Riverside Cabaret (previously called “Wild J’s”) has had several paranormal events that occur almost weekly. Orbs have been seen both live and recorded on CCTV. Several staff have reported an hearing a male voice talk to them, a woman’s sobbing is constantly heard in the basement, and many unexplained noises and apparitions have occurred throughout the building. The building has been investigated by a local paranormal team who obtained proof of the haunting.
(Submitted by Rick M.)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 6354 S. Susquehanna Trail
Port Trevorton, PA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.682438, -76.89236690000001
- County:
- Snyder County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Dalmatia, PA (2.0 mi.)
Port Trevorton, PA (2.2 mi.)
Herndon, PA (3.2 mi.)
Pillow, PA (5.5 mi.)
Freeburg, PA (6.1 mi.)
Mount Pleasant Mill, PA (6.6 mi.)
Berrysburg, PA (7.0 mi.)
Mount Pleasant Mills, PA (7.1 mi.)
Selinsgrove, PA (8.2 mi.)
Liverpool, PA (9.0 mi.)
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
I actually lived three houses away from this place at one time. as well as a few other houses in the general are. The whole area from Liverpool to Selinsgrove is a hotbed of activity, Some spots, like the area around the State Game lands, have even more activity. A former girlfriend grew up in the area and has seen a lot of things. I was never a real believer in paranormal things other than a good scary story until I began to stay in the area.
The house we rented near to this place was next to a stream where two young children drowned. The day we moved in, something slammed on of the bedroom doors right after I passed. No breeze, nothing. But the door slammed so hard that I had difficulty getting it open again.
A few days later, I thought I saw something using the childrens training potty. It had a little feature that made a flushing sound when the kids got up fro it, but it had quit working. It began doing that again as I watched.
I began to call this one “The little Red Headed Boy” but was informed that it was more than likely a girl. I couldn’t distinguish features because while I could see it, It was not clear.
After a year of living there. I had some severe pain in my knees from a long ago injury. Pain relievers weren’t helping that night, and I was considering taking off the next day to make a doctors appointment. As I lay in bed, the Little Red Headed Boy crawled up on the end of the bed, took both hands and ran them on both sides of my knee. I have not had pain in that knee since that time, and that was over 4 years ago.
Personally, in that house, this was MY only interaction. HOWEVER, I’m not as sensitive as my girlfriend was. I’ll try to find a picture that she took with a phone camera that shows a clearly defined man in flames hovering over the end of the bed. The boys used to talk to what they claimed was a friend. Might have been imaginary, but after seeing things happen, I don’t rule them playing with a paranormal being either.
There are more instances from our time around the gamelands than even there.
have u every had this happen to u?
I’m from Selinsgrove originally and that location use to be a Dutch Kitchen Restaurant, my family would stop in there back in the day, 70’s and 80’s. I think it was gone in the early 90’s? Was well maintained back in that day and privatley owned.
Here is a picture of it back in the day:
Not sure what it was prior to that, but the history of the Witch in Port Trevorton, iron gates that swinged with no wind, the Headless Dog and etc goes back years, there is a old history book on Snyder County out there that goes into detail on much of this stuff. One of my friends Grandfather lived in Port Trevorton, old home and whenver I went there I felt spooked, also his Mother saw a ghost of a little girl walking down the stairs in the same house. Was an older home with a dirt floor basement.