Ghostly noises, scratching sounds and screaming can all be heard at the Park Inn. It is rumored that in the 70’s a wife discovered her husband was having an affair so she followed him to the hotel, killed him and his mistress and then herself in the bathroom. Supposedly this room is extremely haunted to this day.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 2500 Carlisle Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, NM
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 35.107248, -106.602869
- County:
- Bernalillo County, New Mexico
- Nearest Towns:
- Albuquerque, NM (3.2 mi.)
Lee Acres, NM (3.8 mi.)
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM (4.4 mi.)
North Valley, NM (4.7 mi.)
Sandia Heights, NM (7.9 mi.)
South Valley, NM (7.9 mi.)
Paradise Hills, NM (8.5 mi.)
Carnuel, NM (8.8 mi.)
Corrales, NM (9.0 mi.)
Rio Rancho, NM (9.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
There is this rooom that is all alone the door is locked and has scratch marks on it debris holes on the door and it sounds like something is breathing heavily by the door
I stayed here this passed weekend, I stayed with my small cheer team of 10. We got two conjoining rooms and another room down the hall. Upon arriving we tried to take the elevator to the second floor but had to take the stairs because they were having “problems” with the elevator. Maintenance was trying to force the doors open and bring it down from the third floor. If you didnt know, the third floor is supposed to be the haunted floor but at this time is under renovation. A couple of girls took the elevator the next day, pressed two, and were taken up to the third floor. On our first day we were getting ready for bed and all getting in the shower when a girl claimed her shower curtain opened all the way while she was in the shower. Upon hearing that another girl decided to do some research about the hotel and found that it was supposedly haunted. We called our coach and told her about it and she said it was probably a hoax and for us to get our rest because we had to get up early the next morning. It was around 10:30 or 11 at night. Our coach usually tapes our doors so she can tell if we left our room. While she was taping us in, a man who was delivering pizza stopped and asked her if she was “Sure that tape would keep her girls in.” It freaked us all out and decided to stay in my room for a while untill we calmed down from the scare. But, with no luck. A man with black steel-toe construction boots would walk up to our doors and stand there listening for us for about five minutes before walking away. He did this about five times before I decided to call my coach and security. Upon having three parents and myself threaten to call APD, they send a young female security guard who was nice enough to give us her contact information in case we need to get a hold of her. Our coach and the other girls had left and went back to their room. I asked her if it was true about the hotel being haunted and she told me she couldn’t say much except for that before she started working at the hotel, she didn’t believe in ghosts. The security guard also shared that the ghost that she had encountered was a little girl, she was friendly ghost that just wanted you to know you were there. Around 12:30, 1 in the morning, we had closed the conjoining doors just enough for them to be opened from either side if need be, but not enough for a breeze or wind to open it. We were all talking while laying down in our beds. There were four of us in the room, our door started to violently shake, we were all so scared we couldn’t move. I decided to get up and check if the girls from the other room weren’t playing a prank, but, they were all fast asleep. I returned to my bed and started up the conversation again. I was finally calming down when the nightstand drawer opened all on its own. Let’s just say the first night was not a good night for me. Only slept about four hours. The second night we all went to our coaches room to discuss what had happened the night before. I was sitting in a desk chair near the sliding glass door leading to a balcony. I started hearing things tapping on the window which scared me. I pulled open the curtain to see if there was anything I could see but there wasn’t. When our coach went out there were sugar packets and pennies laying all over the balcony but no one was to be found outside, security couldn’t find anyone either. Our coaches room was blacked out on the map. We stayed on the second floor across the hall overlooking the pool. In room number 267, 268, and 270.
Oh my gosh a few years back when it was the Radisson that same thing happened to me and my boss. We woke up to our door shaking and our night stand to and heavy breathing noise.
I’d like to speak with you about your experience, I am working on a TV show about haunted hotels. Tracey
I worked as the av director for the cascads as it’s now known for bseveral months, including during the time the young woman above mentioned, I was there the night APD was called (separate incident but same night)
The hotel is most assuredly haunted, I never believed in “ghost stories” until I began working there. Still don’t believe in ghosts per say but that’s aside. I was installing some equipment one day in the water park and I was walking past I felt something calling out to me to go up the stairs right next to the WP, which is blocked off. I went up to inspect what I was feeling and as soon as I took my first step on the stairwell felt an immediate imposing darkness. True intense fear immediately consumed me. I continued up to find a locked door with no knob, and it was pretty banged up. I gave up and went downstairs to my office.
That’s not all though. The two elevators are constantly having “problems” on many occasions I would need to use the elevators to haul equipment to the other building. Sometimes if you press the 2 button it will actually take you to the third floor. I never had it open when I didn’t intentionally go there, but I’ve heard it happens. But for me it would sometimes take me up to the third, stop, and then take me back down to one or the basement, on one occasion it actually did it three times before it let me out properly.
There’s many tales about the cascada. From the third floor murders in the 70s, to the chef getting completely caught in the boiler in the basement a few years ago, to the claims it was a mob hotel and there were tortures in the basement of the second building. That’s another mixed up one that I definitely believe at least to an extent. If you go in to the service hallway of the second building you’ll find a broken down freight elevator that’s completely inoperable. Nearby is a rickety staircase that goes down to the basement. I’ve heard a couple times some kind of noise I can’t really identify, way too scared to investigate. Last time o worked in the hotel the door to that staircase was still open. You can find the service hallway at the near side of ocotillo 1 (formerly cotillion 1) and the far side of blue agave (I think that’s what they call it now, used to be called cavalier) if anyone was curious enough to investigate
Hotel is definitely haunted by something, I can guarantee that.
