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Zion United Church Of Christ Cemetery

The spooky sort love Zion Church Cemetery, say locals. The area is a hot spot for unexplained lights and sounds, ghostly whispers, eerie sensations, and the feeling of being watched. Some say a helpful ghost is known to leave the cemetery to stop cars and tell folks to turn back if they get too close to cursed ground.

Blackfoot Cemetery

Blackfoot Cemetery has graves that date as far back as the 1800s and is a hot spot for the ghostly folk, some say. Witnesses have described eerie lights, unexplained sounds, and one grave that appears to be separate from all the others. According to local legend, the grave belongs to a witch.

Tillett Cemetery - Hookman's Cemetery

Tillett Cemetery is also known as Hookman’s Cemetery because of a local tale of a ghostly man with a hook for a hand who prowls the nearby roads looking for victims. Thick, eerie fogs and cold spots are known to materialize in the area as well.

Bond's Chapel Cemetery

Bond’s Chapel Cemetery has a mysterious grave with a linked chain that grows longer every year. There are two legends about the chain. One legend has it that buried here is an Army man who left his girlfriend waiting back home. He was killed in battle, and his girlfriend stood across the road, watching his burial from afar. Some say her ghost to this day still awaits his return. The chain is said to groe one link longer every year, symbolizing her growing love for him, and it is said to glow at night. An apparition in a black dress can be seen standing on the other side of the road.

Another story about the chain says a slave owner once beat a slave to death with a chain, and the slave’s wife put a curse on him that the murder would be noted on his grave forever. The chain appeared on his tombstone, adding a link for every year.

Hays Cemetery

Hays Cemetery, aka Main Street Graveyard, is said to be home to a “devil’s child” because of a plant that grows in the shape of a pitchfork on her grave. Visiting is not recommended at night, as much of the area is private property and you could be arrested for trespassing.

Oakland City College - Cockrum Hall

Cockrum Hall at Oakland City College was built 1876 and is haunted by namesake Colonel William Cockrum’s wife. Legend has it that she hanged herself in the tower. Those who peek into the windows in the night may see doors opening and closing by themselves and a bright orange glow that shines out the windows.

Finch Cemetery

The late-1800s Finch Cemetery at the Jay County Conservation Club is said to hold the grave of a boy named Cinderella. Rumor has it that the gravestones here shift, or disappear. If you count the gravestones on the way to Cinderella’s grave, you will count 13. But on the way back, there are only 11.

St. Joe Road Cemetery

An alleged hanging tree at St. Joe Road Cemetery is said to be the root (no pun intended) of the hauntings here. The tree stands in the middle of the cemetery, and rumor has it that looking toward it from the back of the cemetery at night, you can see a large puff of smoke.

The Boston Conservatory

The Boston Conservatory, some say, is haunted. There have been numerous reports of footsteps, doors that slam themselves, disembodied voices, objects that go missing, and other strange phenomena, especially in the dorm buildings. Some attribute the activity to the fact that the place was an 1800s hospital where many spirits linger from the deaths that occurred there.

Everett Square Theatre

Everett Square Theatre has recently undergone renovations. Folks have reported blinking lights, unexplained noises, and uneasy feelings of unseen presences inside the building.