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Hudson River State Hospital

Hudson River State Hospital was a psychiatric hospital complex from 1873 through the early 2000s. The historic High Victorian Gothic building was abandoned in 2003 and set afire by a lightning strike in 2007. It was purchased by a private owner in 2013. Rumor has it that former patients wander here at night, making noises and screaming. Orbs are said to materialize and chase trespassers.

Marist College - Sheahan Hall

Marist College’s Sheahan Hall is said to be haunted by a student named Shelly Sperling, who was killed in 1975 by Louis Acedevo, her rejected suitor.

Parkhurt House - Nye Manor

Parkhurt House – Nye Manor is a circa-1820 stone house constructed for Army major Jabez Parkhurst, one of the six confirmed folks to pass away inside the home. Witnesses claim the place is haunted by some of the spirits who linger here, as evidenced by multiple flashlights going dead at the same time, disembodied voices, footsteps, doors that close by themselves, and lights that were in use when the place had no occupants and no electricity.

Jane McCrea House

Jane McCrea was murdered by Native Americans during the American Revolution. At her former home, residents have reported footsteps in the attic and lights that mysteriously come on when no one is in the house.

Happy Valley WMA

The town of Happy Valley simply disappeared long ago. No one knows for sure whether it was a disease epidemic, hardships from the Great Depression causing folks to move away, or the work of a more sinister force. The land the village once stood on is now the Happy Valley Wildlife Management Area; hauntings of many different types and UFO activity are said to be reported here regularly.

Big Falls at Indian Falls

According to local legend, the Big Falls at Indian Falls are haunted by a couple who died in the late 1900s. While visiting the falls, the husband fell in, and the wife, unwilling to live without him, leapt after him. Red lights, orbs and apparitions have been seen near the site. It’s also said that two brothers drowned here in the 1950s, and their apparitions come around from time to time.

Buckout Road

On Buckout Road, aka Head Road, rumors surround a house that has several Xs around it. Some say it is a place where witches were caught and put to death long ago. Others say a gang of cruel albinos lives here and attacks visitors. Legend has it that some school kids were taunting the albinos one night. They drove up to put an M-80 in their mailbox, but when one of them opened the box, a child’s head rolled out. It is because of this legend that some call it Head Road.

University of Pittsburgh

Four ghosts are said to haunt the University of Pittsburgh campus: a prima ballerina in the Tansky Family Lounge of the William Pitt Union; Harriet, who committed suicide in 1201 Bruce Hall; a grandmother who rumples the quilts and bakes phantom bread in the Early American Room of the Cathedral of Learning; and a mason who wears a black tux in Alumni Hall. Oak Hall and Laurel Hall are said to be haunted as well, as a result of being (allegedly) built atop Indian burial grounds. Legend has it that in 1986, Laurel Hall was exorcised because a knife flew across a room and stuck into a door.

Newburgh Masonic Temple

One night at Newburgh Masonic Temple, students experienced some strange and unexplained phenomena: A chair slid itself across the floor, a hinged door began to swing, and disembodied men’s voices were heard throughout the building.

Garrett Memorial Chapel

The sixth-century Norman Gothic-style Garrett Memorial Chapel, aka Little Chapel on the Mount, was constructed by Evelyn and Paul Garrett in memory of their son Charles, who died of tuberculosis in 1929. It is allegedly haunted by at least three ghosts: A priest, a boy, and a woman. Witnesses describe orbs, green glowing lights, a child’s screams, and something unseen that grabs hold of visitors.