This restaurant sits on top of the Shanghai Tunnels in Portland OR where thousands disappeared. There was a lady that was a prostitute named Nina that was thrown down the elevator shaft and you can sit where the elevator used to be. There are places on the floor where you can see now sealed trap doors. People say they catch shadows, mist and objects in photos. The staff reports walking threw cold spots with pins and needles, taps on the shoulder, whispers in the ear, taps on picture frame that are repeated when addressed. The hanging stained glass in the elevator shaft where Nina passed has been known to sway when there is no breeze. They also report having cold water turned off so it’s only hot when both are on. Knocking on the door for the tours when there is no key for the door that leads to the tunnels. Bartenders have reported their hands being slowly pulled off taps when pouring. A server reported being chased up the stairs from the basement (former tunnels) on his first day. And a man in black suit from the 1880s has been seen walking up the stairs when the restaurant wasn’t open. Some of this is my own first hand accounts.
(Submitted by Michael W)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 226 NW Davis St
Portland, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.5243779, -122.6730043
- County:
- Multnomah County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Portland, OR (0.2 mi.)
West Haven-Sylvan, OR (4.6 mi.)
West Haven, OR (4.7 mi.)
West Slope, OR (4.8 mi.)
Raleigh Hills, OR (5.3 mi.)
Milwaukie, OR (5.6 mi.)
Maywood Park, OR (5.8 mi.)
Garden Home-Whitford, OR (5.9 mi.)
Lents, OR (6.0 mi.)
Cedar Hills, OR (6.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Nina is a very real presence in this building. The presence feels light hearted and sweet. It’s a place that when you walk in, you immediately know something is there.
Went there tonight to have some pizza and check it out. We were lucky to be able to sit in the room that used to be the elevator shaft (staff confirmed that for us). I was eating my pizza and felt something touching me on the back of my left shoulder. Thinking I had simply leaned back and touched the wall or something I turned my head to see thst my back was at least 1 foot from the wall. Not saying it was paranormal but there was for sure nothing that would have touched me in the room.
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