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Porter's Place

The building is dedicated to the late Porter Rockwell, and is decorated with the theme of 1800’s Old West. There is believed to be a number of apparitions haunting the restaurant, including a man in mid 19th century attire who has been seen in the dining room of the restaurant.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

The Bull Ring

A former gambling parlour in 1910, the Bull Ring is located in the historic district of the Fort Worth Stockyards. The building is believed to be haunted by several apparitions and ghostly voices are heard.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

At The White House Bed and Breakfast

The 1902 house previously served as a hospital, a day-care and a hotel before suffering fire damage in the 1980’s. The house has been restored to its former grandeur, but there have been many sightings of the gentle apparition of a young woman. She often stands at the ends of guests beds or chat’s to guest’s children, leading many to believe she was the owner of the day care who died long ago.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Mulvihill House

The Mulvihill house, now the Skagway Chamber of Commerce, was said to be haunted by Mul Mulvihill who was the chief dispatcher for the White Pass and Yukon Railway. This entity likes to walk up and down stairs with heavy footsteps, open and close doors, and fill the air with the sound of telegraph keys typing.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Velasco Pueblo

This house dates back to the 1850’s, and was renovated a number of times before the death of Senor Velasco. The house began to fall into gradual disrepair, until it was finally restored by owners, who were the first to note the presence of a ghost. While working in the bedroom of the fire-damaged house, an owner saw the apparition of the torso and head of man with a moustache staring at him, before it disappeared. It was later confirmed to be that of Senor Velasco, who has been seen on several other occasions during the renovation process. Furniture and objects are moved around the house by an unseen entity.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Mile High Grill and Inn - Clinkscale Building

The 1899 eight bedroom historic inn is haunted by numerous apparitions. The Clinkscale Building was previously a brothel, which was burnt down in a fire, and the inn was built directly over the top of the old building. The ghost of Madam Jennie Banter moves furniture around and helps around the inn. Her cat has also been sighted on several occasions, and they are both known as friendly presences within the hotel. The ghost of an elderly man in late nineteenth-century work clothes has been seen looking out into the street from both outside and inside the inn, but he is regarded as a friendly presence also. The ghost of a shadowy, unfriendly presence has been seen in the restaurant and in the rooms of guests. Strange music, voices and disembodied footsteps have also been heard.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Coyote Joe's Bar and Grill

In the late 1800s, this building was built and housed the historic Arizona Hotel, which had the infamous reputation as also being the home of one of Arizona’s first brothels. Underneath these buildings on Montezuma, there were tunnels which were used for opium dens and also provided laundry delivery routes used by the Asian immigrants who lived in Prescott. The ghost of a young woman has been seen in the foyer, as well as ghostly voices and footsteps in the upper level of the building.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

The Allen House

This Gothic mansion in Monticello was built in 1900 at the turn of the century, and has many recorded instances of hauntings reported. The main ghost, however, is that of a young woman who haunts the upper and lower floors of the mansion. The ghost roams around the house, often standing behind people before vanishing and reappearing elsewhere in the house. Footsteps and voices come out of the fourth floor, which has been closed off. Photos have shown an apparition peering out of a window on the third floor, but his presence can not be attributed to that of the young woman.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Grant-Humphreys Mansion

The palace is haunted by five entities, with the identity of only one apparition known. This is the spectre of Albert Humphreys, who died in a suspicious shooting accident on the third floor, and still roams the hallways of the house. The four other entities reported in the mansions are probably restless spirits from the Mount Prospect Graveyard, which was unearthed and hastily reburied some time ago.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Molly Brown House

This 1889 stately home was built for Molly Brown and her husband, who survived the sinking of the R.M.S Titanic. Her ghost has been seen wandering around the house, and her presence is usually accompanied by cold spots. Pipe and cigar smoke is smelt in some rooms of the house, attributed to her husband’s presence. The apparition of a lady in Victorian attire moves around the furniture around the dining room and has been seen often by visitors. A ghost known as ‘Johanna’ has been seen in an upstairs bedroom, and the ghost of a mad butler has been seen standing behind people when they go to look in a mirror on the first floor.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)