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Park University

Rumor around Park University is that during World War II, two female students hanged themselves in Herr House. Footsteps coming from empty rooms and other strange occurrences have led students to believe the ladies’ spirits linger here. And the Jenkin and Barbara David Theater is said to be haunted by namesake Jenkin David, whose ghost wears a gray suit.

Cottey College

Cottey College, founded by Virginia Alice Cottey Stockard in 1884, has a piano-playing ghost. The spirit is thought to be that of Vera Neitzert, a student from 1920 who perished when her clothes caught fire while she was cooking candy. Her ghost has been seen in Main Hall and the former Rosemary Hall. Another Cottey spirit who may be the piano player is Madame Blitz, a turn-of-the-century music department head who drank carbolic acid and died in her home across the street.

Springfield National Cemetery

The 1860s Springfield National Cemetery is home to some lingering spirits of Civil Wars soldiers, according to those in the know. Some of the gravestones here are known to glow, and orbs and other anomalies have shown up in photographs.

Phelps Grove Park

Phelps Grove Park has a ghost known as the Bride under the Bridge. According to local legend, a just-married couple lost control of their car here, killing them both. The ghost is seen evenings under the park’s third bridge, holding the hem of her gown. She has only darkness in place of her face.

Southwest Missouri State University

Southwest Missouri State University’s Freudenberger House, or Freddy House, built in 1959 and named for a Latin professor who taught for 45 years, has a female ghost affectionately referred to as the Dorm Mom. She’s most often spotted on Floor 5.

Drury University

Drury University began in 1873, and was built on land that was both Indian burial grounds and a Civil War battle area. One ghost here is that of a little girl who lived here before Smith Hall was built. She perished in a fire when she re-entered her burning home for her teddy bear, and her ghost, dressed in pink, has been seen searching for her bear. She is also blamed for opening doors, taking drawers out of dressers, ringing phones that are not hooked up, and playing with students’ teddy bears. There’s also a ghost at Clara Thompson Hall who plays pianos, and another who flickers the lights at Wilhoit Theatre.

The Jonathan Padelford

The Jonathan Padelford is a Mississippi River steamboat that’s believed to be haunted by a man who drowned after climbing to the top of the pilothouse and then falling from it into the river. Both employees and passengers have heard this phantom scene replay, complete with footsteps and a large splash. No one is ever found in the water. Sightseeing cruises are offered on the steamboat.

Salem Black River Church

Salem Black River Church, built in 1846, is believed to be haunted by a ghostly Southern Belle and a sad little boy. Cold spots have been noted by visitors as well.

Foster's Tavern

Foster’s Tavern is housed in a historic brick gabled building from the early 1800s. Strange sounds have led folks to believe that the tavern may be haunted. Witnesses have heard horses’ hooves on the roof, footsteps on the stairs, and voices.

Hamline University

Hamline University has a few haunted halls, say the students. One building said to see the most ghostly activity is the Manor Hall, where apparitions, moving objects and strange noises abound. The third floor is the most active. Old Main and Drew Hall are no slouches either, as far as hauntings go. At Old Main, a floating apparition with a noose round its neck has been seen. In addition, the portraits are said to have moving eyes. And at Drew Hall, there’s a story about a freshman who was messing with the elevator doors and got his hand cut off. Although the student lived, his hand was never found, and the students say it creeps around the hall looking for the rest of its body.