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St. Lawrence University - Herring-Cole Hall

Herring-Cole Hall at St. Lawrence University is a T-shaped sandstone building said to be a hot spot for spirits. Rumor has it that the haunts who live here along with the great acoustics make it a favorite spot for séances and meditation.

SUNY Potsdam

SUNY Potsdam is said to have ghosts in residence at Satterlee Hall, where namesake and first dean Dr. Howard Satterlee is said to walk the third floor and sometimes even turn on the clock tower light at night, and in the Knowles basement, where students have seen apparitions and doors that slam by themselves.

Clarkson University - Holcroft House

Holcroft House, which contains Clarkson University’s Office of Admissions and Welcome Center, was built way back in 1822 and houses many Clarkson family heirlooms–including a ghost believed to be Elizabeth Clarkson, the mother of the college’s namesake. Witnesses have described apparitions, lights that come on by themselves, footsteps, moving furniture, a woman crying, curtains parting by themselves, banging sounds, and a Ouija board that spelled out Elizabeth.

Long Island Campground

Legend at Long Island Campground tells of a 1960s honeymooning bride and groom who were murdered while they slept. Witnesses claim to have seen a ghostly bride wandering through the campsites.

New York Pizzeria

On New York Pizzeria’s third floor is said to be an old apartment where witnesses have felt presences and a sensation of being pushed.

Roberson Mansion

The historic Roberson Mansion, completed in 1907, is rumored to be haunted by ghost children who run in the hallways and possibly original owner Alonzo Roberson himself. An older man has been seen in the museum near closing time, only to disappear without a trace.

Museum of the Moving Image

The Museum of the Moving Image, dedicated to movie and TV media, is said to be haunted. An apparition of an African-American woman in a white dress has been spotted along with footsteps that seem to come from nowhere. The deep voice of a man has been heard here as well.

FDNY EMS Training Academy - Fort Totten

Fort Totten, named after Brigadier General Joseph Gilbert Totten and built in the 1800s, is the headquarters of the U.S Army Reserves 77th Division and the Statue of Liberty Division. It is said to be haunted by multiple apparitions, a voice speaking a foreign language, a woman’s voice in the restrooms, footsteps, and auditorium doors that open by themselves.

Seneca Falls Historical Museum

Seneca Falls Historical Museum includes the mansion built in 1855 by Edward Mynderse, who is believed to reside here still despite his death long ago. Legend has it that when Mrs. Leroy (Ellen) Partridge bought the place in 1875 and began to alter it, Edward was unhappy. And to show it, his ghost stopped clocks and turned pictures backward, thought to be a hint that he wanted the place to go back to the way it used to be. But Edward has become a friendly and helpful ghost now that his home is a museum. He is said to help look after the place, and once rattled a china cabinet to aid the staff in finding a tiny bat that had long been eluding his capturers and was hiding there. But visitors to the museum should be prepared: Edward’s is not the only ghost rumored to linger here!

Jackson's Garden - Union College

Jackson’s Garden at Union College is said to be haunted by the ghost of Alice Van der Veer. According to legend, Alice fell in love with a man her father didn’t approve of, so he killed his daughter’s young lover. In retaliation, an angry mob captured Alice and her father and burned them alive in Jackson’s Garden.