Resurrection Mary

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Resurrection Mary, according to popular local legend, was a pretty young girl who was killed in a hit-and-run accident while walking along Archer Avenue. She had just left the Oh Henry Ballroom after a fight with her boyfriend. The driver left Mary to die. Her grief-stricken parents buried her in the Resurrection Cemetery in her pretty dress and dancing shoes, in which her ghost appears in most reports. Her ghost has been seen by many people since the 1930s. She may appear as a hitchhiker and ask to be driven along Archer Road, but she disappears from the vehicle near the cemetery. She may appear standing in the street in front of the cemetery, and after what the driver thinks is a near miss, he gets out to find no one is there. Researchers believe she may be Anna “Marija” Norkus, who was found to have died in a 1927 car accident after leaving Oh Henry Ballroom.

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    Geographic Information

    Archer and Terrace Dr
    Justice, IL
    United States

    Get Directions »
    41.7579692, -87.8274103
    Cook County, Illinois
    Nearest Towns:
    Justice, IL (1.1 mi.)
    Bridgeview, IL (1.3 mi.)
    Bedford Park, IL (1.4 mi.)
    Hodgkins, IL (1.7 mi.)
    Willow Springs, IL (2.1 mi.)
    Hickory Hills, IL (2.2 mi.)
    Summit, IL (2.3 mi.)
    McCook, IL (2.9 mi.)
    Burbank, IL (3.0 mi.)
    Countryside, IL (3.1 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (7)

    1. the phantom hitchhiker is a well known haunting but mary is very well documented. THAT having been said there are incositencies between what the legend is and facts, like what mary was burried in etc. that having been said there certainly seems to be soemthing about this cemetary.

    2. Many years ago for Halloween 1998 or 1999
      I saw Mary inside cemetery near gate looking twards Archer ave..she looked to be 30-45 years old and had on old white gown. It was very late at nite and when i got some friends to come with me to see her. She was gone.

    3. Me and my friend believe that we seen Mary a couple of years ago on Halloween night. There was a snowstorm and it was very cold. We parked her car in front of the cemetery gates. It was 2 am and we sat on our phones reading the legends about Mary. Suddenly I looked up and seen a young Polish looking girl walking towards the car. She was tall and thin with long blonde hair wearing a short white coat and white hat and jeans. She was very attractive. We read that Mary was supposedly a young Polish girl with blonde hair. She walked in front of our car, not even turning her head. Just kept walking and looking straight ahead of her. We both screamed and she swung her car around and drove off. Then we came back looking for this young girl and didn’t see her. We drove all around the cemetery looking for her. Now why would a young woman be walking by herself at 2 am during a cold snowstorm in front of the cemetery looking like how Mary was described?

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.