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Kemper Hall

Once known as Durkee Mansion, the 1861 Kemper Hall was home to early settler and Senator Charles Durkee. After being donated to St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Durkee Mansion was turned into a girls’ boarding school and now operates as a recreation center. Today, folks say the building is haunted by ghostly nuns who have been seen looking out of the windows.

Kirk Denmark Theatre - Rock County Theater

Empty and dark theaters can be spooky because of their large, echoing spaces, but this one may be more so because it’s said to have a ghost. A deceased employee, some say a theater instructor or a director, causes lights to go on and off and doors to open and close. Witnesses have heard voices talking or whispering here as well.

Oak Hill Cemetery

Some folks say a ghostly white woman and flickering white lights haunt Oak Hill Cemetery. Others say not so–the white lady is actually a lifelike, spookily illuminated statue, and the white lights are markers to brighten the walkways. So, is Oak Hill Cemetery haunted, or not? You be the judge!

Sylvanus Wade House

The historic Sylvanus Wade House, once a stagecoach inn, now operates as a museum–with a friendly ghost. Said to be “gently haunted,” the museum tour guides have described a presence here for many years. Museum guides have felt a gentle push or heard rustling sounds in the bedrooms.

Fraternal Order of Eagles

A woman named Beth is said to haunt the Eagles Club. Beth passed away of a heart attack during a 1985 wedding reception here. She was 65 years old. Now, folks say, those who hold their receptions here can expect an extra guest: Beth’s ghost attends every wedding reception held at the location.

Whitnall Park

Rumors about Whitnall Park involve a female apparition with no feet, sometimes holding a ghostly baby, who floats to ward visitors screaming “Go away and leave my baby alone!” Some reports say the ghost doesn’t interact with the living, but only floats off into the woods. Yet others say she does have feet, and can be seen pacing near the waterfall. The baby’s cries have been heard as well.

Dartford Cemetery

Dartford Cemetery has been rumored to be haunted for years because of its strange shadowy figures, orbs, unexplained sounds and apparitions of Native Americans and Civil War soldiers. Members of a family that was buried here also are said to show up from time to time. Visitors have described uneasy feelings of being observed by something unseen.

Ghostly Hitchhiker

In the town of Washington Louisiana, I was driving to my uncle’s home and it was at night. I forget the time of night. I was driving and I remember the hard turn in the road… my windows were rolled down and the next thing I know, I noticed a ghostly lady in my passenger seat just sitting there as if she belonged. I was so scared and shocked I jumped out of my moving car and went into the open field and just sat in shock. This all happened in a location on hwy 103 .. about 2 or 3 miles east of highway 49, you cant miss it. Its a cross planted in the ground on the side of the road its a hard curve in the road location. I know of another person who had this experience and one person who heard about it from others … never have I been so scared.

(Submitted by Kreg J.)

Idanha Hotel

During the renovations of the hotel, many construction workers and employees quit due to reports of paranormal activity. The ghost a bellman who was gunned down in the hotel moves the elevator up and down by itself. Guests also report seeing him peering around corners in the building. Doors open and close by themselves, lights go on and off and a hideous moaning sound has been heard on certain levels of the building. A woman who was murdered and buried in the hotel basement allegedly haunts the lower levels of the building. while the third and fourth floors are haunted by an aggressive entity who has been known to pull guests out of their beds. A misty grey apparition has been seen by guests and residents, as parts of the building have now been converted to an apartment bock.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Jameson Saloon and Inn

There are claims of a spirit named Maggie that is said to give hugs, touches on the shoulder and pats on the back. There has been reports of full body apparitions of Maggie and at least two male figures. One is called Ollie and is said to be a prankster. The owner reported that silverware is moved several times a day. They have seen shadows, things get moved, lights come on and go off, perfume is smelt and the sounds of a party going on in the saloon have been heard late at night.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)