This school is popular with the spook set. Among the buildings believed to be haunted:
Barstow House – The Turquoise and Red Rooms are said to house entities that cause depression and extreme cold, and large mirrors reflect apparitions late at night.
Dexter House – A former morgue, it is reported to house many friendly apparitions.
Dunnel House – In the basement, an agressive ghost topples trash cans, plays with lights and TVs, and appears as a giant shadow. A female ghost is said to reside in the back stairwell of the second floor.
Farnum Hall – Apparitions and poltergeists have been reported, as well as the sounds of whispering and footsteps.
Homer Hall – A man and a woman haunt the fourth floor. The man, a suicide victim, has appeared in the bathroom and is known for changing music and smashing windows. The female appears in bedrooms and tinkers with faucets in the girls’ bathroom, and occasionally leaves blood in shower stalls. In the lounge, shadowy figures have been seen and the electrical items work on their own. On the second floor, the ghost of an elderly man wanders the halls, day or night. Also, an angry ghost is said to bang on the storage room doors in the underground passage between Homer and Nickerson Halls.
Nightengale House – A poltergeist in the basement and lounge moves furniture, monkeys with the electricity, and may try to push people down the stairs. Orbs have shown up in photos taken outside the house.
Pardon Miller House – The ghosts of two young children have been seen in the basement and a young woman’s voice has been on the second floor. The woman’s apparition has been has been seen as well.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 2 College St
Providence, RI 02903
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.8258538, -71.40773680000001
- County:
- Providence County, Rhode Island
- Nearest Towns:
- Providence, RI (0.3 mi.)
East Providence, RI (2.1 mi.)
North Providence, RI (3.4 mi.)
Cranston, RI (3.5 mi.)
Seekonk, MA (3.8 mi.)
Pawtucket, RI (3.9 mi.)
Central Falls, RI (4.5 mi.)
Valley Falls, RI (5.7 mi.)
North Seekonk, MA (5.9 mi.)
Barrington, RI (7.8 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I work in the health center in homer hall. I always sense when spirits are present, and I always here and feel things when I’m there.