A couple driving along this stretch of Route 85 (called Crater Range, about ten miles north of Ajo, AZ) in the 1950s, on their way to their honeymoon in Lake Tahoe, were killed when their car struck a rock on the side of the road. Locals swear that if you drive this stretch of road after midnight you can see the couple and their car on the side of the road. Often they will try to get you to stop and help them.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Route 85
10 mi. N. of Ajo, AZ
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 32.5572071, -112.87898660000002
- County:
- Maricopa County, Arizona
- Nearest Towns:
- Ajo, AZ (12.9 mi.)
Charco, AZ (26.5 mi.)
Gila Bend, AZ (28.6 mi.)
Kaka, AZ (32.9 mi.)
Ventana, AZ (37.6 mi.)
Aztec, AZ (38.0 mi.)
Wahak Hotrontk, AZ (39.6 mi.)
Dateland, AZ (41.9 mi.)
Pisinemo, AZ (48.5 mi.)
Kohatk, AZ (50.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
As a child we drove to and from Ajo and Gila Bend. Along that stretch I would see late at night headlights appear out of nowhere and disappear in that vicinity. My uncle actually had encounter in this same area. Twice. He never stopped there again at night. Once he said he was intoxicated and decided he could drive home from Ajo to Gila Bend. Found himself unfit to drive he pulled over. He said he started to doze off when he heard a female saying I need help can you give me a ride. Knowing he was alone in the vehicle he shrugged it off. He then looked in the rear view mirror and saw her, he looked back saw no one turned back and she was in the rearview. He blamed the alcohol, looked back and upon realizing there was no one there physically he said he got scared sober and tore out of there. The second time it happened he had a flat and she appeared again to ask him for a ride. Told him she had been there a long time. He said she climbed in back seat, as he drove off he was barely out of the area. He looked back to speak and foundn no one there. Up until he passed he would tell us don’t pull over there and don’t pull over for headlights that appear out of nowhere.
Me and my father always see lights there at midnight as we have a roadside assistance business and when we slow down to see if anyone is needs help there gone scary spot on that road
I have been traveling on that road back and forth since March, 2017 from Mesa, AZ to Rocky Point, Mexico. The third time I went was around 10pm and I was pulling a utility trailer with my truck – I got about to the area mentioned here and I found that my truck was being pushed like by my trailer at fast rate of speed and I kept noddin off only to quickly wake to these blinding lights that I thought were going to hit me head on – they blinded me. This happened several times – I would try to catch my breath. It scared me so bad I turned back around and got a motel room for the night and left at the break of daylight. I don’t travel there anymore after dark.
Driving home to Ajo, AZ heading south on hwy 85 about 11 miles north of ajo approx 11:45 pm, my co worker who was driving said to me “look at that bright ball of light behind us miles back” when i turned to look, this ball of light was literally on our rear bumper!! it had an orange flashing light. after about 15 seconds it disappeared! my co worker and i talked about the experience days later and both agreed that we had no memory of the trip home that night prior to the ball of light appearing!!!