Ramkota Hotel - Clarion Hotel

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The former Ramkota Hotel, now Clarion Hotel, is said to be haunted by Rosy, the ghost of a woman who was killed in the building when it was the Chief Theatre. She was allegedly thrown off the balcony by her boyfriend. Her apparition has been seen, and it is said she liked to play tricks.

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Geographic Information

701 8th St
Greeley, CO 80631
United States

Get Directions »
40.425345, -104.68989299999998
Weld County, Colorado
Nearest Towns:
Greeley, CO (1.0 mi.)
Garden City, CO (2.2 mi.)
Evans, CO (3.4 mi.)
La Salle, CO (5.3 mi.)
Kersey, CO (7.2 mi.)
Eaton, CO (7.3 mi.)
Severance, CO (10.9 mi.)
Gilcrest, CO (10.9 mi.)
Milliken, CO (10.9 mi.)
Ault, CO (11.1 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I was at work at this hotel yesterday and I was cleaning a room & as I went to make the bed one of the drawers was open as I passed the dresser I pushed the drawer closed. When I passed the opposite way it was open again I just closed it again thinking it didn’t close the first time I looked back to make sure it closed, as I looked back the drawer was opening I closed it again & watched the top drawer open, I closed it & watched the second drawer open!! I did this for about 10 minutes then thought if I tell my husband about this he won’t belive me.. So I recorded it.. I have a short video of me closing the drawers & them opening!!!!

    • We went to stay at the hunted hotel last 3 year my cuzin and me, we saw a ghost run by us a authors ghost touch my arm and walk by we almost drop to the floor so we felt the room we are so so scared to death you guys believe us stay at the hounted hotel in Greeley hotel

    • Oh man ! I’d Love To See Your Video !!!! Have You Posted it Anywhere ? !!!! I’m saving this site so if you still have it & want to post it I’ll be Watching & Waiting !!!!!

  2. i was at my friends quince their on june 16 2014 and while I was going up in the elevator the lights turned on and off about 2 times and than a little girl appears on the corner in front of me I was scared to death I didn t tell anibody because nobody believed me… but I say it was the scariest thing ever also when the elevator door opened she disapried

      • I stayed at this hotel on March 21 in room 211. I can’t say anything actually happened, but I also had no idea about the hotel’s history. All I can say is I got a creepy vibe, especially after noticing what seemed to be patched up bullet holes in the wall by the bed. I woke up at least five times during the night (which is unusual for me) with a very strong sense of having another presence in the room. One of those times it seemed like something drifted across the room when I opened my eyes, but it was very dark and I was half asleep. So who knows?

  3. My cousin and I didn’t know about the history of this hotel. Our cousin had a vow renewal here, so my cousin and I took the elevator to the top floor to explore for fun. It is a huge abandoned storage room full of mattresses and extremely old furniture. The elevator malfunctioned and we heard bumps up there. It may have been staff, but almost all the lights were off so I doubt it. Definitely a creepy place!

    • We went up there to! The same thing with the storage room with the mattresses and everything! We didn’t go through because my hands where frozen cold and my fingers where blue! We when back to our room and they where perfectly fine warm and back to normal

  4. Im staying at the hotel today when I was near the front desk over hearing another couple staying here complain about someone lock the deadbolt, from within the room. The front desk check the room out and had to call maintenance to take the whole locking mechanism from the outside. Crazy

  5. We rented room 239. When we got to the hotel my wife said this place feels creepy. My son got upset set with her and there is nothing wrong with this place. She had bad feelings about staying there. When we returned at 11:00 pm I went to get the keys for the room from front desk. When we got to the room I opened the door and I heard a voice say hey what are you doin? I told him it’s was our room. He said no it’s mine. All I saw was a shadow and my wife saw the same. We to the front desk sled for our money back. One of the ladies called the room and she said that’s not your room and you don’t belong there. Then she said ok we won’t bother you the rest of the night. The other two ladies never looked up or said anything to us. It was like they knew what was going on. It scared the heckler out us. We didn’t know the place was haunted.

  6. A long time ago there was some houses buy the pouder river they use to say there was a lady that cut up here children and threw them in the river and they use to say she would cry at the river for her kids

  7. March 2019 we stood at hotel so we can swim n when we were swimming on one of the doors that led to outside we would see a shadow of a girl when a car light would shine on it.

  8. We have currently been staying at this hotel for about 3 months. We were swimming and my 3 year old granddaughter looked up to a window on the 3rd floor and said grandma that lady keeps looking at us. I looked up to where she was pointing and I couldn’t see m e thing. Then she said the lady was waving at her I still couldn’t see nothing. As we were getting ready to leave the pool area my granddaughter kept looking up at that window so i looked up and glanced and seen a woman walk by the window. It gave me the chills. Beings there was no lights on in the room only lights from the pool. Then a few days later I seem a woman walking in the hall. As I was walking back from getting blankets from the front. She turned and looked at me but I really couldn’t see her face that well. Then out of the corner of one of the rooms a man yelled at her and said Rosy get in here now. It freaked me the hell out. She doesn’t seem to be a bad ghost cuz I am comfortable here. And I don’t feel a threat. I pray everyday that her soul can rest.

  9. I’ve been there when it was the Chief Theater as a young girl.
    My cousins, Aunts, parents, have seen this white transparent shadow up on the balcony many times. Was even on the Front page of the newspaper. So I do believe this

  10. Me and my family stayed here for one night and we got the room 247 the room smelled like blood , but everything was clean which was weird because the room smelled like blood and I saw blood splash on the bathroom wall. I wasn’t able to sleep from the smell and I had a very creepy vibe from the room.

  11. My grandpa co owned the chief theater and told me stories of the sightings when I was a kid. He passed away in 2011 I think and my grandma lived for about a year and a half after he died. I went to visit her one day and she told me a story.
    Just to sum it up my ma was a single mom from the time I was born. I had no dad. My grandpa was a bad ass who had worked his entire life and had done well financially coming from the great depression.
    My grandma told me a few months before she passed they had gotten a house on 10th Street for my mom and me in 1982. A family friend was hired to paint the house pink.
    While he was painting a woman came up to the house freaking out and yelling saying.. “you can’t paint this house pink! Don’t you know what happened here?!”
    After a bit of research there was a young woman who was murdered in the basement of this house named Cora Rose Allen. From what I know it was 1913 or so when she was killed and the killer was never caught.
    From what I understand and I don’t know if it’s true, she used to frequent the chief theater. So that would explain the hauntings and lack of body when they tore down the theatre.

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