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Isis Restaurant and Music Hall

Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, formerly Pastabilities Restaurant, is housed in the historic 1930s Isis Theater. One of the ghosts here is Susie, a former owner’s little girl who passed away. One time, a restaurant patron’s young daughter was having a lively chat with someone unseen, and when asked whom she was speaking to, the little girl answered “Susie.” An older man’s apparition has been seen here as well, along with strange phenomena like whistling, whispers, footsteps on the projection room stairs, and objects that fly off the shelves.

Midnite Rodeo Club

The building that used to house nightclubs Coolworld and the Midnite Rodeo Club (now closed) is a century-old warehouse complex that is said to have a ghost in residence. A blurry gray form has been spotted in a hallway on security cameras or walking across the dance floor toward a space that used to be an office. Orbs also were known to flutter around the club’s dance cages.

Schrader Road Tunnel

Schrader Road Tunnel is rumored to be haunted by a ghost or two. A legend says that a woman put her unwanted baby on the train tracks, and then, in some versions of the story, hanged herself. The baby is heard crying here. But there may be another ghost as well: A woman who was murdered and hung from a nearby tree in a waterbed mattress is said to haunt the tunnel as well. Cold spots and blood dripping from the ceiling have been reported.

Town Hall Theatre

The Town Hall Theatre, according to witnesses, has a sensitive ghost who doesn’t like it when the plays put on here have profane language or nudity. The spirit is said to act up during such performances in order to show his displeasure. There is also alleged to be an apparition that shows up in an upper floor and looks strikingly like Abraham Lincoln.

Capital University

Capital University’s Kerns Religious Life Center is said to have a haunted basement. Folks down there have felt unexplained sadness and trouble breathing, and lights are said to come on by themselves. The Science Building may also have a ghost–the spirit of a former biology professor. The sixty-something man’s apparition seen here wears a white lab coat and carries a beaker and an apothecary bottle. He has been seen putting away science equipment in the labs after students finish using it. Other strange things attributed to the ghost are microscopes that are flung across rooms and lab animals that are released from their cages.

The Screaming Bridge of Maud Hughes Road

Maud Hughes Road has a haunted bridge known to locals as the Screaming Bridge. Locals say it has been the site of at least 36 deaths through accidents and suicides. Witnesses have reported apparitions, mists, hooded figures, strange lights, and a phantom train on the tracks below. There are many, many legends about the place. One tells of a man and woman whose car stalled on the bridge. The man got out to look at it and when he came back, the girl had been hanged from the bridge. The man then was killed as well, and both their screams are heard here. Another legend says a baby was thrown off the bridge and its mother hanged herself her afterward. Yet another tale is that a school bus driver lost control and all the children on the bus were killed.

Egypt Road Bridge

The closed Egypt Road Bridge, or Crybaby Bridge, is haunted day and night by the sound of a crying baby. Legend has it that a baby went missing while its parents were fighting, and it fell over the side of the bridge. The scream of its mother and the crying of the baby are both heard in the area. The bridge was in the news in 2010 when an elderly woman was found strangled to death and burned nearby.

Rogue's Hollow Bridge

Rogue’s Hollow Bridge, or Crybaby Bridge, has a couple of legends attached to it that may explain the ghostly crying sound heard here. One says that long ago a woman tossed her unwanted newborn over the bridge, and now the phantom scene replays here along with the sound of a baby crying. A similar story says that the woman became pregnant by a married man, and the townspeople accused her of seducing him by witchcraft and threatened to take her baby from her. To stop this from happening, the woman threw the baby over the side of the bridge.

Levee House Café

The Levee House, built around 1826 as a dry goods store for merchant Dudley Woodbridge, later became La Belle Hotel and was rumored to have been a brothel at some time in its history. Its legend says that a brothel employee and a man who was visiting her were both shot and killed by the man’s disgruntled son, who was upset at the way the man was disrespecting his family. His death didn’t stop the man from visiting the brothel, however. His ghost has been seen coming into the back entrance in the wee hours of the morning.

Johnson's Island Confederate Cemetery

Johnson’s Island Confederate Cemetery is home to phantom battles, complete with gunshots, soldiers’ screams and marching sounds. It is said that during the Memorial Day parades held on Johnson Island, the deceased soldiers march along with the living soldiers.