PS. If you were curious about the second building, the meeting rooms are on the second floor. There used to be a way in to ocotillo because it couldn’t lock. Not sure if that’s still the case. The staircase should lead to what I think used to be the old second building kitchen, which only makes sense. From there, Ive been told, is another staircase that leads to the basement. There are stairs going down, top where I have no idea, outside in the center area, where the putting green is. I don’t know if that’s open, only know the stairs are there. Good luck!
I’m interested in speaking with you about your experiences. Tracey
Where is the 3rd floor where the penthouse murder happened? I live in the luxury apartments now and I was able to find the boiler, but not the chained off door that everyone is talking about. I searched for hours.
Hey Ricky,
I worked front desk/sales there for a few years. The third floor they refer to was in the first part of the building, and only really on one side, if i remember correctly. There really wasnt a a door that was “chained” it was just locked
Where is the penthouse murder room? I was able to find the boiler in the basement, but not the 3rd floor chained up room that everyone is talking about. I live in the luxury apartments now.
I stayed at the Hotel Cascada in October 2014 for work related training. I was completely unaware of the reputation of this hotel at the time. I had a room on the second floor, if I remember correctly it was room 2013. After checking in I went up to the room and as I opened the door there was an intense darkness that greeted me with a very intense dislike for the room. I however did not switch rooms. After leaving my things in the room I took the elevator down to the 1st floor to meet some people from my training class for dinner. The elevator took me to the basement instead of to the 1st floor. Which was a little creepy because the lights were all turned off in the basement and I wasn’t expecting to be in that area. Didn’t think that much of it until later when I went back to my room by way of the elevator. I know I pushed the button for the elevator to stop on the 2nd floor. When the elevator stopped and the door opened I stepped out not really paying attention to my surroundings until I was in the hallway. It was then that I realized I was not on the 2nd floor but somewhere else that was under construction but not under construction. There were no lights on, piles of debris in the corners and along the wall, wires hanging down thru the ceiling, and vacant. It looked like at some point in the past construction had started and then stopped right in the middle of the work. I got back in the elevator as fast as I could before the elevator doors closed. After that I asked the front desk about the elevator going to the basement which they said was impossible because that elevator didn’t have a basement button to push to take you there. Which is true there is no button for the basement in that elevator, but it took me there. When I asked about the elevator going to the 3rd floor they again said that couldn’t happen because the elevator was locked out from going to that floor. At this point I was freaked out. I then googled the hotel and found out about it’s haunted reputation. I did not stay the night there. I went and stayed at a friend’s house for that week of training.
My mom use to be a manager at that hotel when it was hotel Cascade and me and my friends would always go up there. The whole third floor is outdated and needs to be renovated but the penthouse is where the real haunting is. One afternoon after school me and my friends when up there and we saw the penthouse doors, all chained up, which we had never seen. So we have heard the story’s before and we decided to look in the peak hole. We saw furniture that was covered with white sheets and broken glass on the floor, and all of a sudden a gush of wind came bursting out of the doors and somehow my phone flow out of my hand and landed next to the door. Me and my friends ran down to the lobby and told my mom. That evening when I went back for my phone it was across the hall from where it flew.
Where is this penthouse at?? I can’t find it and live in the apartments now
Ps the guy with the mistress was the owner of the hotel and was found dead in the penthouse.
It is now been turned into luxury apartments/lofts. I don’t know what is more scary the supposed spectres or the fact that they are charging $700 to rent a 350 sq ft studio in that area. Other than the hipster connex container mall next door to it, that area is not exactly the best area of the city to live at the moment.
I never knew this hotel was haunted until watching a tik tok video and reading the comments about it being haunted (@matthew4242). So I wanted to share my experience because something off did happen to me and my family as well back in 2014 or 2013. My mom booked one night at the hotel for my brother and I, we normally live in Santa Fe (which is why I know nothing of about this) so we were looking forward to it. Service was fine no issues. I don’t remember taking any sort of elevator because I think we had a room on the first floor. But as we were leaving after staying the night I remember the room being clean when we first got there. No bugs. No nothing it was clean. However I noticed when we woke up there was MOTHS…maybe like 3 next to the sliding door and curtains. I was so confused because my Hispanic mom would never let any of us have a door open while we sleep let alone at night in Albuquerque. So how’d they get in??? As we progressively pack up the moths are getting worse… they start appearing out of nowhere…. A swarm of moths… That’s all what I distinctly remember about that hotel.I know it’s not much but I do think Moths associate with spirits and stuff especially if they appear out of nowhere ….Might of been my mom’s guardian and saints protecting us or something.
im a delivery driver and deliver to these apartments almost weekly. since the first time i went i’ve felt there being a presence but thought it was me overthinking the long hallways and shady lighting. today i went there again and had a delivery to the third floor which upon my recent research i found out has a lot of significance. so i take the package up deliver it and go to take the elevator back downstairs to the first floor. there’s two elevators i go and push the down arrow to call the elevator and elevator 1 comes up and the ding noise elevators make when the door opens goes off and the down arrow on the elevator blinks but as i enter the elevator it’s keeping dinging constantly. i push 1 thinking nothing of it and it continues ding ding ding ding ding and the arrow blinks. i keep pushing 1 a couple of times nothing i also then begin to push the close door button again the dinging continues and the doors don’t close to take me to floor 1. then after awhile i hear the second elevator arrive and ding once as those doors opened. which i thought was weird because wouldn’t someone have had to push the down button in the hallway to call the second elevator? i then switch elevators and push 1 and the doors close and i go down continuing to hear the other elevator still dinging. later, at the end of my deliveries i then go to return my key card to the office and give them the package for the other section of the building with a separate elevator. while in the office with the other package i handed it to the employee and she said “okay i’ll have the other girl who works in here take it up there i don’t go to the third floor it’s too haunted”….