O’Neal Bridge, aka Holiday Drive Bridge, was built around 1892 and restored in 2008-2009. The bridge may no longer be in use, according to reports. Legend has it that around this spot, a KKK lynching took place, and hauntings way stem from it. Witnesses have reported disembodied screams in the wee hours.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Holiday Road
Zionsville, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.98133709541491, -86.27261513458507
- County:
- Boone County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Zionsville, IN (2.2 mi.)
Whitestown, IN (4.0 mi.)
Dale, IN (7.2 mi.)
Carmel, IN (8.2 mi.)
Williams Creek, IN (8.6 mi.)
Westfield, IN (8.8 mi.)
Meridian Hills, IN (8.8 mi.)
North Crows Nest, IN (9.9 mi.)
Crows Nest, IN (10.1 mi.)
Broad Ripple, IN (10.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I grew up just north of this location. We heard two stories about this bridge growing up in Zionsville. 1) A young man tormented by heartbreak hung himself and still haunts the bridge reportedly in the fall but has only been seen when you approach the bridge by foot.
2) That a scout troop was caught by a flash flood in the middle of the night while they slumbered and all drowned. Some of the older high school children reported having heard the cries or laughter of children after midnight.
This road has been closed for a few years now and is no longer accessible by vehicle.
the girls comment above is wrong. the bridge is accessible for vehicles and has been open for awhile.
Took a picture from the path leading under the bridge and saw the orb in the picture.
I lived in Sheridan, Indiana 16 years of my life from the time I was a newborn I used to walk the streets at night when the rest of the town was for the most part asleep, it’s none too bad as I have seen way worse now then what I knew then but I find it’s fun if you want some evps, also on a side note I went a took training to deal with spirits so I know what I am looking at here, if you look closer at the blue orb you can make out a bit of a face via mist surrounding it. How ever this manifestation of a face is quite week compared to things and the spirit here didn’t have enough to really cause any harm, this place in fact in my opinion can be cleansed via the proper methods and set to rest. The Christians for this wouldn’t have the right method, they would wind up feeding the thing and cause more problems for others. In the end as long as this isn’t antagonized it’s pretty much harmless also this is a guess but I mite know the Cassie here that posted this photo.. I miss people so much
correction the orgional commenter
I’ve been to the bridge 4 times, twice at night. I was just there about 10 minutes ago & went down a path leading to the water under the bridge. As I looked across there was a rope with a hole in the bottom, like a noose, hanging from the bridge. I looked to the left & there were human footprints (shoeless) in the mud that were clearly fresh. Pretty creepy stuff
I live near this bridge in Zionsville and was taught in middle school that the KKK hung people from it. If you go over this hill to the south there is a small cemetery as well where they were supposedly buried. The cemetery is old, though everything around the landscape is peaceful and cool. I’m 15 and I always jump off the bridge into eagle creek with friends and roll around in the mud at the bottom. I have seen the rope one person was talking about under the bridge but it is new because it wasn’t there a year ago. I think some kids like me put it there to swing on or to grab onto when the current takes you under the bridge after jumping off. The bridge and cemetery are obviously not haunted though. It’s always been a place to have fun (day or night) and even though some bad stuff happened there it’s still a normal and happy place.
I used to visit this bridge all the time, it is a beautiful road to drive on. I went there last night with my sister and nothing weird happened. I took some pictures to show my friends that i was really there. Well I took one picture under the bridge and when I got home, I noticed something weird in the bottom right hand corner. The light is the moon reflecting off of the water but there appears to be two shadows. I don’t think the bridge is haunted but this is definelty spooky..
Been here. First time was 2010 I think. No voice and didn’t see anything. But my ex-friend took some pictures and when we enhanced them a bit we saw a outline of a person.
Took this tonight can see a womas face
Basically we got this picture. I have more, but I can only upload one. I have a total of 3, and each 3 have the figure the. And a lot more freaky stuff has happened there.
Sorry. We have 3 pictures of the figure starting at the edge of the bridge, coming up next to her.
Hi Spencer! I’m currently doing a video series about haunted places in Indiana. I would love to talk to you guys about what happened and would ask permission to use your photos in my video! You can email me at mackenzie.mccracken@yahoo.com. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi Justin! I am currently working on a video series about haunted areas in Indiana. I would love to hear about your experience from you guys and ask permission to use this photo in the video! You can reach me at mackenzie.mccracken@yahoo.com. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Holy crap that’s cool!!! Gotta go!! U guys need to look up dog face bridge.. but go when mosquitoes are down
being a paranormal investigator, i can only say 2 words… road trip!
I have a story about this location. I have lived in Zionsville my entire life. I have been there a billion times. A couple odd things happened in this location for me but one instance stands out way more than any other experience. I have too much to type. Please feel free to email me if you’d like to hear my story. Mncovert88@gmail.com
I also live in Zionsville, right next to the bridge. We drive through it all the time, because my husband knows it’s my favorite road (Holiday Road). It’s really pretty, but there is definitely a creepy quietness there. I am obsessed with paranormal stuff so I’ve been trying to gather the gall to check it out with some equipment at night!!
Hey guys! Schuler Johnson here from P.I.O.T. Paranormal! My team has been to this bridge 2 times in the past 3 weeks, and are going a third time this coming week to get some final verdicts. Please feel free to contact us at p.i.o.t.paranormal@gmail.com for anything paranormal related!
Our official website is “piotparanormal.com” and we are on FB as “P.I.O.T. Paranormal” as wel! We’re a non-profit organization for our services and are currently traveling all over Indiana. Drop us a line if you have a suggestion for haunted locations or simply want to talk paranormal! Thank you and stay frosty!
I took this picture I will not be going back lol
Time for a new bridge…..
Weird story about this bridge: 3 friends of mine were driving on holiday road late at night in 2010, and as they came around a curve in the road there was a long line of white robed figures holding what appeared to be oil lanterns.
My friends couldn’t decide if the robed group was some kind of Klan meeting, or if they were paranormal, since when they looked into the eyes of the robed people they only saw white…
Update as of May 2020. The bridge has been rebuilt again but, both sides of the road are now blocked off. Which doesn’t make sense because there are houses back there and how are people going to be able to get in and out? Anyway so the only way to get there I think is a walking path or cut through the woods or something.
is the bridge still haunted even tho it has been rebuilt
Bridge is no longer accessible. A neighborhood has been built off of 421 and it is a gated community with security staff present 24/7. The other entrance has been bought out by a private resident and is now a complete private road/drive.