Redd Foxx's Home

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At the Las Vegas former home of the famed comedian, the new tenants said Redd Foxx came back to play pranks on them. Since then, the home has been turned into a real estate office, and, to honor or perhaps to appease Mr. Foxx, their sign is emblazoned with a red fox.

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    Geographic Information

    5460 Eastern Ave
    Las Vegas, NV
    United States

    Get Directions »
    36.0899323, -115.11883439999997
    Clark County, Nevada
    Nearest Towns:
    Paradise, NV (1.6 mi.)
    Whitney, NV (2.3 mi.)
    Winchester, NV (2.8 mi.)
    Las Vegas, NV (6.0 mi.)
    Spring Valley, NV (7.2 mi.)
    North Las Vegas, NV (7.5 mi.)
    Enterprise, NV (8.2 mi.)
    Henderson, NV (8.4 mi.)
    Sunrise Manor, NV (8.8 mi.)
    Nellis Air Force Base, NV (11.3 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (4)

    1. My auntie’s cousin used to party with Redd back in the day, and he told me about a hooker that went missing after a wild one. All was left was some of her weave. After that it was best to be somewhere else on the anniversary of her ‘disappearance’. Stuff got real creepy and weird then.

      Wonder if it still be like that….

      • Do you know what the anniversary date of that is? Do know her name or anything else? Us at Nevada Paranormal Task Force would be interested. yllawwally at yahoo dot com

    2. My daughter took me to Redd’s house after she told me that she swears that Mr. Foxx would play peek-a-boo with her from behind shrubs in front of his door’s walkway. I went and walked that walkway talking to him to show himself and all I received was a gentle tap on my shoulder. I responded back that I hope he is at peace and gave respect and left.

    3. Carla Y Evans  |  

      This mess is so rude, contacting the dead and then make jokes? Sad, that Redd Foxx hasn’t had peace here on earth and in the after life. You ppl are a joke.

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