Rotary Park

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Folks have reported mysterious sounds and screams at night along the Rotary Park Woods nature trails, and some say the apparitions of little girls in white dresses can be seen. Rumor has it that these are the spirits of girls who were murdered in the woods.

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Geographic Information

Hubbard St
Livonia, MI
United States

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42.41403700000001, -83.36237570000003
Wayne County, Michigan
Nearest Towns:
Livonia, MI (3.2 mi.)
Farmington, MI (3.6 mi.)
Redford, MI (4.0 mi.)
Farmington Hills, MI (5.0 mi.)
Plymouth, MI (6.2 mi.)
Northville, MI (6.3 mi.)
Garden City, MI (6.3 mi.)
Westland, MI (6.5 mi.)
Dearborn Heights, MI (7.0 mi.)
Novi, MI (7.4 mi.)
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  1. Hello! I am a young (jr.) Paranormal investigator and I was craving an experience, though I have had them millions of times they never get old. I quickly decided Rotary park might be a good place to acquire one and was ready to take a paranormal nature walk with my mother.
    The second I saw the parks sign I immediately knew there was something there. I, of course, brushed off the feeling not ready to accept that this place was haunted with zero evidence. My Mother and I made our way to the nature walk, we weren’t to happy when we got there since there was a baseball game going on and the field was right outside the woods.
    We walked in the woods for a bit, hearing the cheer of overly excited parents, and the snap of bats hitting balls. I was taking pictures with my phone and short videos my mom walked in front of me. A branch was slightly hanging over the trail and her demeanor changed slightly after passing it, having crossed the branch I realized what changed my mother’s attitude.
    I could still hear the chirps of birds and the rustling of leaves but now everything outside of the woods sounded ALMOST silent. The cheers of the parents were now far off whispers when they were just overpoweringly loud a few steps ago.
    “Is it… quiet to you?” She asked.
    “Yeah.” I said, quite confused, we continued and we approached a ‘T’ in the path. Immediately I knew to turn right, we did and continued down that path.
    After walking a bit longer a pressure built up in my hand, I froze, knowing exactly what I was feeling. My fingers curled and my arm lifted slightly where it had been resting on my side.
    “What’s wrong?” My Mother had called.
    “I… I think the girls holding my hand.” I said recalling what the site had said.
    My mom just nodded and continued walking. When ever we passed by an animal or creek the the pressure would build in my hand and I would stop to let the girl look, she was very curious! I couldn’t see her but knew she was their.
    Though, whenever we walked pass a man or a dog the little girl would tighten her grasp. We went through the whole calming trail and walked out to the parking lot.
    To my surprise the girl held my hand until I reached my car. Then the pressure was gone. I felt calm happy. Little did I know what would happen when I came back the two other times.
    My second time at rotary park was…something. I went over to my cousins house and she lives fairly close to the park so my great aunt (her grandma) drove us their. I was excited to meet the little girl again but when I got their something was different… she wasn’t there… something else was.
    I called out to her but had no feeling of her at all my cousin and I began to walk the trail until I began feeling sick. I noticed how much the paint splatters on the tree looked like blood. I quickly walked out of the woods. I felt suspicious of everyone. My cousin had to make me stop following these two, most likely inoccent teen boys because I thought they would “hurt the children on the playground”.
    My cousin sat me down at the swings and we watched her younger brother and aunt playing. We made small talk and I went quiet, finally listening to what the children were saying on the play ground, some of the sentences coming from my cousins brother.
    “It was dark”
    “It has gotten chilly”
    “Her head is on the ground”
    This was the most disturbing which came from my younger cousin.
    Random kid: My sisters dead.
    Cousin: what?
    Random kid: she was killed
    Cousin: I’m sorry
    Random kid:*laughs*
    Cousin: that’s not funny that’s murder!
    Random kid: her head was on the ground
    There were more disturbing things but I can’t remember them all. When we got back to my cousins I wrote down all the sentences I heard. We began to figure them out. The conversation between a random kid across the playground and my brother was how we began.
    Our theory was a conversation of a little girls rape. Now, I know these children aren’t actually saying these things, but something was taking their voices and fun conversations and turning them into something disturbing.
    My third time at Rotary park was also something. I was with my cousin again but we were with my mom. My mom could tell the difference when we got there. Walking the trail she felt lost. She wasn’t feeling anything else but I was. I was seeing a tall black figure out of the corner of my eye and hearing whistles no one else heard.
    I was so angry. Angry at everything and everyone when people walked by me I felt offended of their existence. What really made me nervous was my cousin. I knew what ever was there did not like girls or children. I felt like it would hurt my cousin. I think it would have.
    We were walking down a path my mother in front me in the middle and my cousin behind me. A weak branch hung in the middle of the path and I was worried about it, I don’t know why.
    “Ha ha! Look Cydney!” I heard my cousin say from behind me. My heart stopped, seeing her jumping up and down, using the branch as a bungee.
    I forced a smile, still mad at her for no reason, rushing her away from the branch coincidentally it swatted at me making me trip on a stone. Weird. I had been glaring at the ground, I should have seen that stone before.
    We continued walking and passes a log, the same feeling claimed me and of course my cousin jumped on the log and began to balance on it. It seemed strong but I watched in horror as I saw it begin to Crack right under my cousins feet. The way she was leaning, she would fall back into a spike bush. I told her to get off and follow. Of course I fell on a rock that no one had seen there. Almost like the thing was mad at me for saving my cousin.
    Later, we stopped by a creek, I stared out at it almost wanting to cry. I had no idea why but the stream was deathly still. No movement at all. Our phones had drained out of battery much quicker than normal so I couldn’t take a picture.
    We were done with the walk and we were walking to our car and I was slowly becoming my self again but my mom noticed I was still very quiet. The whole day I was a bit off of course I’m fine now but rotary park still confuses me.

