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Cincinnati Art Museum

The Cincinnati Museum of Art is not only renowned for its prized art collection, it is also well known for the various paranormal occurrences there. The first apparition seen here is the seven foot tall figure of a misty black figure with no face, who has reportedly materializes from a sarcophagus on the first floor. Security guards have also reported seeing this apparition standing behind them in doorways, watching them. The second ghost is a glowing face that rouses guards that sleep during the night shift, apparently appearing to want the museum to be properly protected.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Cincinnati Union Terminal and Museum Center

The ghost of a former security guard who was murdered there still haunts the building at night, rattling the door knobs and checking the locks on the doors. A World War I plane exhibit is haunted by the ghost of a pilot. Visitors have reported seeing the ghostly aviator in the plane’s cockpit, fiddling with the instruments before vanishing. There are also reports of hearing crying and joyous noises near the railroad tracks, which are believed to be haunted by those who welcomed back the soldiers from the war.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Stenton House - Cornell Place Apartments

There have been numerous deaths reported in these historic apartments. Disembodied footsteps and ghostly voices are heard in the old building when on one is around.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Cincinnati Zoo

The ghost of a lioness has been heard following visitors and workers in the zoo late at night. Green eyes are also seen in darker buildings or at the end of corridors.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Old Governor's Mansion

The presence of a woman who died in a fire within the historic building has been reported. She appears as an African American woman in a blue dress, and has been seen in various rooms of the mansion. During recent renovations, she appeared to staff members and told them how happy she was with restoration, and has been known to move paintings around the building at night.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Walnut Knolls Housing Estate

The building is now vacant, and was previously a mental hospital around fifty years ago. There are reports of people hearing loud footsteps in the building, seeing ghostly lights moving around the upper level and having objects thrown at them by an aggressive entity.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Pauni Apartments

These recently constructed apartments were built over the top of an ancient burial ground, and residents have reported paranormal occurrences in the building ever since. Doors open and close by themselves, objects move around by themselves and the apparition of a man in a sombrero has been seen in the apartment complex. An evil presence is felt in the buildings, accompanied by cold spots.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Patterson Tower

Two glowing, shadowy apparitions have been seen standing near the base of the tower on stormy nights. The ghost of a lady in a white dress has been seen on the boulevard directly adjacent to the tower. A black mist has been around the tower, and chases away visitors.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

The Big Green Castle

This Victorian manor house is now a private residence, but back when it was abandoned and for sale, residents reported seeing figures in period clothing looking out of the windows and seeing lights moving around the house.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Banana Leaf Modern Thai

The building is rumoured to be haunted by the apparition of a woman murdered over a century ago. Her ghost has been seen in the dining room on the upper floor of the restaurant.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)