Prospect Church

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According to local legend, on moonlit nights at Prospect Church, those who park in the last parking space on the right side of the church and peer at the last window on the second story will see a ghost who moves the curtains violently as if in a struggle inside.

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Geographic Information

740 Prospect Church Road
Hartsville, SC
United States

Get Directions »
34.47930736245833, -80.11378517749108
Chesterfield County, South Carolina
Nearest Towns:
North Hartsville, SC (6.4 mi.)
Hartsville, SC (7.6 mi.)
Patrick, SC (7.6 mi.)
McBee, SC (8.1 mi.)
Lydia, SC (13.1 mi.)
Bethune, SC (14.1 mi.)
Society Hill, SC (15.1 mi.)
Chesterfield, SC (17.8 mi.)
Darlington, SC (18.4 mi.)
Ruby, SC (18.8 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (6)

  1. Parked in the last spot on the right. Unfortunately, a flood light was placed over the window you’re supposed to be viewing and obscures all viewing. We drove to the cemetery (left) side of the church and parked just in case we were wrong about the supposed “legend”. There were no parking sports on the left side, but while we parked a flood light over the back side door turned off. Left side was definitely more interesting, but overall not worth the drive.

  2. Seen shadow people walk around in the graveyard and I have seen the curtains move but at the time I thought it was the AC but then noticed the ac unit was not on. We have heard talking coming from the graveyard. Seen 2 ghost kids running around the graveyard. Heard that if you sit on the black grave stone that you will hear someone talk to you that no one else can hear but I find it disrespectful sitting on someones headstone and have never done it but know plenty of people who have tried it and most of them said they heard a man start talking to them. I live 6 miles away and go there often. I have been and didn’t see or hear anything. I’ve went and sat 2 hours before anything happened and went and something happened in less than 10 mins. The things I’ve heard and seen did happen all on the same visit but you might go there and it all happen to you or you might see the kids or you might see the shadow people or the curtains move. There’s no telling what will happen when you go

  3. Scary things happen out there. I use to live very close also and have been there very many times something doesnt happen everytime but it does happen. Walk alone around the grave yard three times and the three times around the church and the knock on the front door and put your ear up to the door. plus did you know that the graveyard doesnt just stop where you see it there’s an older graveyard in the woods behind it.

  4. My entire family is buried here. I buried my dad in this cemetery in 2016. My husband and I will also be buried here. We already purchased our plots right next to my dad. I have seen some crazy things in the second story window myself. I love visiting this cemetery and church. Going there gives me peace.

  5. My father and many of my relatives are buried at the cemetery behind Prospect church. I have been going there since the 80s. I was there at dark and saw a struggle in the second story window.pretty scary.

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