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Bridgewater State University

Bridgewater State University is said to be haunted by a former headmaster in Tillinghast (Tilly) Hall. According to legend, she died when she fell off the roof after climbing up there to discipline some residents who were up there making noise in the night. Also, a ghost named George is said to haunt the Campus Center. He makes himself known by playing instruments, locking doors or similar ghostly pranks.

Belchertown State School

The original name when it was established in 1922 was the Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded, and and certain times in its history it was known for poor treatment of its charges. Trespassing is not allowed on the property. Witnesses say it is haunted by this tragic past, citing apparitions, running footsteps, breaking windows, temperature fluctuations, screams, crying, doors that slam and lock and more. One legend about the school tells of two residents who fell in love but were kept from each other. Their ghosts are said to run between the dorm buildings trying to find each other.

Illinois Weslayan University - Kemp Hall - International House

Kemp Hall International House, or I-House, is said to be haunted by a ghostly Lady in Red. She is believed to be Mrs. A. E. DeMange, former owner of the mansion. She passed away after living here only a year, in 1908. Mr. DeMange sold it to the Illinois Weslayan University in 1911. Now, Mrs. DeMange’s ghost is said to appear in the mirror of the master bedroom in her red dress.

Lincoln Theatre

Lincoln Theatre is believed to be haunted by a prankster ghost. An apparition of a ghostly child has run up and down the stairs, a woman has appeared in the balcony, and tricks are played in the projection booth. Reports say there are seven ghosts who call this theater home.

Saint Omer Cemetery

At Saint Omer Cemetery, legend has it that there is a witch’s grave. According to the story, Caroline Barnes was hanged by the townspeople for witchcraft. As she went, she cursed the town and vowed to come back for revenge on the anniversary of her death. To trick her, the townsfolk inscribed her gravestone with the death date of Feb. 31, 1882 — which of course, doesn’t exist. Her headstone still stands, and looks like a sphere on a stack of logs.

Lindenwood University

The Lindenwood Auditorium ghost, a former teacher who never got to see her play, is not the only one on campus. Also haunted, according to reports, are the Sibley Chapel, where an organ has played by itself, and Cobbs Hall, where an apparition of a woman in a white dress was spotted.

Lindenwood University - Lindenwood Auditorium

Lindenwood Auditorium at Lindenwood University, built in 1924, is said to be haunted by a teacher who passed away before the play she was producing made it to the stage. According to witnesses, the friendly ghost likes to move the props around.

Millikin University

Many ghosts are said to haunt the historic Millikin University, including Rail Girl, who haunts the Albert Taylor Theater. Her ghost appears, as her name suggests, along a rail in the upper part of the theater. Students have a tradition of leaving her three pieces of candy before a show to insure she doesn’t play any pranks and ruin the show. The gymnasium and Aston Hall also are believed to be haunted, as well as some of the Greek houses.

Lincoln College

Lincoln College is rumored to have ghosts in the 1866 University Hall, where a face appears in the bell tower and white misty forms appear in the windows. The ghosts, whose footsteps also are heard from time to time, are believed to be a boy and girl who passed away in the late 1800s. Also, in Olin Sang Hall, a poltergiest tinkers with the electronic equipment and closes doors.

Schweppe Mansion

Schweppe Mansion was built in 1917 as a gift from Mr. and Mrs. John G. Shedd to their daughter Laura as a wedding present for her and her new husband, Charles Schweppe. Tragedy struck in 1941–Charles was found dead in his bedroom after he shot himself. A note on his dresser said, “I’ve been awake all night. It’s terrible.” The full reasoning behind the suicide is a mystery. After Laura’s death, the mansion was empty for 46 years. Well, almost empty. Folks say the ghosts of Charles and Laura as well as several servants still resided here. In 1987, the mansion was purchased, restored and inhabited by private owners. Reports say it was recently listed for sale at $15 million, reduced from $18 million.