When this 1884 hotel opened, rooms cost $1 a day. Although they cost a bit more now, they may come with a friendly haunt: A little girl named Abigail is said to reside here. Her apparition has been seen in the upstairs hallway, and reports say she has talked with many of the hotel’s guests and staff. Her identity is unknown by the owners.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 217 E Main St
Grafton, IL 62037
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.969586, -90.432277
- County:
- Jersey County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Grafton, IL (0.1 mi.)
Elsah, IL (4.0 mi.)
Portage Des Sioux, MO (5.8 mi.)
Otterville, IL (5.9 mi.)
Brussels, IL (8.5 mi.)
Fieldon, IL (10.2 mi.)
Jerseyville, IL (11.8 mi.)
Batchtown, IL (12.9 mi.)
Saint Charles, MO (13.1 mi.)
Godfrey, IL (13.2 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.ruebelhotel.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
this seems that girl isnt violent so maybe something happened that caused her death
I was in their and I felt something twirling my hair and tug a little bit. No one was behind me..creepy!
In the picture it may be more than just one person in the Ruebel Hotel because in the windows you can see many other “shadows” or different figures in each window. Especially the top windows, so you might want to explore the top area of the hotel and see if Abigail has any other friends up there with her other than the people that come and go from the hotel.
My husband and I had stayed there. An employee had told us our room was said to have an evil spirit in it. It just so happened there was a paranormal investigation team there the same weekend. We could here the team walking the halls trying to attract a spirit. Needless to say we felt no presence of anything during our stay. However I would love to back and do a little investigating myself.
I was a house keeper for Rueble as housekeeping for many years. I felt unexplained cold spots in halls and rooms, this isn’t a drafty hotel…light switches would turn off by them selves with no other staff or guests on the same floor. Phones would ring in rooms when there was an operater that didn’t exchange a call to that room. Sometimes lucky enough to hear as if someone was walking the stair case. Amazingly Hotel and beautiful at that.
We stayed there 4th of July. We had no idea of the history. My husband woke up and said he felt like there was a little girl watching him sleep, he said it felt so real. We stayed there again 2 weekends later and heard some guests talking about the little girl we immediately got chills!