Blog Archives

Hickory Valley Methodist Church

The church is a small, wooden building located near the cemetery across the road. If you approach the church at night, you can hear people singing hymns, but there is no one around. Sometimes the apparitions of young children can also be seen at the Hickory Valley Methodist Church.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Old Malco Theatre

During a performance in the 1880’s, a woman from the audience disappeared during a magic show production. Ever since then, there have been reports of the theatre being haunted. The ghost a glowing woman has been seen in the theatre basement, objects move around by themselves, and screams come out of the empty theatre.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Keller's Chapel and Cemetery

There have been reports of strange sightings in the chapel and the surrounding cemetery. Ghostly lights that follow visitors around the cemetery at night, the sound’s of babies crying, strange apparition’s moving around the cemetery and unexplained noises are just some of the phenomena reported at this site.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Mount Holly Cemetery

The spirits of Confederate soldiers and native American Indians have been reported in the cemetery at night. Tombstones often move around the graveyard by themselves, and the ghostly noise of a flute playing has been heard in the early hours of morning.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Old Arsenal Building

Reported sightings of ghosts on the staircase and in the basement of this historic building.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Primrose Lane

People living in the vicinity of Primrose Lane have reported seeing the ghost of a man and his dog. The man is believed to have shot himself with his rifle, and his dog died as well shortly after. The apparition’s of the two have also been seen in the woods nearby, but when approached, they vanish.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Radar Road Phantom

Locals have reported seeing a phantom horse and rider on the outskirts of the city of Rogers.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Old Gumboro Homestead

The small township of Gumboro is renowned for it’s haunted homestead. The sound of heavy breathing and disembodied footsteps have been reported in the old house, as well as spectral figures moving across the yard. A harmonica can also heard be played in the early hours of morning or late at night. The ghosts appear to be of a younger friendly child and an older solitary spirit, whose voices can sometimes be heard around the house. The current owners of the house are not upset about their presence, as they are seen as guardians of the homestead.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Locust Grove Farm

The farmhouse is over a century old, and in the early 1900’s, it is said a little boy died there. Ever since, a series of hauntings have begun, such as lights going on and off, furniture moving around and appliances turning on and off by themselves. There are also strange noises and the feeling of not being alone.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Blevin's House

This late nineteenth century property is haunted by several eerie apparitions. Ghostly balls of light can be seen drifting through the hallways and rooms of the house, or from outside in the garden. Disembodied voices and footsteps can be heard late at night when there is no one around. You get the feeling you’re not alone when there’s no one around, and spectral figures are seen in some rooms of the house. The ghost of a barking dog can be seen and heard at the house, as well as the spirit of a neighbour who vanishes when approached, a faceless man who peers into the house through the living room windows and the ghost of a headless man who was killed by a falling tree. The house is now owned by a relative’s company specializing in insulation services, so the house is currently in a state of disuse.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)