or later to a snowy tv screen ..and looked up there was a man standing over him glowering at him ..he first thought intruder and rose to “get him” protect his family, the “man” turned and walked in to the cellar stairs doorway disappearing, the man he realized “the man” was wearing old style dutch or colonial days clothes and very long vest, breeches, buckled shoes ..knickerbocker pants, like hair in queue .The next day he told wife daughter what happened . SO, for 10 yrs said nothing outside themselves then talked to a historian who said memory says : the guy was like a manager over several farms who rented from van rensselaers, subtenants/other farmers reported rent to him, slaves or farm hands/maybe drunk wanted money for more booze or to be paid and killed the master or manager with an axe I think ..somehow a cellar figured into it .
week or so ago I found this Becker story and thought it too close to other and to be same . I read looked on google earth to find house and did SE Sabic plastics land, when I ground leveled looks in front of house in parking lot like a woman staring left of doorway . today I find same image looking to left of doorway, look for yourself, funny .
I went there it was nice house was used as offices had ge markers on it ..walked round back and the cellar door was open but all others shut . Then I went to Rt 9W and saw the nice 1700 house restoration, fascinating .
maybe the becker story is to get visitors to donate for the house restoration thru local historical society !
I’d like to know the real names and year of the incident or is this just legend .
thank you bill
I’ve been told many stories from people who work here I’ve only been in the old farm house once and I’ll never go back. There is something there you can feel it as you walk the halls as if someone is following you. There’s strange noises and voices heard. Very creepy!
I’ve heard of things being caught on surviellence cameras and stories from the security guard. This place is definitely haunted!
I was there by chance on friday October 20 2017 too put some furniture in storage,an when I pulled up in the with my co worker,waiting for security to let us in,i said is this the original farm house. for this property an she said an gave me a look,tillting her head oh you don’t the story of the Becker farmhouse an I said no but it looks kinda preppy,then I said is it Haunted an she yea,i looked it on line and it blew my mind,her story was accurate,it felt creepy and it’s kinda strange something gave that feeling. from the start
They are some of my ancestors. Im canadian and have found it hard to access more info. I do know they did have slaves before the north outlawed slavery. Be great if anyone knows anything more to the story. Could not find 2 of the becker couples died same year. Email if you have any info. Thanks