Pittock Mansion

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This historic French Renaissance chateau, rumored to be haunted, was a private home until the City of Portland bought it in 1964. It is currently restored and open for visitation, welcoming 80,000 sightseers per year. The mansion has been used as a setting in films such as First Love, The Haunting of Sarah Hardy, Body of Evidence, and the slasher film Unhinged.

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    Geographic Information

    3229 NW Pittock Dr
    Portland, OR
    United States

    Get Directions »
    45.52518208799768, -122.71647942936096
    Multnomah County, Oregon
    Nearest Towns:
    Portland, OR (2.0 mi.)
    West Haven-Sylvan, OR (2.6 mi.)
    West Haven, OR (2.6 mi.)
    West Slope, OR (3.0 mi.)
    Raleigh Hills, OR (3.8 mi.)
    Cedar Hills, OR (4.2 mi.)
    Cedar Mill, OR (4.6 mi.)
    Garden Home-Whitford, OR (4.7 mi.)
    Beaverton, OR (5.0 mi.)
    Metzger, OR (5.8 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. I visited the mansion for the first time way back in 1978 I believe… I was 14. The tour was great and I have to admit, the other girls in the group with me were kinda freaked out by the haunting rumors but no-one saw the shadowy figure in the back of the car garage but myself and one other girl. The guide told us we likely saw a ghost of one of the servants that maintained the family home at some point. Beautiful mansion with lovely grounds~ a must see for the Portland tourist!

    2. We took my mom to the mansion in 2008. We were in one of the upstairs bedrooms, it has a large round mirror on the wall. We discovered when we got home, a girl in the reflection of the mirror. She was not in the room with us, in fact we were pretty much alone in the house besides staff.
      She was a modern day looking, long dark hair.
      Also in the piano room, another picture came out with the reflection of a turn of the century woman in the top of the piano, upside down. Again it was just me, my husband and my mom. We did not know this was considered a haunted location.

    3. I grew up in Portland (the best city in the world) and it was common knowledge that the Pittock Mansion is haunted and pretty much everyone I knew had some sort of experience there. It was, and still is, one of my favorite places in the city and it has a unique, very strong energy that makes you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. I definitely saw shadows out of the corners of my eyes a few times and once, during the Christmas season when they decorate the mansion with teddy bears, I heard a whisper and one of the bears shifted. Scared me to death, honestly! I was alone in one of the small rooms adjoining the bedrooms. An amazing, beautiful, historic and very haunted place.

    4. I was looking at on of the family pictures in the downstairs area. I was looking at one picture in particular, within the glass frame. I truly saw the reflection of a lady with dark hair, up in a bun. She had on a verticle striped dress with short “poofy” sleeves and a high ruffled collar. Her “poofy” sleeves were short and had ruffles as well. She seemed to be looking over my shoulder as I was looking at the picture. When I turned around, no one was there.

      • I saw the exact same reflection of the same lady. She looked like she was looking over my should behind me based on the reflection in the picture. She had her hair up in a bun, short poofy sleeves with ruffled material on the end of the sleeves (short). It was a striped dress for certain. I have often wondered why I saw this and no one around me seemed to have the same issue. Weird. I saw her too though.

    5. Just visited this place and had an experience. looked up if the mansion was haunted and sure enough it is! My friend and I were sitting on the loveseat downstairs across from the magnificent painting of a white cat. As we were talking I noticed a bright speck out of the corner of my eye zoom right passed my face. I initially thought it was a bug, or a speck of dust reflecting sunlight, but we were no where near any rays of sunlight. I concluded that what I saw must have been a spirit orb, very cool!

    6. I went late at night with a group of 6 including myself. Nothing happened as we looked out on the view for awhile. But when we passed the tea room. Kate and Lucys room we heard faint bells. And then we got crepped out and started walking faster to leave and heard a loud creek. My friends were thinking it could have been like an underground cellar door opening. It was awfully creepy.

    7. I have had three different experiences there.

      The strong smell of roses walking down the stairs. That was my first visit. There were no roses and no one else smelled them.

      I took a picture that I no longer have unfortunately. A lady standing in the window in one of the highest floors.

      My now deceased husband and I went again at one point and we visited a side building. We went down to the basement. It was eerie. Neither one of us could breathe and we both went sprinting out of there.

    8. today I was at Pittock Mansion with family—it was a regular busy Saturday with many visitors and tour groups. In the front parlor room, we all saw the distinct impression of an elderly mans face in profile, with a slight smile. It was oddly defined and nearly opaque. The imprint was in a section of the room that is roped off from the public and is not accessible from the outside without a ladder. I asked the docent and she seemed confused by it, but dismissive.

      The energy in there felt happy, and the face bears resemblance to Henry Pittock. If it was an apparition, he seems benevolent and pleased to share his home!

      I took serval photos of it, one is attached here. These have not been doctored.

    9. I went to the mansion as a teen and saw a little girl ghost in the children’s room. I started to feel like I was on fire and needed to get down from the room then one of the story tellers of the house said there had been a fire in the room where the Girl stayed

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.