This former Ramada Inn, now Holiday Inn, is said to be haunted by the ghost of a little girl named Aggie who used to live in the building. According to the tales told in these parts, Aggie fell to her death from a window of the barn, which was located where the banquet halls and front desk now stand. Those lucky enough to meet her may fine her running through the halls or peeking at you around a corner.
Another tine, two elderly ladies staying in one of the 300s rooms got the fright of their lives when they came upon a dead man in their bathtub. After they ran out screaming, staff checked the bathroom and found nothing there.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 4901 Six Flags Rd
Eureka, MO 63025
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.50787131403448, -90.68012344843737
- County:
- St. Louis County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Eureka, MO (2.8 mi.)
Pacific, MO (3.8 mi.)
Wildwood, MO (5.3 mi.)
Byrnes Mill, MO (7.2 mi.)
Gray Summit, MO (7.5 mi.)
Ellisville, MO (7.7 mi.)
High Ridge, MO (8.5 mi.)
Parkdale, MO (8.8 mi.)
Scotsdale, MO (9.0 mi.)
Clarkson Valley, MO (9.1 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- https://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/eureka/eerek/hoteldetail

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Me and my brother were on the second floor and the chairs in front of the bathroom were turned around and we came back 5 minutes later and they were turned back around right.
When I stayed the night at holiday inn when we went to six flags St. Louis. I realized the bathroom door was hard to shut for no reason. Then I barely shut the door and This wind out of no where opened It back up and anytime I tried to close the door it would open back up
The SixFlags St.louis Is soposelly hunted to. it would be (Accross the parking lot) from this Hotel Based On what i have read on other ghost websight before sixflags bought this old farm land it used to be a huge Pig Farm If any 1 has herd any new rumers about these propatys beiung hunted post on this blog what u have herd
Matt from St.louis 11/5/2014
In the summer of 2003, when I was 12, I went to a friend’s birthday party at Six Flags of St. Louis. We went to the park for the majority of a Saturday, and stayed at the hotel up the street that night. The Ramada Inn (which is now a Holiday Inn) was built in the 1970’s and it hadn’t really been updated much at that point, which was much of the charm. We got to the hotel around dusk when Six Flags closed. Like young boys do, we made use of the arcade and the indoor pool; all of which were in the same common area with the rooms overlooking everything. Later that night, when our parents went to sleep, we snuck into a different part of the hotel. This portion was on the 2nd floor behind the front lobby. When you left the main part of the hotel, there is this long, well-lit hallway. About four of us including myself ventured down. I immediately noticed a gigantic picture of a young girl standing holding a book (presumably a school book or Bible). It was one of those realistic posed-for pictures they used to make before photographs. It looked very old, maybe an oil painting from the early 1800’s. Something didn’t seem right about it. Her eyes looked too real. I noticed that they stared at me no matter where I stood in the hallway. I glared at her for a few minutes in a sort of paralyzed state. After I snapped out of it, my friends showed me the dead end at the hallway that led to a “staff only” door. We started to walk back down the hallway. As we passed back by the picture of the girl, I noticed that her shoes were pointing in the opposite direction than they were before. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, but I was terrified. We decided to go ask the front desk attendant about the picture. I wanted to know more about the girl, and if she had any sort of backstory. The attendant working in the lobby was a tired, old woman. When we approached her with our question, she perked up. I knew she had something good to tell us. She said that the girl was named “Aggie” and she had died in a barn in the 1800’s on the property that was now the hotel. The hotel staff is uncertain if she died by falling from the top of the barn, or if there was a fire that engulfed the building. According to her, Aggie now haunts the hotel. She can be seen running around corners and then disappearing. Sometimes she’ll peak at you from down a hallway, and then she runs away. For the most part, Aggie is friendly. In one instance however, a different side of the supposedly haunted hotel was seen. Earlier in the hotel’s history, two women were staying in the hallway where Aggie’s picture hangs. They entered their room late at night and found a man who had apparently drowned in their bathtub. When the front desk attendant came to their room, there was no body found, but the women swore that there was a dead body there just moments earlier. Whether or not Aggie haunts the hotel, there is definitely some unusual energy there. I haven’t been back since, but would like to visit again to see if I get the same strange feeling from Aggie’s picture.
