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Trout Lake Norwegian Cemetery

At Trout Lake Norwegian Cemetery, there is said to be a grave of a witch at the bottom of a hill. Her name is Bertha Maynard, born January 26, 1872 and died January 27, 1910. Witnesses have reported hearing voices and seeing a female apparition in the area.

New York Mills Regional Cultural Center

New York Mills Regional Cultural Center was built in 1885 and has a ghost, or maybe two. Staff members have felt an unseen presence and heard a disembodied voice speaking, or two voices having a conversation. As well, footsteps have been heard walking on the center’s wood floors when no one living seemed to be making the noise.

Griggs Mansion

The 1883 Griggs Mansion was turned into apartments, and then an art school in 1939. It has many ghosts, including a maid who hanged herself on the fourth floor landing in 1915; gardener Charles Wade, who has been heard flipping through books in the library; a thin man in a black suit and top hat; a child who has been seen floating above a bed; and a teenage girl named Amy. Besides apparitions, many other phenomena have been reported here, such as doors and windows opening by themselves, footsteps, coughs and shattering light bulbs.

Gibbs Museum Farmhouse

At the 1800s Gibbs Museum Farmhouse, spirits are a regular occurrence, some say. Doors and cupboards are known to open and close, a chair rocks with no one in it, toys are moved around in the night, footsteps are heard in the halls, and the apparition of a little boy has been seen by visitors, tour guides and a grounds patrolman.

Lakeview Cemetery

Lakeview Cemetery is believed to be haunted by apparitions, mists, shadow figures, and invisible beings visitors have heard walking next to them in the gravel.

Glenn Dale Hospital

Glenn Dale Hospital, built in 1934, was once a tuberculosis sanatorium with 23 buildings. It closed because of asbestos problems in 1981. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in November 2011 and is regularly patrolled by police. The Goat Man of Maryland, a half-man, half-goat creature, is said to haunt the grounds.

Ramada Inn

This Ramada Inn is said to have a ghost of a woman who walks in high heels through the atrium as well as unexplained voices, levitating objects, and a man’s apparition. A woman is heard laughing in Room 216.

Narrows Road

A phantom officer in a ’50s police car haunts Narrows Road, locals say, pulling over living drivers late at night. The ghost is said to be the lingering spirit of a cop who was hit and killed by a car here while making a traffic stop in the 1950s. Some reports say this is only a legend, and there is no record of an officer having died here.

Modjeska Community Theater

In this historic 1924 theater building, some have seen orbs, a white female apparition on the stage, and a mysterious figure called the Balcony Man. balls of light, white lady on the stage and the “balcony man.” Some reports say the theater is now closed.

Eagle Road Cemetery

Eagle Road Cemetery, aka Evangelical Church Cemetery or Tabor Cemetery, is a hot spot for activity. Witnesses have seen apparitions and felt cold spots and gusts here, and some have seen the Virgin Mary or experienced stigmata (bleeding from the hands and arms) after leaving.