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Nye Hall - University of Nevada

Built on the site of an old graveyard, the whole building experiences some sort of paranormal activity, however it is concentrated on the first and sixth floors. On the first floor, voices are heard in the bathroom when no one is around. On the sixth floor, there is a poltergeist whom they call “Little Timmy”. He turns the bathroom faucets on and off, shuts doors, and drags objects through rooms.

(Submitted by Milo)

Metlo Building

Our office has had remotes fly off shelves and the security cameras have captured light reflections and moving lights that can’t be explained. Weird noises and smells are not uncommon. Very weird feeling that someone is in the bathroom happens quite often.

Cleaning crew that operates laundry by out of the basement have seen a shadow cross the hall.

I’ve been in the elevator and seen all the floors light up as if someone had pushed the buttons.

(Submitted by Roberto)

N and B Pawn Shop

The Pawnshop’s building is bordering a cemetery. Prior the the building being used as pawnshop, it was used as a tombstone maker shop. The property is over two acres and contains Indian Burial Mounds. Countless paranormal experiences have been recorded on security camera’s. Items flying off shelves, item captured moving and orbs recorded. Strange odors, and sounds along with shadows. Cold sensations that will raise the hairs in the back of one’s neck.

Native American rituals were performed to place the spirits at ease, however paranormal activities continue to amaze the staff. Professional paranormal investigators are welcome to investigate.

(Submitted by Elizabeth B)

Wisconsin State Historical Society

Supposedly, the place is haunted by two ghosts. One is a man who fell asleep at his desk and didn’t wake up. The other is a man who committed suicide by falling off the third floor landing onto a marble floor (you can still see the blood in the mable on the banisters). You feel like you’re being watched. Sometimes, you hear footsteps following you in the halls. Occasionally (where the books are), you hear books being thrown onto the floor.

(Submitted by James)

Boardman House Inn

At this 1860 Inn, the apparition of a man in period clothing smoking cigar in the library have been reported.

(Submitted by Andre H.)

Quality Inn and Suites at NASA Ames

1.) During a trip in 2014, while almost asleep, something jumped on my bed. After rapidly turning on a light, no-one or anything was there.

2.) A colleague was staying at the same hotel (same year). While sitting on his room bed, he said he felt as if at least three people sat on the bed beside him. Only, no-one was present.

3.) Another colleague was staying here also. He claimed during his entire stay that he felt as if someone were constantly watching him.

All occurances happened in East Wing rooms, 1st floor.

(Submitted by Doug S.)

Colorado River Forest

This location has had numerous sightings of Slenderman. There is a large forest where you can find symbols marked on trees, as well as abandoned buildings. Many sigtings of UFOS’s have been reported as well. This place is a hot spot for cryptid activity.

(Submitted by Morgan)


Pluckley, a small village in the county of Kent in England, is well known as the most haunted place in the UK. However, just a couple of miles down the road and sitting in a valley is the historic village of Charing. My family lived there for many years and as a lad I heard many tales of the various hauntings in the village. Charing has been an inhabited village for over a thousand years, and most of the buildings date back at least two hundred years, many of them are very much older, some dating to the early Tudor period or before. Many of the houses still have spells against witchcraft carved into the oak mantle beams, or painted onto the walls. The village has always been important as a pilgrim rest on the long walk from Winchester to Canterbury and even has an Archbishops palace, once used by the Archbishops as a stopping off point on the journey to London. I remember hearing of the local ghosts from older folk in the village, some of whom had actually experienced them themselves. Sadly, most of the people who live there now have little to do with village life, it is now just a pleasant place to be when not working in London. When I left there were around a dozen shops in the village, they have almost all closed, leaving just a general store, news agent, butchers and post office.

One of the most interesting ghosts concerned a Tudor house close to the junction with the A20 road and across the road from the village hall, which itself is also haunted. The old house was used around two hundred years ago as a kind of orphanage for small children. The owner of the house would take them in and recieve a small amount from the local alms to provide for them. The children lived at the top of the house in a large room with just a small window, the house has hardly changed and the window can still be seen. One of the reasons that Charing became an important village was the easy access to good drinking water, several of the houses still have wells inside. The black and white Tudor house had its own well which was around twenty feet deep, and a bucket was used to lift the water. This is what led to the houses most persistent ghost. While lifting water, the owner of the house dropped a bucket down the well and though he used a hook and rope, was not able to retrieve it. He decided to force one of the small girls down the well to collect the bucket, and lowered her down. The loop that he had made in the rope for her to stand in gave way and she plunged down the well. Within an hour or two a wild rainstorm hit the village. The man had not seeked help with trying to save the girl and she drowned in the well. The torrential rain brought the level of the water up overnight and the girls body floated up. When he next opened the well cover, the house owner found the body and decided to make the death look like an accident. He transferred the body to a large pond just a short distance away, and placed a hoop and stick next to the body, to make it look as though the girl had died after falling into the pond while playing. He told local people and the other children that she had wandered off and that he had not seen her for a few days, to cover up the accident. The body was quickly found and at first he was believed. Within a week or so, muffled cries could be heard from the side of the house where the well was, and then the ghost started to make its appearance.

Apparently it is seen as a small child of about five years old, soaking wet and encrusted by pond weed. It is said to appear during the late summer months, at both the pond, which still exists although now private and behind a high fence, but much more often at the house, often being seen in the summer twilight hovering above the well, or staring fixedly from the upper window. The house owner was found guilty of neglect and the death of the girl and was imprisoned for many years. The house suffered during this time and the foundations sank into the sand, leaving the house as it is now, leaning to one side and giving it a sad and unloved look.
The village hall across the road has its own contingent of ghosts, it was used as a small hospital for soldiers during World War 1. A plauque in the porch commemorates those lost. A nurse and also a tall man wearing part of a soldiers uniform are sometimes seen, and the smell of cigarettes is often noticed, although smoking in the hall has been banned for many years.

The local church yard also has a erie aspect. Generally it is very well kept, although part of it is very neglected with the graves and stones overgrown, I was told that spirits had been seen here in the form of strange lights and mists under the trees. It is worth having a look here, as the headstones are actually quite interesting, many of the also having the added small headstones for babies and children. The churchyard also has a large headstone giving the life story of a soldier who fought in the American war of independace and elswhere. Should you venture to Charing, take a walk along the haunted bridleway which joins Pett lane to the old Pilgrims way. My dogs would never even enter this place, and I have felt the presence of unseen eyes following me along. It is said that robbers from the manor of Wickens would raid parties of pilgrims here, stealing whatever they had and murdering those who resisted. Wickens is one of the oldest and most interesting of the village houses with large gardens and its own lake.

These are just a few of the local stories that I remember from my childhood back in the fifties, there are several more, as well as many from around the local villages. The area has a rich history, but these days not many people know or can relate the old tales and legends. I often think of the village and how it has changed from being a small close community to a middle class dormitary for commuters, the incommers taking little interest in the village itself. Apparently it no longer has even a pub, although I suspect the various ghosts are still going strong.

(Submitted by Kenton)

Preston Hall - Stockton-on-Tees

The ghost of a highwayman, a woman walking her dog, and most commonly, a grey lady have been seen.

(Submitted by Chris Berglund)

Thornaby Centre

The ghost of an airman is said to be here; some of the electrical equipment acts up by itself as if someone is controlling it.

(Submitted by Chris Berglund)