The haunted castle was originally a senior citizens’ home and orphanage built by the Knights of Pythias in 1913. It’s said to be haunted and has been featured on TV shows. Ghost tours and other events are offered at the castle, now privately owned.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1451 E. Pythian Street
Springfield, Missouri
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 37.221432, -93.26867900000002
- County:
- Greene County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Springfield, MO (1.7 mi.)
Strafford, MO (8.9 mi.)
Battlefield, MO (9.2 mi.)
Brookline, MO (9.3 mi.)
Willard, MO (10.5 mi.)
Fremont Hills, MO (10.9 mi.)
Lon, MO (11.8 mi.)
Nixa, MO (12.4 mi.)
Fair Grove, MO (12.9 mi.)
Republic, MO (13.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My daughters and I were so pleased that the new owner of the castle allowed a private tour one Saturday morning! Thank you! Jinesa
Me and a friend were riding mopeds around town and he showed where the Pythian castle was and we walked up to door and looked in for about 20 seconds and then we both herd a loud banging noise from the floor right above the entrance. We bolted out of the area. This was around midnight also. The park close to it also I’ve felt presences there also but never seen anthing though.
We were at the pythian castle on a private investigation one night when we were about to go into the steam tunnel we got a evp of a male voice saying “Get out”.The weird thing is that we went down in the steam tunnel when there was a evp of a man saying get out.We didn’t know that we had a evp of get out until we got home.The same night me and my sister were up in the tower room asking questions when my sister got her ear blown into,i was by the window looking out spacing out when all of sudden my sister runs down the stairs.I was in the tower room by myself.To this day my sister doesn’t remember how she made all the down the staries with out tripping.Everything we go a private investigation my sister does not want to go up to the Tower Room to face her fears.When we was in the boiler room by the entrance of the steam tunnel we heard a pair high heels shoes walking down the stairs but you got top remember that there were no stairs in the boiler room and there was nobody wearing highn heels shoes that night.In the Green Room behind the theatre my sister camera battery was almost dead but she said that she charged it at her work.After that we went into the living room,sat down my sister checked it again and it full charged.
they feed the blood to the tree by hang the head and bodys like hanging mans tree
I was drawn to this soldiers coat. It was Veteran’s Day 2017. and it looks like the coat is moving…took this with my digital camera….and I was standing still. it was toward the end of the night, and I was barely moving…everything is in focus but the coat.
My family went on a tour after seeing an episode of Ghost Adventures. When in the basement, my phone would not work to take pictures. Once we moved, it started working again. I took a selfie of my daughter & I & captured an orb in our picture.
The final room we went into where a little boy stays, my daughter felt pulling on her pant legs & when she was @the window, she felt really cold air for about 15 seconds.
I want to go back!!!!
My family went on a tour after seeing an episode of Ghost Adventures. When in the basement, my phone would not work to take pictures. Once we moved, it started working again. I took a picture & captured an orb in our picture.
The final room we went into where a little boy stays, my daughter felt pulling on her pant legs & when she was @the window, she felt really cold air for about 15 seconds.
I want to go back!!!!
Orb pic