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YMCA Parking Lot

Since moving to Billings from Harrisburg PA I’ve had a few weird experiences. I park at the YMCA across from my job. In the first parking lot twice I saw something small and black move into the back seat of my car when I was getting out to lock my car door. It was cloudy looking and moved very fast.

A few days ago I was getting out of my car and I saw a young guy in black walking across the parking lot and he simply vanished. It’s hard to describe exactly what I saw as he was moving very fast. I was opening my car door and just happened to look into my side mirror and saw him. When I opened my car door I saw him just vanish. He was wearing a black shirt and had light colored hair and was carrying something.

Each time I’ve seen something it’s been very early in the morning just shortly after it begins getting daylight.

(Submitted by Lori M)

Clark Lake Community Center

It first happened Sunday, September 27, 2015, the night of the Blood Moon. While many around Clark Lake were gazing upward observing the astronomical phenomenon, a darker aberration was occurring. As if to say there was a morsel of truth to what are largely regarded as myths, the night of the Blood Moon marked the beginning of another shadow at Clark Lake. John Karkheck is president of the Clark Lake Community Center. Sitting on the deck of his north shore Clark Lake home, an inner voice whispered to him “Go to the Community Center.” Thinking that it was simply a random thought, he dismissed it. The third time this intuition nudged, he decided to act on this inkling. He got in his car and drove to the east end of the lake.

Upon entering the historic building, he snapped on the light switch and was met with a flash of light. “Bulb out”, he thought “and that bulb keeps blowing out.” He had his iPhone with him and recorded a voice memo as a reminder to bring back some LED bulbs that would last longer. He walked up the stairway in the middle of the house and began to feel that something was, indeed, amiss. There was a heaviness in the air that translated into unease. He heard some high pitch clicking and quickly surmised that the bats in the attic were active again. The Community Center inherited the clan from the days the house was located on Kentucky Point. John thought he saw a form resembling a figure out of the corner of his eye. But he quickly reasoned it must be a light from a boat on the lake playing a trick on his vision. He continued his survey of the property and concluded “nothing to see here.” So he returned home, poured an adult beverage, and joined the rest of the lake in watching the Blood Moon.

In the morning, he reviewed his iPhone voice memos. After hearing the reminder to purchase some LED bulbs, the voice activated app continued to play. It had picked up something that he had not heard while in the building. It was a scratchy male voice with a southern dialect saying something–but what? He was having a hard understanding the voice. He played it again and thought he could detect the words “don’t use the punk.” “Punk?” “What could that mean?” thought John. He asked Dotty, his wife, to listen to it. She responded “John I think you need to download that app again, something is wrong with it.” John’s puzzlement continued.

Several days later, he saw a cable TV show that investigates paranormal activity. John learned about EVPs or “electronic voice phenomenon.” According to those dealing with the paranormal, recording devices can pick up ghostly mutterings that can’t be heard by humans. Somehow the electronic equipment records communications from another dimension. On the show, a member of the crew will ask a question. Then when they listen back to the recording, they sometimes hear a response. But they are left with trying to figure out what it means. Frustrated with this mysterious incident, John got in touch with the producers of the show. They expressed strong interest in his call. After several more conversations, they made arrangements to visit the Community Center. They brought with them their equipment that allegedly picks up other worldly communications.

They arrived at Clark Lake one recent rainy afternoon and asked John and the few others who knew of their visit to keep it confidential. That evening, after a quick bite to eat at the Beach Bar, they set up shop in an upstairs bedroom at the Community Center and spent the night. The filming took place with the heart of the activity taking place around 3 am. As they departed for Metro airport the next day, they reported that they believed they had accurately identified the disembodied voice and connected what John recorded on his iPhone with a real life historical event at Clark Lake.

(Submitted by Laurice L)

RAF Boyndie

After a chance encounter with an entity in an abandoned hospital we started actively looking for paranormal encounters. The search took us to RAF Boyndie, near Banff, a WW 2 Coastal command airfield. Over the course of 6 months we visited the location numerous times. We caught EVP’s, Light Orbs, heard footsteps and humming. We experienced drastic temperature and humidity changes as well. And we also captured a shadow figure on camera.

