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Embassy Suites

Many strange things can be said about this location of Embassy Suites. According to witnesses, lights turn on and off at will, doors come flying open by themselves, and during a period of construction when the electricity was disconnected, lights came on during the night. In addition, the golf course has spots where grass won’t grow and unexplained moaning or wailing has been heard by golfers on the course.

Chain Gang Hill Road

Victims of the infamous local murderer the Gaffney Strangler are said to haunt Chain Gang Hill Road. The girls’ voices can be heard moaning and screaming along this stretch.

Tans Bay Baptist Church

Tans Bay Baptist Church is thought to be haunted by the ghost of a baby who died here before the building housed a church. It’s said that the baby accidentally fell on its head and died instantly, and now floating lights and the sound of a baby crying can be heard.

Bethabara Baptist Church Cemetery

Bethabara Baptist Church Cemetery is home to the ghost of a Civil War soldier whose marker cross glows about three times per year. The cross also is said to inexplicably change color several times a year.

Fort Jackson

The United States Army installation Fort Jackson, named for U.S. Army General and President Andrew Jackson, is said to be haunted. At its artillery range, the ghost of a female soldier rumored to have killed herself in a latrine appears with a hole in her helmet. And in the B Company 369th AG Barracks, a black shadowy form of a man walks from room to room as if checking on the soldiers.

Capt. John Blakeney Cemetery

At Capt. John Blakeney Cemetery, rumor has it that the ghosts of the Blakeney family will sometimes appear to visitors. The family emigrated here from Ireland, and some of its members fought in the Civil War.

Lydia Mill Ruins

Dating as far back as the early 1900s, Lydia Mill, now in ruins, had housing on-site for its employees. Now a headless female ghost roams the premises, seen around the railroad tracks or in the mill building.

Chester Little Theatre

Perhaps as early as 1913, Chester Little Theatre was known as the Dreamland Theatre. Sometime in its long history, something must have happened to render it a hot spot for supernatural activity: Witnesses here claim to have seen apparitions and heard strange noises.

Forest Home Cemetery

Forest Home Cemetery has many older burials that were moved here from another gravesite that was prone to floods. Visitors have noticed mists around headstones, shadows, orbs, voices, eerie feelings, and anomalies that show up in photos.

University of Wisconsin - Kjer Theatre

Kjer Theatre founder Earl Kjer is known to haunt his theater by tinkering with the lights and moving the props and the curtains. His apparition has been seen observing performances from his usual seat.