My mom was the afternoon manager of this location while I was in high school, One night she had a man come to the front desk, he was white as a sheet and asked if the location was haunted, she told him yes that there were claims that is was and asked him why. He stated that while he was at the ice machine a little girl in an old fashion dress (Aggie, we believe) ran past him into the “Holidome” (where the indoor pool is) when she went through the door it slammed, which this door apparently doesn’t do, the customer tried.
Also from what my mother has told me the women who saw the body in their tub claimed it was full of blood, not water (but the staff has been told NOT to tell visitors about THAT ghost.
me and my sister were told by a hotel employee to go to the hallway on the third floor where aggies picture hangs. we were told to then tale a picture of ourselves in the mirror that hangs at the end of the hallway and that when looking at the picture afterwards aggie would be in the picture somewhere. so we decided to try it. once i took the picture i looked at it and right away i saw a ghost like figure with long hair standing above me in the corner of the picture. also my sister when she took her picture in the mirror she saw a guy ghost that was wearing a suit and tie. after that we got freaked out and only to learn that our little 6 year old cousin thinks he has been talking to aggie and he says he was her best friend. later that night in the middle of the night he started sleep walking and tried to get out of the hotel room and his mom said he was looking for aggie in the air vents
How far will the death toll go over the years? How haunted will it become?
So my friend and her family stayed the night at the hotel. We had already done tons of research on the hotel, we are very into the paranormal so we were very excited to go. When we got there, it completely changed. We kept awaking in the night with doors creaking and opening while everyone was in bed, slight tickling on our feet, hair getting pulled, covers lift by themselves, shuffling around the hotel. Black shadows in the corner, heavy breathing and whispering in our ear. Everytime we layed down and shut our eyes more stuff happened. So we hid in the bathroom all night hiding and didn’t get any sleep. Btw all of this on the 2nd floor. If your afraid of ghost or spirits DONT STAY ON THE 2nd FLOOR!!!
I worked the overnight cleaning at the hotel in 2002. I was in charge of helping clean up after partys\weddings. After the rest of the crew left I was vacuuming the halls by the baquit halls and saw a little girl playing with a balloon that had been left behind. When I asked her where she came from so I could take her to her room, she disappeared into thin air right in front of my eyes. The next day I put in for a transfer.
I stayed there a few years back (I was probably 13 or 14 at the time) for my friend Chloe’s birthday with two other friends, Courtney and Megan, along with my sister, Stevie. Chloe’s mom came along with one of her friends too. We researched and heard the ghost stories so we were really excited. I’ve always been into the paranormal ever since I was a kiddo so to me, this was an exciting adventure. we got there and immediate something was… off. My friends mom went up to the desk and told her we had reservations and everything, blah blah blah. the receptionist looked confused and couldn’t find our reservation details. the mom, who was getting agitated at this point told her about how she talked to ______ (I forget the name she said) and got the reservations, etc. and told her all the details about the call. the resceptionist looked up and told her that nobody by that name works here. WHAT? whaaattt do you meeeaaann?! after several minutes of straight up confusion, we sorted it out, had to pay for another hotel room, and we went up to the room to get our bathing suits on to swim. we talked to some of the staff about the ghosts and they told us stories and the history and what not. at around 10:30pm we set out to the hallways to explore. the staff told us if we wanted to see Aggie, we had a. enter chance at around 2 & 3 am. not long into our little investigation, two of my friends went back to the room to get something. me and my other friend waiting down the hallway. all of a sudden, my friends came running out of our room, scared out of their minds. we asked what was wrong and they told us that the faucet in the turned on. of course, I personally was ecstatic. I ran back to the room and sure enough, it was on. Chloe’s mom and her friend had left to go get food from the store for us through the night so it was just us girls for awhile. we continued our search and stopped in front of a laundry room to peek in. I noticed that the sheets on the ironing board were moving, as if someone was shaking them. I thought for sure I was gonna see a maid or something but no one was there. we went to the area where the pool was (of course we were the only ones there because it was late) and they had these decorations hanging from the ceiling (kites or flags or something of that nature) and we noticed that one of the decorations across the room was swinging back and forth. I pointed it out and we all looked. only one, out of numerous, was swinging. if that wasn’t eerie enough in itself, Courtney