Omni Austin Hotel

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Rumor has it that the ghost at this hotel is the spirit of a man, Jack, who committed suicide by jumping off the balcony. Since he was unable to pay his tab, his name still remains in the computer log. Night staff say they can hear Jack in his room at night, and other guests staying in nearby rooms have reported hearing him as well.

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Geographic Information

700 San Jacinto Blvd
Austin, TX 78701
United States

Get Directions »
30.2690317, -97.74048199999999
Travis County, Texas
Nearest Towns:
Austin, TX (0.2 mi.)
Rollingwood, TX (3.1 mi.)
West Lake Hills, TX (4.2 mi.)
Sunset Valley, TX (4.8 mi.)
Lost Creek, TX (6.5 mi.)
Barton Creek, TX (7.8 mi.)
Hornsby Bend, TX (9.5 mi.)
Onion Creek, TX (9.5 mi.)
San Leanna, TX (9.7 mi.)
Shady Hollow, TX (10.2 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (5)

  1. I was an employee at this hotel at the time of the guests suicide. It was my day off, but I was informed of all the details the following day. I remember the guests last name was Miller, though not sure if his first name was Jack. He checked in and paid cash, but had a c/c on reserve. He specifically requested a room with a balcony. Only rooms on floors 16 an up and evenly numbered have balconies. I believe he was in room 1614 or 1620 if memory serves. A suicide note was found written on the bathroom mirror and the room trashed before he jumped.

    I have not had any experiences with supernatural events at this hotel. I do remember that the housekeeping staff refused to clean that room from that night on.

    • I should have mentioned in my original post above, that I worked at the hotel from June ’99 to I think May of “01. I think the suicide happened in ’00. Not sure of exact date.

  2. Well I am sure this is going to sound crazy. I do not believe in ghosts, but I had an experience not even knowing about this story. I told the staff and they thought I was nuts. I was not on the 16th floor. I think I was in room 1312 or something. In the middle of the night, I felt like someone was right up against my face, staring at me. I thought it was one of my kids bugging me and that I had overslept. I tried to wave them off..and then it got weird. I felt this very creepy presence right up against my neck getting closer and closer…almost like trying to kiss me. I instantly woke up, and the clock said 4:05 am. Everyone else in the room was asleep! It was very, very creepy and I KNOW I wasn’t dreaming. Do you know when this person died in the hotel?

  3. I remember the parking lot that was on this site for years. In the late ’80’s I was driving south on San Jacinto (east side of hotel) when a woman hit the road in front of me. Her name was Sandra Cantu and had jumped from the pool area to her death.

  4. I believe in ghosts & the supernatural!! Didnt happen to me but my boyfriend works there he told me one of his buddies which doesn’t work there anymore had experiences like presences in the room he is alone in, seeing black smoke around a corner, felt cold spots & the scariest one to me is he was in the 16th floor walking when he heard footsteps of a man like big footsteps. Weird!!

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