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Verna's Donut Shop

Below Verna’s Donut Shop is a basement storeroom, used to hold supplies for the doughnut shop and the adjacent cake-decorating shop, and it’s rumored to have more than flour and sprinkles. A ghost, or at least a shadowy figure, has been seen crouching behind the boxes.

Melrose Cemetery

Running footsteps and disembodied laughter are some of the mysterious things that have been reported in Melrose Cemetery. The laughter most often comes from the back corner of the cemetery on the left side.

Cape Cod Cafe

At Cape Cod Café, a ghostly baby has been heard crying. Rumor has it that a mother once left her baby alone at a table so she could go drink at the bar. While she was there, the baby choked to death.

Camp Titicut

An old summertime campsite for Native Americans, complete with a burial ground, Camp Titicut is believed to be haunted by King Phillip, whose body reportedly was drawn and quartered here. The sound of leaves rustling, according to local tales, is his body parts trying to get back together. The area was a boys’ camp from the 1930s to 1950s, during which time a boy drowned in a pond. His ghost is said to be seen and heard in the nearby woods.

Waverly House

Many past tenants and residents of this stately home have reported sighting the apparition of a sad, elderly man on the stairs. He is believed to be Benjamin Green, a former resident of the house. Private residence, do not disturb.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Virginia Quilt Museum

This 1856 antebellum home was formerly known as the Warren-Sip House, and during the Civil War, it served as a hospital for wounded soldiers. Visitors to the current museum have reported sighting the apparition of a Confederate soldier on the second floor of the building.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Claim Jumper Steakhouse

Many staff and diners in this former hotel have reported seeing a white apparition standing nearby watching them, which fades away when approached. Cutlery is moved around tables, doors open and close by themselves and disembodied footsteps are heard when the steakhouse is closing down for the night.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Rio Grande Railroad Depot

The old Rio Grande Railroad Depot has been beautifully restored to its former glory, but security guards and visitors to the historic building have still reported ghostly activity. The apparition of a beautiful, dark-haired woman who was run down by a train has been seen in the ladies room and in a café that now occupies the lower floor of the building. Security guards working late at night have reported hearing disembodied footsteps and heavy breathing noises on the first floor, as well as a shadowy apparition which approached them before vanishing. Occasionally, in the early hours of morning, security guards hear loud noises and see lights going on and off in the cellar of the historic building. When they go to investigate, there is no one there.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Dude Rancher Lodge

Built in the early 1950’s, this was the first large hotel built in the town since the late nineteenth century. It is also believed to be one of the most haunted. In the downstairs kitchen in the restaurant section of the hotel, the sounds of someone moving around pots and pans and shouting orders has been heard in the early hours of morning, when the restaurant has long since closed for the night. In the hotel section, the most haunted rooms are Room #223, Room #224 and Room #226. In Room #226, there have been sightings of her dressed in a nightgown looking down into the parking lot and in the second floor corridor. Knocks and banging noises on the walls are heard, as well as disembodied footsteps on the stairs and in the corridor. The sounds of unseen children playing in the hallways have also been heard, and a shadowy female apparition haunts the laundry room, occasionally speaking to staff.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

Rex Restaurant and Bar

Patrons and staff would report that after the building has closed down for the night, all the lights would turn on and the doors would fly open of their own accord. Several diners and a barman working at the restaurant have reported being attacked by an unseen entity. A ghostly waiter haunts the lower levels of the building, and often stands next to patrons tables as the eat their meals. The sounds of men talking and stole moving around have been heard in the bar area when there is no one around, and disembodied footsteps are heard on all levels of the building. The apparition of a prostitute has been seen on the stairs and on the second and third levels of the building, as well as the transparent apparition of a man in a white shirt.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)