We published all of our finds on You Tube and our Facebook page.

On the Airfield a number of ruinous buildings can be found but most importantly the Control Tower and the OPS building are in good condition and easy to access. There is a memorial at the main road and a small but very informative museum nearby.

For us it is one of the most active places we visited in the past.

(Submitted by Paranormal Family Scotland)

Old Rush Copley Memorial

The Old Rush Copley Hospital was build in 1888 and shutdown in 1996. Paranormal researchers and people that have broken in this hospital have heard footsteps,unexplained voices and even apparitions. In one encounter, a group of teens have seen a doll that might have belong to a young child patient, move on its one once they looked at it.

(Submitted by Oscar G)

Cabbage Patch Restaurant

Staff are aware of activity. We ate lunch there and my sister’s coffee cup moved across the table.. on it’s own.

The staff say the old house used to be home to a family and the spirit is a little girl who fell off the upper staircase and died.

(Submitted by Mary M)

Antique Importers

Formerly a gas station and repair shop, the Antique Importers building is notorious for activity. 2 spirits inhabit the space… both were 2 long time Issaquah residents and worked at the gas station. They are friendly and helpful. The woman who used to run a consignment shop out of the building would have the 2 spirits “help” her move furniture and even saved her from falling. They were most active upstairs in the storage area. After this woman moved out, the next renter was involved in paranormal activity and even had seances at the site.

(Submitted by Mary M)

Howmet Plant

1 Howmet Dr. Hampton, Va, 23661. Back in the early 1980’s I was a security guard working through the Wackenhut Corp, at the Howmet plant in Hampton, Virginia. One hot and misty night I saw what I thought was a young woman wearing a gossamer gown wandering in front of the plant. I grew somewhat suspicious of this person, after all who wanders the streets wearing only a night gown? I left the guard house to see if this woman needed some assistance. She seemed as real as any other person on the planet, but she completely ignored my calling out to her. I got within arms length of her and I reached out to touch her and get her attention. At this point, the woman simply vanishes. I was both shocked and horrified by this event. For an hour I debated on whether or not I should make an entry into the security log, but ultimately I elected not to do it, However, when my superior arrived in the morning, I told her about the incident. She just laughed at me and said that it was just wishful thinking on my part. From that point to now, I have never told anyone else this story.

(Submitted by Marshall W)

Thornhaven Manor

This curious haunt has been featured on Ghost Adventures and is quickly becoming one of the most talked about haunted locations for the innumerable amounts of paranormal activity occurring on the property. Sitting on seven acres this foreboding home is the site of murder, mysterious deaths, and rumored suicide.

(Submitted by Steve)

Hanging Tree

About a 10 minute walk into the woods off of Patchogue Bay takes you to a clearing near the water, where the “Hanging Tree” is. As urban legend goes this tree is where early people in the area hung supposed witches, while another legend is that a teenage supposedly committed suicide by hanging himself from the tree. While neither of these stories have been proven, there is most definitely something paranormal here.

When first walking up to the tree a group of friends and I suddenly felt a steep rise in temperature, so abnormal since if you walked a mere 2 feet away from the tree the temperature dropped back to normal. There was also a subtle but growing foreboding feeling at the tree, which eventually drove us to start to leave the clearing. As we did, I stopped short after hearing an extra set of footsteps, and as I did my friend and I both heard someone whisper in our ears. Spooked, we made our way (much quicker) out of the clearing where we heard a rustling in the bushes as if something had been thrown at us. After getting back into the car, my friend looked into the rearview mirror and swore on her life that she saw a little girl sitting in the middle of the street, but when she looked back a second later she had vanished.

So thats my story of the tree. I know several people who have went and also experienced things such as hot flashes, flashlights and cell phones suddenly not working, and strange sounds.

(Submitted by Matthew C)

The Old Hotel

The old hotel is the second oldest building in Algona, WA. Supposedly there was a witch that lived there that couldn’t cast a shadow. To this day, there are sightings of her shadows, black cats, a canary sound, and abnormalities that happen around the building.

(Submitted by Merdock D)