Here, folks have witnessed apparitions in reflections or from the corner of their eyes, and spirit orbs have appeared in photographs. Troubles during renovations were attributed to ghosts who weren’t welcome to the change, but at last the spirits gave in and allowed the place to be restored.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 495 U.S. 101
Wheeler, OR 97147
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.68964901909627, -123.88190531731198
- County:
- Tillamook County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Wheeler, OR (0.1 mi.)
Nehalem, OR (2.2 mi.)
Bayside Gardens, OR (2.3 mi.)
Manzanita, OR (3.2 mi.)
Neahkahnie Beach, OR (3.9 mi.)
Rockaway Beach, OR (6.0 mi.)
Garibaldi, OR (9.1 mi.)
Bay City, OR (11.5 mi.)
Idaville, OR (12.4 mi.)
Cape Meares, OR (14.3 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Worked and lived there for roughly a year….LOVE IT miss it dearly.
Yes room 3 is haunted, and by an evil entity. My husband and I were told that was the only room vacant so we took it. If the owners would have told us it was haunted, we wouldn’t have taken it. In the middle of the night some dark entity tried to get on top of me and smother me. I screamed and awoke my husband. That room should be locked and never used. The owners seem to not care that it is haunted and seem to have a good laugh at your expense. If you want to meet an evil ghost stay in room 3. I would never return there.
My sister and I spent a night in room 1. We had a lovely, peaceful evening in there and the breakfast room/lounge right next door to us. We both had a couple of paranormal experiences, the most striking being creaking floorboards in the morning (around 8:00 a.m. when we were trying to sleep in) as if someone were walking back and forth at the foot of our bed. This went on for several minutes, and in my drowsy state I thought people were simply walking around in the bordering breakfast room. But when we both got up we realized this wasn’t the case. We even tested to see if the sound could come from that other room, but it turned out this was impossible. Seems a ghost was impatient for us to get out of bed and was using our room’s squeaky floorboards to send a message.
A most amazing stay. Have stayed several times. Our Honeymoon, first wedding Anniversary, a getaway; going back for a three day stay.
A most amazing stay.
Room 4 Honeymoon
Wonderful stay
We stayed for our honeymoon.
Yes, paranormal experiences. But they are my experiences. I choose not to share. I stayed not knowing any history. My experiences were very real. I’ve stayed two times since and have another vacation planned for several days.
Do not let any one customer’s experience stop you from going.
My family owned this hotel in the late 1960’s. My grandmother Juanita Yanosko was helping her mother Jesse Embler run it. I have recently found letters that I have no idea who wrote talking about a “person” in the living quarters. My Aunt wrote a letter when she was there describing a rocking chair that rocked on it’s own. I believe there use to be an arthritis clinic that people would go to for treatment and stay at the hotel.
The hotel was a fully operational Hospital in the 60’s, so I think you’ve got the wrong location?
It was a fully operational hotel from the 1940’s to the late 80’s when it closed its doors in the 1980’s. The building changed ownership’s in the 80’s and 90’s. The Laszlos were driving through Wheeler in 1998 and stopped for coffee and refurbished the hotel into a unique place to stay and in 2009, Katie Brown bought the hotel and she transformed it back into a hotel.
Whoops, I meant Hospital