Every bridge in Alabama is haunted. Every. Single. Bridge. This one however you’d best be careful on, because it’s not your standard “scorned woman walks the bridge” story. This one contains a malevolent and evil presence prone to chasing people and vehicular violence.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Past Refuge Cemetery
Clanton, AL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 32.886789538587536, -86.53628862883608
- County:
- Chilton County, Alabama
- Nearest Towns:
- Clanton, AL (6.3 mi.)
Thorsby, AL (10.6 mi.)
Jemison, AL (13.2 mi.)
Marbury, AL (13.4 mi.)
Shelby, AL (15.7 mi.)
Weogufka, AL (15.8 mi.)
Talladega Springs, AL (17.1 mi.)
Rockford, AL (18.4 mi.)
Billingsley, AL (18.9 mi.)
Fayetteville, AL (19.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
A couple friends, My sister & I went here last night. We stayed a good hour and explored all around the bridge and into the woods a little ways. Didn’t really here or see anything but it felt a good 10º colder as we got close to the bridge we noticed that the tempture in the car dropped all of a sudden and stayed that way until we got to the cemetary.it was warmer than the bridge area.
I live there so I know
Plus I investigate the paranormal
What is the story behind this bridge? I’ve heard about this place but never visited the area.
Trey what do you know. Is there real hauntings or is it people? I know of a place feel in the woods everybody thinks is haunted but its a place where people have rituals and will run you off and scare the mess out of you.
I had bought 3 packs of cigarettes just before and went out there with 4 friends well we decided to go out to a different cemetery so right before we left I decided to leave a pack hidden kind of like the candy bar thing everyone does so we went to the cemetery and about an hour and a half passed and we came back the only thing left of the cigarettes was the bottom wrapper we looked around there was no pack no cigs nothing and if anyone that sees this wants to know more or wants to go out there some time with us (we go out there a few times a week) text me with your name and what you want to know! 205-389-7709
Yes do you still do this
Good evening everyone. I am not going to disclose my name, my contact information, or any other means of reaching me. I am here today on this little site for one specific purpose: I find dangerous haunts and I make them not so dangerous.
This one raises a red flag for me, but due to my not being from this area, I have several questions to ask:
1.) What is this bridge’s OFFICIAL story? Personal experiences aside, what has made this bridge DANGEROUS? I don’t buy a vague intro. There has to be a reason why this presence is “evil.” I want to know what that reason is. Also, at the mention of vehicular violence…. can there be something more specific? Are we talking someone/thing just thrashing a custom pain job, a sudden splatter of goat blood out of nowhere, or do the break lines stop working while you’re in the middle of crossing this bridge while the engine explodes?
Clear concise details would be appreciated. What is this bridge’s history? Is it like the Silver Bridge of West Virginia, which collapsed after so many sightings of the infamous Mothman creature? If anyone here knows…. Please type it out. I want to read it. I want to know the story here.
I lived in the area for a while and my friends said a black vehicle will chase and run you off the road.
My car stopped working when I was about 30 yards from the bridge. My phone didn’t turn on, I even heard blood curdling screams coming from the direction of the bridge. So I made a torch using cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, a tin can and a coat hanger (yes that was all in my van…don’t ask) and I ran where I heard the screaming, lit the makeshift torch at the foot of the bridge. It was chilly when I got close to the bridge. When I was on the bridge it was colder, I got a super uneasy feeling, and near the center of the bridge, it felt like my neck was grabbed, and I felt a little force pushing me (all very weak, as if I walked into a thick spider web) so I took off and walked back to my friends and grabbed a flare to look under the tiny bridge, to find a tape recorder or someone hiding underneath it. But nothing. So I went back to the car and put the flare out in some sand and tried starting my car. I was told we would have to push it back more for it to work. My friend turned my headlights on and we all pushed. The lights came on, but dim at first. 15 more feet and they turned all the way on. We turned around and left. Went back the next day, and blessed the ground, and even blessed where they said the lady’s body was found. And haven’t been back since.
I live have lived near this bridge for over 45 +years. I drive across it daily and often late at night returning home from work. I have never seen or experienced anything unusual. The bridge is not the original bridge and is one of several replacement bridges that have been rebuilt due to flood damage. Local reidences that I have talked to have never seen anything to indicate a huanting. Some of these people have lived here all of their lives. The huanting story suddenly appeared approx 10 to 15 years ago on the internet. I am a deputy sheriff as well. Other law enforcement I have spoken with also do not believe the supposed huanting is a credible story.
Michael – are you still the Deputy Sheriff? Because I have a question about a Jane Doe from 1986.
I live in Clanton. Does anyone have specific directions? I’m not posting my address. So, my starting point will be the Clanton Library. Does anyone have directions to the Refuge Bridge from the library? Thanks.
I’ve been wanting to go investigate these claims for a while now. The paranormal has always fascinated me.
I’d love to get some video and recordings if possible.
My 3rd great grandfather founded Refuge Baptist Church and have very many of my family in the church cemetery, I was raised in this area. I have walked this bridge many times at all different hours of the night. There is nothing haunted about this bridge or this area. I, for one, don’t see anything wrong with “ghost hunting” but would really like for people to keep their games out of Refuge church cemetery as many of us have family there and would like to know that they’re able to rest in peace. As for the woman that’s supposed to walk the bridge and chase you; I’ll soon be 50 and nothing’s ever chased me from there since I first learned to walk. Thanks for your time and happy hunting.
I have been on this bridge too many times to count since my teen years… I am 45 now. One night we heard slosh, slosh, slosh coming up the creek. It would stop then again slosh, slosh, slosh…. we’re all like Omg… this is it! We’re about to witness a ghost! Anticipation killing us! Suddenly we saw a white figure in the distance. Now we can taste the fear… it’s getting closer!!! Now we can see it!!!! It was a dog!!! That is the first and last time I had any unknown experience on that bridge. We took my kiddies and had friends out there hiding to scare them… lol! The temp drops because you are close to cold creek water. It’s fun to be scared. Do go and maybe you will have better luck than us.
Living in Chilton County my whole life.
YES the temp gets colder as you approach the bridge. It’s cold creek water, learn how temperature works.
NO, it’s not haunted. Some kid got bored years ago and posted a wild fake story online and had a bunch of his friends fabricate stories to back him up so ppl would believe it.
NO light orbs have never been seen by the bridge, yes screams have been heard because a bunch of teens use to camp out in the woods and try to scare ppl, Until someone pulled out a pistol one night and started shooting into the woods blindly, so the teens stopped before they ended up dead.
So no, nothing is haunted here