Place d'Armes Hotel

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At this hotel you may find the ghost of a small girl in old-fashioned clothes. She may ask if you have seen her grandmother before she vanishes. Also reported here have been the sounds of music, voices, and footsteps.

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    Geographic Information

    625 St. Ann St
    New Orleans, LA 70116
    United States

    Get Directions »
    29.958753, -90.06340599999999
    Orleans Parish, Louisiana
    Nearest Towns:
    New Orleans, LA (0.8 mi.)
    Gretna, LA (3.1 mi.)
    Arabi, LA (3.5 mi.)
    Terrytown, LA (3.8 mi.)
    Harvey, LA (3.9 mi.)
    Marrero, LA (4.7 mi.)
    Jefferson, LA (5.4 mi.)
    Metairie, LA (5.6 mi.)
    Timberlane, LA (5.9 mi.)
    Westwego, LA (6.0 mi.)

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    1. I stayed here on Halloween 2014 and trust me this place is haunted, every night it felt like someone was walking around in my room. There’s no windows here so the room is pitch black. I heard voices in my room having a full out conversation and I wasn’t even drunk yet. Its definitely a cool hotel to stay at.

    2. Stayed a few years ago. Room 222. Awoke to footsteps in room and sense I couldnt move, couldn’t lift myself up. When I finally could quietly woke friend. Footsteps also heard. When we finally talked we shared we actually both had experience couldn’t move. Later read rm 223 has paranormal activity.

    3. Stayed at this place three times and have heard the children laughing and running around. Have also seen younger man in 1880’s attire with female visitor. The room at the end of the second courtyard past the slave quarters is the most haunted and after three days you get the feeling they want you gone. My sister was given a noodge in the back even though she was sitting in a hardback chair. Freaked her out

      • I experienced the same thing. Children laughing in the middle of the night. It happened about 10 years ago and it’s such a vivid memory to this day. The next morning I told the manager what had happened and she told me the story about the school and fire. I instantly felt a chill down my spine. After that night…I believe in ghosts. This occurred in one of the two bedrooms directly over the lobby.

    4. Stayed in a room called the stairway to heaven room. My last night there, it was about 6 am and I went to turn the TV off and roll over. As soon as I closed my eyes I felt something heavy climb onto the bed. I knew I was alone so I went to turn over, but couldn’t. I was froze as if something was holding me. I then went to scream but nothing came out. I felt this weight come over me for a few seconds and then it was gone. I jumped out of bed turned all the lights on and literally slapped myself to see if I was dreaming…..I wasn’t. Needless to say it was a bit scary, but it was also an intense new experience for me. The place was gorgeous and the staff were very polite. I would go back, even with the scary intense experience. NOLA❤️

    5. I just stayed at the Place d’Armes 10/29-11/2/2017, and I didn’t get a solid night’s sleep while I was there. The first night, and a few scattered times throughout the trip, there were loud scraping sounds in the walls/ceiling–there are lots of rats in New Orleans, so I suppose it could have been rats. However, the second night, I woke up to the sound of a woman crying, either in the room or very loudly in the hall–again, that could be an actual woman wailing in the hallway, but it went away and came back after I had fallen back asleep, so I doubt it. Every night of my trip, I was woken up multiple times because my bed was shaking. It felt less like someone climbing into bed than someone walking on the bed, or just shaking it. I asked my friend in the other bed of theirs was doing the same thing, wondering if it was the building, and they didn’t experience anything like that.

      Regardless, I would stay there again. I didn’t sense anything malicious, the bed shaking didn’t scare me (though the woman’s voice and the scraping sounds did, a bit–the scraping gave me a Candyman flashback),

    6. I have been able to communicate with spirits all my life, but my experience at Place d’Armes Hotel in New Orleans was the first time I was able to validate what I heard and saw. I am a well-respected journalist, so my life is based on verifying facts. That’s why this experience was so exceptional.

      I booked myself into the Place d’Armes off Jackson Square in New Orleans for a business trip, not knowing it was one of the most haunted places in the Vieux Carre. Shortly after checking in on Thursday, November 20, 2003, I glimpsed a little girl in my room. The next day, she also briefly appeared. She was about four feet tall and slightly built, being petite for her age, which I sensed was about 12.

      On Saturday evening, I had dined with business associates and then joined them for nightclub hopping. Shortly before midnight, I left them to return to my hotel to work late into the night to meet my editor’s deadline the next morning. I sat typing on my laptop computer at a desk against the wall with a mirror hanging above it. I glanced in the mirror and was startled by the image of the little girl, standing behind me.

      “What’s your story, Little Girl?” I asked. Suddenly, I was unable to breathe and smelled burning tar. I remembered that smell from my youth when my parents often used old tar shingles to start the fire in our coal stove. The young girl faded away.

      The next morning I telephoned my neighbor, our high school’s head librarian, and asked her to use the Internet to investigate the Place d’Armes. Then I went to the front desk and asked the clerk, “Is this hotel haunted?” She replied, “No, it’s not haunted. I’ve worked here since 1985 and I’ve never heard about any ghosts.” Just then, one of the New Orleans haunted tours stopped across the street, and the guide pointed at the Place d’ Armes while tourists snapped photos and listened to his story. I chuckled to myself and decided to seek out the maids.