    I can’t help but wonder where that little girl went.

  2. I grew up down the street on Vargo which dead ends to the smaller part of Rotary Park woods. I actually lived with my Grandmother who lived there since my dad was 6 (he would be 52 now). Gives you an idea that she would know what has happened in the park and the area. We grew up playing in the big woods in the back, building little forts and getting muddy in the creek that runs thru it. My grandma used to take my brothers and I for hikes and every time we would get to a certain area way back in the thick of the woods where this big old tree was that was hollowed out she would tell us the same story. Something about a female teacher from one of the Livonia schools (I can’t remember which one) she was depressed and hung herself in the tree and her spirit still roams the woods. I never really asked questions about it more. But it did scare me. As I got older I used to take runs thru the woods and would always feel like someone or something was watching me. Sometimes I would cut my runs short because I felt weird. I haven’t been back to the woods in a couple years but I have taken my son there and have seen the tree, still there, although it’s fallen over and is pretty rotted. I don’t tell him the story, I don’t want him to be scared of the woods like I was, actually like I slightly still am. Sorry for the long story. And I’m not exactly sure if the story is true or not. I don’t see why she would make something up like that. I also have heard stories about the little girls in white, but I have never seen them and nobody I personally know has either. I asked my grandma about it and she never has heard anything about anyone getting murdered in the woods, as long as she has lived there. Not saying it didn’t happen. Either way the woods are beautiful but they do give you an eerie feeling that your not alone.

  3. My wife and I visited Rotary Park, after being referred there by a friend who has been a paranormal investigator for some time. The visit was several years ago, but the hairs on my arm still stand tall when I tell the story. We had never done any investigations before, so we weren’t expecting any results. Especially, since it was at a park off of a fairly busy road. We had been walking around for roughly 30 minutes, when our friends became skeptical, and we’re no longer enjoying themselves. We were walking the trail right off of 6 mile, when one a friend was goofing around when she heard some branches cracking. She kind of freaked out, but that seemed like anything could’ve cracked the branches along the trees. So she nervously asked if anyone saw a rabbit or an animal run into the woods. However, before she finished asking, there was a very “warm sounding” male whisper that clearly said “Come here”. No one, but myself, heard it until we played it back on our way home about an hour later.

    Our second interaction, was at the base of the trails, north of the baseball fields. It was about 45 minutes later, when we were at the entrance to the woods, where we were trying to see what we could get…so we had a strange feeling at one heavily wooded/weeded area by the entrance, when my wife asked “are you scared, are you stuck in the woods?” and that’s when we heard, clear as normal conversation, a little girls’ voice nervously/frightenedly whisper “yeah!” As soon as that happened, we couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

    It’s been about 6/7 years now…and I wish I still knew where that tape recorder was. That was a gold mine!

  4. Me, my grandpa, and my dad were out G.O. Catching one night in the winter, and It was only about 7:30 pm. As we walked through the woods, I felt strange, like we were being followed. The people we saw that were walking their dogs kept giving us funny looks. I was glad to leave.

  5. This is so untrue. People are stretching for a story here. I believe in spirits, haunting, etc. but livonia Rotary is not haunted. There have been several suicides at this park, like most parks do unfortunately. But In no way do you feel hands or your mood changes. This is one of the busiest trails in Livonia. Always packed. Born and raised In Livonia and now I’m raising my kids in Livonia. This is so not true!!! You can get lost in the woods because it’s huge. But these overly detailed stories are hilarious….so much time put into the commenting. ‍♀️

  6. I live by it and walk there all the time and never felt anything but good feelings. i do hear noises in the park and they all can be explained i will tell you there are allot of strange symbols on trees and signs.

  7. we walk our dog there nearly every day… I don’t believe that it is haunted, though we’ve heard strange noises frequently–mostly loud knocking, grunts; and the occasional, but rare, loud almost scream like shrieks. my guess is that there is a squatch hiding out there. my wife thinks it’s a pileated woodpecker, but if so, it’s really large…

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