Tenants in the building have been locked out of their offices, and had things thrown at them by an unseen force. The bell tower is haunted by an unknown entity, which rings the bells late at night or in the early hours of morning. Security guards have reported seeing floating shadowy apparitions on various floors of the building, and outside the old council chambers, the sound of someone coughing can be heard when there is no one around.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 625 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 47.2576001, -122.4400617
- County:
- Pierce County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- Tacoma, WA (0.4 mi.)
Fircrest, WA (3.8 mi.)
Fife, WA (4.1 mi.)
Dash Point, WA (4.3 mi.)
Ruston, WA (4.3 mi.)
Fife Heights, WA (4.4 mi.)
Waller, WA (5.1 mi.)
University Place, WA (5.4 mi.)
Milton, WA (6.0 mi.)
Midland, WA (6.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I used to take my son here for appointments and always felt a very eerie feeling of being watched. The restroom was downstairs and i would not go alone. Many years later i found out this building was haunted.
After reading this place was haunted, I decided too let my curiosity take me. I’m not sure what location of this building is called but it has a gate and a locked off fence leading too what seems to be a basement I presume. but behind the stairs is a medium sized room, with rubble and such, no idea what’s it’s purpose was for but I decided too take a video. I’m very into paranormal. as I was taking a video I was explaining my surroundings. but really caught the light of the moment was a barrel in the far right corner accompanied by debris and such. I decided too take a look at it and while taking a video of it my camera (phone) it starts showing color lines on the screen like it was glitching out. I Decided too get the hell out of there but while the video was still rolling my flash was on and all of a sudden it turned off. so in my mind I’m like “odd”. but the most eerie thing is my phone was exactly at 67% but as soon as I get out of the place my phone is jumping from 20% too 16% then 2%. but that’s not the end before I tried too save the video my phone froze as if whomever didn’t want me too expose “them”all my apps worked fine except for my camera and gallery.the scary thing is this all happened within 15 mins
your phones battery was draining fast because the spirits were using its energy to interact with you. next time you go take an old radio and put it on a static channel. this will let you hear and speak to the spirits.
what was the date of this that it happened?
My husband and I took our dog out for a walk one night, walking right past the building on Pacific Ave- when outside the building I saw what appeared to be a man in coveralls looking down dusting himself off, when he looked up at me, he vanished.
My friend and I went on a ghost tour of downtown Tacoma several years ago. We got there early and decided to go to an antique shop 2 doors down from our meeting spot. AS we walked in, I immediately felt extremely uncomfortable and only stayed in the front of the store. There was a grandfather clock on the right hand side that made me the most uncomfortable. I did talk to the owner and she said that the grandfather clocks front glass would explode from the inside out. They had to replace the glass several times. There was no explination why. I knew there was something wrong with it and the feeling was getting so heavy we had to leave the shop. So, my friend and I left. We went to the store to where we were supposed to meet for the ghost tour. As we walked out and were waking around, we went by the old Tacoma city hall. I looked up at the bell tower and saw a man jumping to his death. But I kept seeing it over and over and over. I felt like he was from the great depression. I talked to the tour guide. And he said that that could have been a possibility due to people losing all their money. But he had never heard a story about a person jumping. But as I looked up there again, he just kept falling over and over. As we went back to the old antique shop, I had told the guide that I did have abilities to sense things and he said please walk around the shop and tell me some hot spots that you feel. As I walked around, I walked by the women’s bathroom and felt like someone was stand there watching. I continued and walked towards the back. I felt very overwelmed with dread and felt like there was many people standing back there. I went to the front and told him what I felt. He said that the bathroom they would see a woman inside the bathroom and walking out of the bathroom. The back area was where there was a fire. Women and children had burned to death. He told me that mediums have come in and felt the exact same feelings in the same spots. Very interesting night for sure.