Rolling Hills Asylum opened in 1827 as the Genesee County Poor Farm, made to house the poor, drunkards, mentally ill, blind, disabled, or other folks who needed help. In the 1950s it became the Old County Home & Infirmary, then in the 1990s an antiques mall. Store owners and shoppers have witnessed disembodied voices, doors that won’t open, screams, shadow people and moving objects.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 11001 Bethany Center Road
East Bethany, NY
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.88116518550163, -78.13273707035478
- County:
- Genesee County, New York
- Nearest Towns:
- Wyoming, NY (4.4 mi.)
Pavilion, NY (5.6 mi.)
Alexander, NY (6.4 mi.)
Attica, NY (7.6 mi.)
Batavia, NY (8.5 mi.)
Linwood, NY (9.3 mi.)
Warsaw, NY (9.7 mi.)
Le Roy, NY (10.1 mi.)
Greigsville, NY (12.4 mi.)
Wadsworth, NY (12.7 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I would love to talk to a live person because I had a REALLY HAUNTING EXPERIENCE AND SOME SAY IM BEING FOLLOWED
I was there in the 90’s when is was just the antique co-op. It had a eerie feel to it. I went to go to use the restroom and when I got in there I can’t even explain the feeling I got and high tailed it out of the place. Am planning on doing a hunt there, if it was eerie back then a hunt would be great!
This building is extremely haunted and has been ranked the 2nd most haunted location in the United States as of recently. There are reports of evil spirits and also spirits who are trapped in the location. The asyium in it’s hayday was deeply underqualified and the treatments offered were barbaric compated to modern medicine these days. Setup hunts through the rolling hills website, it could change your life like it did mine.
The Rolling Hills Asylum has not been placed as 2nd most haunted place in America, it was placed lower down since there hasn’t been an extreme amounts of evidence over the last couple of years. Rolling Hills Asylum isn’t even on a list of the most haunted in America.
Personal experiences I have had at this location include: dis-embodied voices, EVPs (one of which was the clearest, most undeniable EVP I have ever heard in Roy’s room captured on a friend’s DR60.) I saw a light shimmer in the basement, we heard furniture dragged above our heads. (Could have been a human, however we found no one upstairs, and heard no accompanying footsteps.) If anyplace is haunted, this place is. Don’t believe me? Go see for yourself! a