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Riverside Cabaret

Riverside Cabaret (previously called “Wild J’s”) has had several paranormal events that occur almost weekly. Orbs have been seen both live and recorded on CCTV. Several staff have reported an hearing a male voice talk to them, a woman’s sobbing is constantly heard in the basement, and many unexplained noises and apparitions have occurred throughout the building. The building has been investigated by a local paranormal team who obtained proof of the haunting.

(Submitted by Rick M.)

Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery

While vacationing in Los Angeles (Friday, January 28, 2005), I went out to Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Culver City to take some pics of some celebrity graves. I got pictures of the graves of Sharon Tate, Bing Crosby, Bela Lugosi, Rita Hayworth, Rosalind Russell and wanted to get pictures of several others.

As I was searching (in vain) for the grave of Mr. Jimmy Durante, I happened to look to my left and I saw, standing about 30 yards away, a young man who looked to be in his late 20’s gazing at me. It was around Noon. He was a white male, about 5′ 10′ with thick, black well kept hair. He was wearing a long sleeve, white dress shirt and black suit pants. He looked at me in such a way that I thought he was annoyed with me or just curious. I took my eyes off of him for approximately 3 seconds while I got my bearings once again and then glanced back his way to give him a smile and a wave. Much to my puzzlement, though, he was gone. I scanned the area where he had been standing and he was nowhere to be found. In the particular area in which he’d been standing there are no trees and there is absolutely no way possible that he could have gotten out of sight so quickly unless he’d had a jet engine strapped to his back. One moment he was out in the open, the next, he was gone! My puzzle
ment became astonishment as I realized it was a ghost I saw. This ghost, however, looked slightly familiar, but I just couldn’t place him. About a week later, after I had returned home, I started scoping out the Find A Grave website for celebs graves I’d missed. I clicked on one name and as I looked at the face of the actor there, I gasped! Before me was the very face of the ghost I had seen in the cemetery. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I saw the ghost of Vince Edwards. Who was Vince Edwards? In the 1960’s he was best remembered as Dr. “Ben Casey”.

(Submitted by Scott Spencer)


Our office building is directly in front of the Claybank Church & Cemetery in Ozark, AL. Unusual and unexplained things occur frequently in our building. This has been going on for several years. A large lab book flies off shelf, splatters in floor, breaking the spine of the book, when 20 minutes before, it was securely on the shelf. We have had unexplained tinkling bells only in one clinic room, a door that stayed open for over an hour without a door stop, when the door will not stay open without a door stop. Something also made the hair on your arms stand up, with a weird feeling that something was there. The very next day, a coffin was left unattended, practically in our back door………we think it was a spirit who was curious about us. We hear strange noises, unintelligible mumbling, and one of us has had her name called, clearly and distinctly, and no source could be determined. Two employees have had some psychic abilities, and both have seen & felt spirits in the building. The prior occupant of the other suite, caught an apparition on their security tapes.

(Submitted by Carol Gilmer)

Wheatland Plantation

Wheatland Plantation, located off of Boyd’s Creek Highway in Sevierville, is an 1820 Federal Style home that was constructed around a large geode by a Freemason. The property has seen more than 70 murders and deaths within its walls, while the grounds bore witness to battles of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. An estimated 28 Cherokees, massacred in the Battle of Boyd’s Creek, are buried in a mass grave behind this antebellum home, which also houses the gravesites of more than 69 African Slaves and 2 Revolutionary War soldiers. The bloodstains of a father, slain by his son, can still be seen in the parlor, and draws the attention of many paranormal investigation teams. The ghosts of the Chandler family still walk the halls of this beautiful property, which is open for tours and occasional ghost hunts.

(Submitted by Kristin)

Heathcote Crossing

Built in 1924 to be a restaurant supporting the rail line that ran between New York and Boston it has had a storied history and a string of restaurants occupying the site. Said to have been a speakeasy in the 20’s and a brothel in the 60’s. There are no records of any arrests for solicitation but people would hardly admit they had been to the brothel before going home. It is also said to be badly haunted.

The ghost of a murdered girl is said to roam the upper stories of the building. The form of a dejected man in workman’s clothes has been seen outside the building staring at it. The cellars are said to be particularly nasty with something unwholesome below that causes the many servers to refuse to go down there alone after dark.

(Submitted by Paul A.)

Arthouse Apartment Living

There are apparently numerous reports of paranormal activity amongst the residents of this apartment complex. Some hear disembodied footsteps climbing stairways. Others swear that power outages and elevator malfunctions have otherwordly causes. Despite it all, we’re told by at least one resident, it’s still a great place to live!

Cost Plus World Market

I use to work at this store years ago and can tell you (and I’m sure you can ask other people who have worked there) that this place is truly haunted. When I worked over night here or worked a closing shift there were many strange happenings. There was always the sound of footsteps on the roof at night. The sound of a shopping cart slamming against the basket department shelves scared me and my employees half to death. The more frightening experience I had was when I worked an overnight with one other guy. We were on our break and I was just walking around through our candy department .As I looked down through the shelving I saw a dark shadow pass by very quickly in the next aisle. I asked the other guy if he was just in the next aisle and he said “Nope, I was in the bathroom.”

(Submitted by Jay)

Otero County Court House

The office location previously served as a sheriff’s office and a cellblock before being converted to offices. There are reported hauntings in the corridor’s of the building, where the ghost of a young man dressed in an early 20th century suit has been seen. Doors slam and footsteps are heard at night, usually when the ghosts are disturbed.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Old Bigelow Gym

Down the road from the Bigelow High School, there is an old recreational gym there. If you go into the attic of the old gym, you can here the screams of a young boy who died there a long time ago. There is also the sound of a piano being played, when there is no one around.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Ouachita River Factory

Little is known about the operation of this factory, but various paranormal events have been reported there. Various orbs have been reported, as well as apparitions that vanish when approached, doors opening and closing by themselves, and lights going on and off of their own accord. Voices and an old-fashioned telephone have also been heard at night.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)