      Two maids were going about their daily chores when I interrupted them and asked the same question: “Is this hotel haunted?” The younger maid said, “Yes, but I’m not sure who it is. I just know there’s a door up on your floor we can’t keep closed.” The older maid chimed in, “I can feel it, but I’ve never seen anything. But, there were people here with cameras who said they were filming ghosts a few years ago.”

      Just then, an elderly janitor walked down the hallway toward us. He had been listening to our conversation while he climbed the back stairs. “Those children haunt this place,” he said. “They play in the hallway, and bounce their ball down the steps. They died in that fire here years ago when it was an orphanage.” That accounted for my inability to breathe and the smell of burning tar. The children had perished in that fire. I thanked the maids and janitor for the information, and went off to my business meeting. Meanwhile, my neighbor called to tell me she had found reports of the frequent sighting of the ghost of a young girl at the Place d’Armes.

      That evening, November 23, I returned to my room at the Place d’Armes. After a cleansing ritual bath, I set up my portable altar, called to the Four Quarters, and cast my sacred circle. I called to the little girl, and she appeared. She was so loving and lost, and I knew she wanted my help. I told her she needed to move on to the other side where her parents were waiting for her. I told her they loved her and wanted her to come home to them, and then she would have a real home instead of the orphanage. “What about my brother?” she asked. “Take him with you,” I told her.

      She told me her name was Maribel, then she hugged me around the waist and disappeared. I did not see her again for the remainder of my stay, but there is an interesting postscript to this story.

      When I returned to my office the following week, I was logging in my travel expenses when I noticed the notation printed at the bottom of one restaurant receipt: “Maribel Thank You!” My journalistic skepticism at once suggested that the name Maribel had been imbedded in my subconscious by this receipt prior to my encounter with the little girl. I checked the date on the receipt, and it was November 25, two days after she had told me her name and the last day of my business trip to New Orleans.

      I believe Maribel and her brother were the two children who accidentally started the fire that claimed their lives and those of many other children and that their guilt was binding them to the site.

    7. I stayed in this hotel many many years ago, approximately the spring of 2002. My husband, my sister and brother in law shared a room, we went through the courtyard and passed by the pool. There was a breakfast room and a long corridor that we had to go down to reach a very small old elevator to go up to our room. As we entered the corridor, I stopped and said “there is something at the other end of this hallway!” We continued to walk and at the end of the hallway was an old front desk with a white hair, white bearded hefty man with a captain’s cap and outfit on, not visible to anyone, just in my mind. I found it odd that it was a captain (sailor) in this hotel lobby so I did some research and the attire that this man was wearing was the uniform of a doorman for a hotel. I never saw him again but I felt his presence and saw his image. I am not a clairvoyant but have had several “co-inky dinkies” in my life.

    8. My husband & I stayed in room 223 two years ago & had several experiences there. I knew the hotel had a reputation for being haunted but it’s New Orleans-there are ghosts everywhere. It started the second night-my husband heard someone (?) racing up & down the double staircase. No human could run up & down the stairs that fast! He got up & opened the door but nobody was there. The next night I woke to hear what sounded like furniture being moved-except who would be moving furniture in a hotel at 3 AM? The next morning, I was combing my hair while standing right next to the door to the room & heard a very hard knock on the door. I immediately opened the door but nobody was there! I knew about the hotel but I didn’t tell my husband. Everything was fine until the Ghost Walking Tour walked by our balcony & pointed to our room & said Room 223 had many stories of hauntings-my husband was not amused to say the least! I will stay there again but not in Room 223.

    9. My wife and I stayed at this hotel three different times from 2013 to 2016. It’s a very interesting place in a great location in the French Quarter for a good price. That being said, the place is extremely haunted. Out of the three times we stayed there (three different rooms) we only had one room where nothing happened. The first time we stayed two nights and it was uneventful. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law also stayed. They put my sister-in-law in law in a room with no windows and it had a peculiar odor. My MIL said it smelled like “Death”. The second time we got the room directly across the hall from the one we stayed in the first time. It was fine during the day but, at night, it took on a totally different vibe. The first night in that room I had restless sleep and was woken up during the night by the presence of something in the room. It was a very heavy and uncomfortable feeling that gave a strong sense of dread. I guess that’s how it feels when there’s something in the room with you that you can’t see but you know it’s there. I could sense it moving around the room, It messed with me all night. I would start to fall asleep and it would blow into my ear and startle me awake like; “PUH!” Right in my ear and I would nearly jump out of bed. It was like something mischievous children do. My wife was asleep and facing the opposite direction so it wasn’t her. This went on all night until the sun came up. I talked to my wife about it the next day and she said she experienced the same thing all night and got hardly any sleep. So it wasn’t just me. I decided to tell whatever it was that we acknowledged they were there but please leave us alone in peace. It worked because the next night it left us alone. The third time we stayed was in a first-floor room by the pool at the end of a narrow alleyway. The room, itself was quiet but in the middle of the night (around 3 am) things would start-up in the room directly above us. It sounded like furniture being moved around…heavy furniture and I don’t mean just dragged, I mean zooming around all over the room in a way that would not be humanly possible to do. Now I guess someone could have been doing it, but the way that sounded they would have had to have super human strength and speed. This went on both nights. This is a very cool location but you never know if you’ll get any rest there or not.

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