Mary Reynolds, who inherited the place after her husband William died in 1777, is the haunt who resides here. Witnesses have reported that objects move, and a ghostly woman’s voice has been heard singing Christmas carols. The ghost also is said to have broken a dish during a ghost-hunting investigation.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 7 Church Cir
Annapolis, MD 21401
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.97814082898137, -76.49340120703528
- County:
- Anne Arundel County, Maryland
- Nearest Towns:
- Annapolis, MD (0.1 mi.)
Naval Academy, MD (0.6 mi.)
Parole, MD (2.0 mi.)
Robinwood, MD (2.0 mi.)
Hillsmere Shores, MD (2.6 mi.)
Edgewater, MD (3.4 mi.)
Highland Beach, MD (3.6 mi.)
Arnold, MD (3.8 mi.)
Londontowne, MD (4.3 mi.)
Selby-on-the-Bay, MD (4.6 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My husband I recently stayed at the Reynolds Tavern in the George Washington Suite. My husband was first awoken by a sound that he can describe as a refrigerator cycling although neither of us can figure out where the refrigerator was located. I did not hear the refrigerator noise and was still asleep. After the refrigerator woke my husband, he was laying in bed awake and said he started hearing a noise coming from the direction of the dresser in the bedroom. He said it sounded like something metal being moved across the top of the dresser. He listened to the noise for 10 or 15 seconds until he sat up in bed. When he sat up in bed, he woke me up, but by that point the noise stopped and I did not witness the noise. In the morning we did some reenactments of the things we had on top of the dresser to figure out what the noise sounded like to him and upon doing this, we figured out the noise sounded like his watch being moved across the dresser. The only other items on the dresser were his cell phone and some change out of his pocket and the watch. He said the noise was definitely his metal watch being moved across the wooden dresser.
We stayed at the tavern in the Jefferson Suite for 2 nights. Ironically we did not know the tavern had the reputation of being haunted. I had wanted to stay at the Md Inn but decided not to because we had read so much about scary paranormal activity there so we chose the Reynolds Tavern. Our first night, Friday night, my husband was tired and laid down early and fell asleep at about 8:30 pm. I laid down next to him and was internet surfing. The room is on the second floor and you can hear people walking up and down the old wood stairs (no carpet). You can hear people walking about very clearly on the wood floors. At about 9 I heard strange footsteps that clearly began in the middle of the landing outside our door. If it were a person they would have either come from one of the rooms or the stairways and I would have clearly heard it. This started in the middle of the landing and the loud steps paced along the wall behind our bed in the Jefferson room. They walked along on the other side of the wall to just past the end of the bed closest to the window then doubled back and ended back on the hall in front of our door. Also in the hall there is a table and a wall to a locked room where I heard the dootsteps go. Basically this thing was loudly walking through a table and a wall. Over the next hour or so it did the same thing 2 more times. I told my husband about it and we went to bed. In the night he heard tapping behind our bed from a corner of the room. The next day when we came back from sightseeing we found the corners of the oriental rugs in two of the rooms folded under. It was bizarre and creepy. It’s a beautiful inn but it was a scary experience and it is good to be home.