The inn was established in 1696, and is the oldest on Cape Cod. It is said to be haunted. One witness reported an apparition that appeared at the foot of his bed in 1999. The ghost was a jowly man wearing a flounced white blouse. Another witness, in 2002, reported that a ghost sat on his bed and then shook the bedposts. Lights and appliances turn on by themselves, objects move on their own, and members of the wait staff have heard their names whispered.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 223 Route 6a
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675-1717
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.70390879960603, -70.24531112764737
- County:
- Barnstable County, Massachusetts
- Nearest Towns:
- Yarmouth Port, MA (0.2 mi.)
Yarmouth, MA (0.9 mi.)
Barnstable, MA (2.8 mi.)
Dennis, MA (3.4 mi.)
West Yarmouth, MA (3.7 mi.)
Hyannis, MA (4.0 mi.)
South Yarmouth, MA (4.0 mi.)
West Dennis, MA (4.6 mi.)
South Dennis, MA (4.7 mi.)
East Dennis, MA (5.1 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://oldyarmouthinn.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I would love to be allowed to spend a few minutes there if possible. We are fascinated with ghosts, and are on vacation for the week. My son used to be visited by spirits and is somewhat a medium. This would make our trip.
Around 1986 my wife and I stayed overnight at the in on our way to Maine. We checked in on a Saturday afternoon after a ride up from NJ. We were in the oldest part of the inn and which consisted of two smallish rooms that were joined to make one room. At the end of the room was a small closet with a wainscot door that was about 4′ high with a wooden latch. That evening before we went to bed, we took turns using one of the shared bath facilities. My wife left the room first while I was watching an old black and white TV from the bed.
As soon as my wife left the room and closed the door behind her, the small wooden latch swung around allowing the short, closet door to quietly swing open. I chuckled to my self saying the room must be haunted (not really believing it). When my wife came back into the room, I got up to take my turn in brushing my teeth etc. I came back and there was no repeat of what happened when my wife left the room.
The next morning we woke up planning on getting an early start to Portland Maine. We again followed the same protocol of taking turns using the facilities with my wife again taking the lead. Again, to my surprise, when she left the room and closed the door, the closet again opened itself by having the wooden latch move. I can assure you it was not from vibration or whatever. I again took notice and again chuckled to my self.
At this point (around 7:30 AM Sunday morning) we went down to the dining room and took a table near the Continental Breakfast layout. We were the only ones in the dining room at that hour so we were having a quiet breakfast by ourselves. It was at this time that a car pulled into the parking lot outside of our window and a single gentleman got out and came into the inn. He came to the entrance of the dining room at the far end and it was at that time that he noticed us. He walked over and in a friendly manner said hi and introduced himself. He said that he was the owner of the inn and that after finding that we were from NJ, he told us that he was from NJ as well.
He joined us with a cup of coffee and we had a pleasant conversation. At a point he casually asked us if we had “met the ghost” or something to that effect. It was at that point that I said yes while laughing. He then went on to tell us of the woman who has haunted the old part of the inn and manifests herself only to men (that explains why the events only happened when my wife left the room). He also said that she has manifested herself to workmen who were doing repairs to the inn and that she would also remove certain things from the guests, never anything of value apparently.
To this day, I remember the events, the trip and the pleasant conversation with the gentleman who owned the inn at that time. A delightful place to spend the night!