pointed and asked if we all see “that”. we all looked over even closer and I kid you not, right under that swinging kite/flag/whatever the fuck it was/ a black mist/fog started forming. it was clear as day, all of us were seeing it, so it wasn’t just my imagination. It was just black and looked like fog or smoke or something just kinda circling around itself. that was the turning point for Megan though. she was scared the whole night, trailing behind us, but after that, she didn’t talk much for a good 15 minutes. of course, dozens of other little incidents happened that night while exploring. towards the end of our ghost hunt, we were heading for one of the doors that led to the stairwell when we saw two guys through the window of the door, drinking and smoking. they looked over and of course we quickly turned around and started speed walking down the hallway. it quickly turned into a full out sprint when we looked behind us and they were LITERALLY chasing us down the hall! two men, around 20’s or 30’s chasing 13/14 year old girls through the hall at like 3 o’clock in the morning! of course this wasn’t a ghost like incident but I just thought it was worth mentioning hahaha. we did eventually get back to our hotel room, by now Chloe’s mom and her friend were back so we of course told them that these men were chasing us. just then, they started banging on the door, laughing hysterically. Matt, the moms friend yelled through the door to go away. I looked through the peephole and one of them had their hand over it so all I saw was black. the rest of the night, the door to the little deck outside would just fly open at random times. even when we bolted it shut with one of the chain locks, it would somehow swing open with extreme force. (when I say extreme, I mean I’m surprised it didn’t make a hole in the wall when it hit it!) we couldn’t explain it and that happened about 5 or 6 times. definitely an awesome place. If you want to have a paranormal experience and you’re in the St. Louis area, I would for sure recommend this place. Just be nice when trying to communicate with Aggie, and try. it to run into drunk guys in the stairwell lol. PS. here’s the picture of Aggie that’s on the second floor.
My friends had a sleepover for her birthday and that night Aggie appered at their door she kept knokking on the door she oppend the door everyone woke up and she kept talking about herself nobody could see her and she was poking and touching everyone so they left the hotel and never came back so be very careful and dont go their ever again
don’t ever try to stay in 357 its haunted. My friend had a very bad experience while she was watching tv she found blue frozen hand was snapping the tv very badly and the tlc channel changed into paranomal activity channel .so guys …be safe
Stay away from room 358, we stayed in there and scary stuff went down. I was sitting with a couple of my friends (we were all 14) I started to get very hot so I opened the door to outside and our car was running. Nobody went out there, our parents were at the pool area hanging out. Plus to start a car you physically have to step on the brakes to turn it on. We told the parents, they came up and shut it off, but had no idea how it turned on. Also the door to the outside kept opening over and over again. Later that night the keys to our car were missing. We looked everywhere in the room, they were no where. Finally after looking for about 30 minutes we looked under a bag (that we’ve checked 4 times already) the keys were right there. It was a fun experience and Aggie is a nice spirit but it does bring chillls to your bones I’ll say that:)
I found ALOT of things out through a ouiji board here. Too much. I connected with everyone from “Aggie” to “Aiden” to “Alexis” the victim in the last shooting. All I can say is that we were warned by her to stay OFF THE FIRST FLOOR. Questions? Message me on Facebook: katy maature
My husband and my parents and I all stayed at this Holiday Inn at Six Flags over St. Louis for the bluegrass festival the hold every year. (Which was amazing!!) We were all sitting in the fundome, where the pool and the arcade are located, listening to some amazing bluegrass music by some amazing bluegrass artist, all of a sudden my mom gets a weird look on her face. I asked what was wrong and she said she saw a young woman, dressed in a long, older days dress, with long black hair just drift out of the wall from upstairs (where the banquet halls are) and “float” over top of our heads, over where the pool is before she just disappeared into thin air. She said it was really cool, I have to admit, I’m a little jealous that I didn’t see her. Later that night, I had gotten a guitar pick from one of the performers, I had set it down to clean out my pockets and when I went to pick it up again it was gone. Joking, I called my mom and told her the ghost took it. I started talking to the ghost and asking her to please give it back (still joking and laughing the whole time). Like 5 minutes later I found it on a different dresser.
There was a girl named shelbie and was there for a friends bday party but when they were on the first floor they saw a wired shadow and it haounted them that night and when they were laying there when they got a tickle on there feet watch SONT STAY ON THE FIRST FLOOR